A RESOLUTION requesting the County Administration and Communications Department to report to the Legislature on a regular basis on certain topics relating to the ongoing Coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic
RESOLUTION NO. 20428, May 18, 2020
INTRODUCED BY Ronald E. Finley, County Legislator
WHEREAS, as part of the Legislature's key oversight role, as described in Resolution 20414, dated April 20, 2020, the Legislature believes it is critical that the County Administration and Communications Department provide updates to the Legislature on a regular basis on certain important topics relating to the ongoing Coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic; and,
WHEREAS, the updates shall include information, as available, on the following topics:
1. The plan for future Jackson County testing sites and locations, and at what intervals;
2. The statistics on total number of people tested at each Jackson County site;
3. The statistics on total number of positive and negative Jackson County test results and any available recovery statistics;
4. The statistics on total number of COVID-19 cases in Jackson County and surrounding counties;
5. The statistics on total number of COVID-19 deaths in Jackson County and surrounding counties;
6. An ongoing identification of hot spots, if any, in Jackson County;
7. The progress on communications seeking unified testing and treatment policies between cities and Jackson County;
8. The number of test kits available and plans for procurement;
9. The statistics on hospital admissions, number of patients on ventilators, and virus levels in the general population;
10. The status of testing results in the Jackson County Detention Center and area nursing homes; and
11. Statistics on personal protective equipment (PPE), test supplies available, and plans for distribution;
now therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED by the County Legislature of Jackson County, Missouri, that the Legislature hereby re...
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