File #: 18902    Version: 0 Name: Term & Suppy contracts hardware and software by use of various departments
Type: Resolution Status: Passed
File created: 8/6/2015 In control: Finance and Audit Committee
On agenda: 8/10/2015 Final action: 8/17/2015
Title: A RESOLUTION awarding twelve-month term and supply contracts for the furnishing of personal computers and miscellaneous computer software and hardware for use by various County departments to Dell Marketing of Round Rock, TX, Hewlett Packard of Deerfield, IL, Software House International of Austin, TX, World Wide Technology of St. Louis, MO, and Alexander Open Systems of Overland Park, KS, under the terms and conditions set forth in Western States Contracting Alliance Contracts Nos. B27160 and B27164, State of Kansas Contracts Nos. 36093, 10330, and 38294, State of Missouri Contract No. C211034001, and Cooperating School Districts of Greater Kansas City Contract No. C062512, all existing government contracts.
Sponsors: Scott Burnett
Attachments: 1. 18902adopt, 2. 18902bu
Related files: 18225, 18590, 20255, 20475, 19093, 19256, 19593, 19938





A RESOLUTION awarding twelve-month term and supply contracts for the furnishing of personal computers and miscellaneous computer software and hardware for use by various County departments to Dell Marketing of Round Rock, TX, Hewlett Packard of Deerfield, IL, Software House International of Austin, TX, World Wide Technology of St. Louis, MO, and Alexander Open Systems of Overland Park, KS, under the terms and conditions set forth in Western States Contracting Alliance Contracts Nos. B27160 and B27164, State of Kansas Contracts Nos. 36093, 10330, and 38294, State of Missouri Contract No. C211034001, and Cooperating School Districts of Greater Kansas City Contract No. C062512, all existing government contracts.




RESOLUTION NO. 18902, August 10, 2015


INTRODUCED BY Scott Burnett, County Legislator




 WHEREAS, the County desires to purchase personal computers and miscellaneous computer software and hardware for use by various County departments to provide for their needs for the upcoming twelve-month period; and,


WHEREAS, the Director of Finance and Purchasing recommends the purchases under the terms and conditions set forth in Western States Contracting Alliance Contracts Nos. B27160 and B27164, State of Kansas Contracts Nos. 36093, 10330, and 38294, and State of Missouri Contract No. C211034001, and Cooperating School Districts of Greater Kansas City Contract No. C062512, all existing government contracts, due to the volume discounts offered to large entities; and,


WHEREAS, award as recommended would result in awards to the following vendors:



                     VENDOR                                                                                                           CONTRACT NO.


Dell Marketing, Round Rock, TX                                                                 WSCA No. B27160

Hewlett Packard, Deerfield, IL                                                                 WSCA No. B27164                                          

Software House International, Austin, TX                       State of KS No. 36093

World Wide Technologies, St. Louis, MO                       State of MO No. C211034001

Alexander Open Systems, Overland Park, KS                       State of Kansas Nos. 10330 & 38294

                                                                                                                                                     Consolidated School Districts of     Greater Kansas City No. C062515





WHEREAS, section 1030.4, Jackson County Code, 1984 requires, that for any such purchase in excess of $25,000.00, the Director of Finance and Purchasing shall submit the purchase to the County Legislature for approval; and,


WHEREAS, this award is made on an as needed basis and does not obligate Jackson County to pay any specific amount, with availability of funds for specific purchases subject to annual appropriation; now therefore,


BE IT RESOLVED by the County Legislature of Jackson County, Missouri, that award be made as recommended by the Director of Finance and Purchasing, and that the Director be and hereby is authorized to execute for the County any documents necessary to the accomplishment of the award; and,


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Director of Finance and Purchasing is authorized to make all payments, including final payment on the contracts thereby made, to the extent that sufficient appropriations to the issuing spending agencies are contained in the then current Jackson County budget.


Enacted and Approved

Effective Date:  This Resolution shall be effective immediately upon its passage by a majority of the Legislature.






______________________________                                            ________________________________

Chief Deputy County Counselor                                                               County Counselor


Certificate of Passage


                     I hereby certify that the attached resolution, Resolution No. 18902 of August 10, 2015, was duly passed on August 17, 2015 by the Jackson County Legislature.  The votes thereon were as follows:



                     Yeas _______7__________                               Nays _____0______



                     Abstaining ____0_______                            Absent _____2_______






______________________                                                                 ______________________________

Date                                                                                                                             Mary Jo Spino, Clerk of Legislature



Fiscal Note

This award is made on a need basis and does not obligate Jackson County to pay any specific amount.  The availability of funds for specific purchases is subject to annual appropriation.




____________________                                                                                    ______________________________

Date                                                                                                                                                   Director of Finance and Purchasing