File #: 20841    Version: 0 Name: Legislative Lobbying
Type: Resolution Status: Passed
File created: 12/8/2021 In control: County Legislature
On agenda: 12/13/2021 Final action: 12/13/2021
Title: A RESOLUTION authorizing the Chairman of the Legislature to execute an eleven-month Consulting Agreement with two twelve-month options to extend with Fred Dreiling, LLC, of Kansas City, MO, to serve as Chief Lobbyist to perform State Legislative Lobbyist Services for the Legislature, under the terms and conditions of Request for Qualifications No. 69-21, at a cost to the County for 2021 in the amount of $9,791.66, and a cost to the County for 2022 not to exceed $117,500.00.
Sponsors: Dan Tarwater III
Attachments: 1. 20841bu.pdf, 2. 20841adopt.pdf, 3. 20841 Fred Dreiling LLC.pdf
Related files: 19706, 20097, 20359, 20612, 21208, 21537, 21546, 21562, 21538, 21552, 21553, 21554, 21572, 21626, 21632, 21633, 21634

A RESOLUTION authorizing the Chairman of the Legislature to execute an eleven-month Consulting Agreement with two twelve-month options to extend with Fred Dreiling, LLC, of Kansas City, MO, to serve as Chief Lobbyist to perform State Legislative Lobbyist Services for the Legislature, under the terms and conditions of Request for Qualifications No. 69-21, at a cost to the County for 2021 in the amount of $9,791.66, and a cost to the County for 2022 not to exceed $117,500.00.

RESOLUTION NO. 20841, December 13, 2021

INTRODUCED BY Dan Tarwater III, County Legislator

WHEREAS, the Legislature has a continuing need for a consultant to assess the current political climate in the State of Missouri, recommend appropriate strategies that would benefit the County, inform the Legislature on all pertinent legislative issues, and provide lobbying service as requested, especially concerning health, parks and recreation, land use, road and bridge and other transportation-related matters; and,

WHEREAS, the Director of Finance and Purchasing issued Request for Qualifications (RFQ) No. 69-21 in connection with this need; and,

WHEREAS, a total of twenty-three notifications were distributed, two responses were received and evaluated; and,

WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 1054.6 of the Jackson County Code, the Director of Finance and Purchasing and the Chairman of the Legislature recommend the award of an eleven-month agreement with two twelve-month options to extend for Legislative Lobbyist Services to Fred Dreiling LLC of Kansas City, MO in an amount not to exceed $9,791.66 for the 2021 fiscal year; now therefore,

BE IT RESOLVED that the Chairman of the Legislature be and hereby is authorized to execute a Consulting Agreement with Fred Dreiling, LLC, in the amount of $9,791.66 for services in 2021, with funds for 2022 to be subject to appropriation in the County's 2022 annual budget; and,


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