AN RESOLUTION transferring $279,123.00 within the 2017 Grant Fund and authorizing the County Executive to execute an amendment to the 2016 SMART Prosecution Grant and a Cooperative Agreement with Ryan Samuelson of Kansas City, MO, to serve as the Community Engagement Coordinator of the East Patrol Pilot Project, at a cost to the County for 2017 not to exceed $7,650.00, and a two-year total cost of $24,000.00.
RESOLUTION NO. 19492, May 22, 2017
INTRODUCED BY Alfred Jordan and Dennis Waits, County Legislators
WHEREAS, by Ordinance 4925, dated October 31, 2016, the Legislature did authorize the acceptance of the SMART Prosecution Grant received from the U.S. Department of Justice for use by the Prosecuting Attorney's Office; and,
WHEREAS, the Smart Prosecution Initiative is a federal program designed to bring a strategic approach to criminal justice operations by using innovative applications of analysis, technology, and evidence-based practices with the goal of improving performance and effectiveness while containing costs; and,
WHEREAS, a portion of the grant is to be used to provide funding for a Community Engagement Coordinator for the East Patrol Pilot Project to assist with geographic-based prosecution in Kansas City's most violent areas; and,
WHEREAS, the Prosecuting Attorney's Office has requested, and the U.S. Department of Justice has agreed, to an amendment to reallocate grant funds to provide for a Cooperative Agreement for the Community Engagement Coordinator; and,
WHEREAS, the Prosecuting Attorney recommends the execution of an agreement with Ryan Samuelson to serve as the Community Engagement Coordinator within the SMART Prosecution Grant team at a 2017 cost to the County not to exceed $7,650.00, and a two-year total cost of $24,000.00; and,
WHEREAS, the Community Engagement Coordinator will be responsible for building alliances between East Patrol-based prosecutors...
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