A RESOLUTION requesting the County Administration to move forward with the development of a fleet vehicle maintenance program and present to the Legislature a comprehensive plan for the acquisition, repair, and maintenance of County vehicles.
RESOLUTION NO. 20695, June 14, 2021
INTRODUCED BY Ronald E. Finley, County Legislator
WHEREAS, the 2021 Jackson County budget includes over two million dollars for equipment replacement, which represents a significant increase in funding; and,
WHEREAS, the Public Works Department was allocated $665,890.00 to partially fund a systematic replacement of its vehicle fleet; and,
WHEREAS, the Sheriff's Office was allocated $800,000.00 towards replacement of its fleet of over one hundred vehicles on a five-year basis; and,
WHEREAS, by Resolution 20689, now pending before the Legislature, the Sheriff's Office is proposing to use $322,150.00 of its allocation to purchase seventeen used patrol vehicles from the Missouri State Highway Patrol; and,
WHEREAS, the Parks + Rec Department was allocated $350,000.00 to begin a systematic fleet replacement for all parks vehicles, while $100,000.00 was budgeted to the Assessment Department to begin a fleet acquisition for that department; and,
WHEREAS, currently each department is responsible for its own fleet maintenance and repair needs using various term and supply vendors; and,
WHEREAS, by this Resolution the Legislature requests the County Administration to develop a fleet maintenance program to manage all County vehicles and review the costs of maintenance, as well as develop a schedule for vehicle acquisition and replacement; now therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED by the County Legislature of Jackson County, Missouri, that the Legislature hereby requests the County Administration to move forward with the development of a fleet vehicle maintenance program and present to the Legislature a comprehensive plan for t...
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