A RESOLUTION authorizing the Director of Finance and Purchasing to execute contracts with Enterprise Fleet Management of Merriam, KS, to sell certain County-owned vehicles and declaring county-owned vehicles as surplus and authorizing their disposal pursuant to chapter 11 of the Jackson County Code.
RESOLUTION NO. 21119, December 5, 2022
INTRODUCED BY Tony Miller, County Legislator
WHEREAS, by Resolution 20770, dated September 27, 2021, the Legislature did authorize the lease of fleet vehicles for use countywide from Enterprise Fleet Management of Merriam, KS; and,
WHEREAS, section 1131.2 of the County Code authorizes the Director of Finance and Purchasing to contract with the lessor of fleet vehicles for the sale of surplus County-owned vehicles; and,
WHEREAS, the Director of Finance and Purchasing recommends that the County contract with Enterprise for such sale and that the vehicles described on the attached declaration form be declared surplus and unusable and disposed of or transferred pursuant to chapter 11 of the Jackson County Code, and specifically section 1131.2; and,
WHEREAS, in order to accomplish such sale by Enterprise, the execution of the attached contracts is necessary; now therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED by the County Legislature of Jackson County, Missouri, that the property within the various County departments further described and itemized in the attached declaration forms be and hereby is declared surplus, and that the Director of Finance and Purchasing be and hereby is authorized to transfer the various items to Enterprise Fleet Management for sale, as provided in section 1131.2 of the Jackson County Code, 1984; and,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Executive be and hereby is authorized to execute the attached contracts with Enterprise Fleet Management and any and all other documents necessary to give effect to the intent of this Resolution.
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