A RESOLUTION awarding a contract on Invitation to Bid No. 41-22 for the Health Department Building Renovations Project, No. 3267, to Universal Construction Co., Inc., of Kansas City, KS, at an actual cost to the County not to exceed $3,611,441.00, and authorizing the Director of Public Works to approve line item adjustments under this contract at no additional cost to the County.
RESOLUTION NO. 21025, August 8, 2022
INTRODUCED BY Jalen Anderson, County Legislator
WHEREAS, the Director of Finance and Purchasing has solicited formal written bids on Bid No. 41-22 for the Health Department Building Renovations Project, No. 3267, for use by the Public Works Department; and,
WHEREAS, notifications were distributed through advertisement and online posting and four responses were received from the following:
Universal Construction Co., Inc.
Kansas City, KS $3,611,441
Hartline Construction, LLC
Kansas City (Jackson County), MO $3,711,077
Turner Construction Co.
Kansas City (Jackson County), MO $3,839,060
Rand Construction Company
Kansas City (Jackson County), MO $3,893,052
WHEREAS, the Directors of Public Works and Finance and Purchasing recommend the award of the contract to Universal Construction Co., Inc., of Kansas City, KS, for the reason that it has submitted the lowest and best bid; and,
WHEREAS, in the event that line item adjustments to the contract become necessary, it is appropriate that the Director of Public Works be authorized to approve said line item adjustments, to the extent there is no additional cost to the County; now therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED by the County Legislature of Jackson County, Missouri, that award be made as recommended by the Directors of Public Works and Finance and Purchasing and that the Director of Finance and Purchasing be and hereby is authorized to execute any documents necessary to the accomplishm...
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