AN ORDINANCE appropriating $3,532.00 from the undesignated fund balance of the 2024 General Fund in acceptance of the Sheriff’s Office’s DWI/Traffic Safety Unit Salary Grant awarded by the Missouri Department of Transportation, Highway Safety and Traffic Division, and authorizing the County Executive to execute a contract for the acceptance and expenditure of grant funds.
ORDINANCE NO. 5863, July 1, 2024
INTRODUCED BY Venessa Huskey, County Legislator
WHEREAS, by Ordinance 5799 dated October 23, 2023, the Sheriff’s Office was awarded a grant in the amount of $302,374.00 by the Missouri Department of Transportation Highway Safety and Traffic Division, for the purpose of funding a six-person DWI/Traffic Safety Unit and the cost of one new vehicle with equipment for its use; and,
WHEREAS, the Sheriff Office has been awarded additional funds by the Missouri Department of Transportation, Highway Safety and Traffic Division for vehicle equipment and automobiles in the amount of $3,532.00; and,
WHEREAS, the Sheriff’s Office recommends the acceptance of this award and the execution of a revised contract with the Missouri Department of Transportation, Highway Safety and Traffic Division; and,
WHEREAS, an appropriation is necessary to place the grant funds in the proper spending accounts; now therefore,
BE IT ORDAINED by the County Legislature of Jackson County, Missouri, that the following transfer and appropriation be and hereby are made:
TO |
General Fund- Grants |
001G-9999 |
32810- Undesignated Fund Balance |
$3,532 |
Sheriff’s Traffic Unit |
001G-4202 |
58115- Sheriff Vehicle Equipment |
$1,400 |
001G-4202 |
58120- Automobiles |
$2,132 |
BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the County Executive be and hereby is authorized to execute the attached grant contract with the Missouri Department of Transportation Highway Safety and Traffic Division.
Enacted and Approved
Effective Date: This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its signature by the County Executive.
County Counselor
I hereby certify that the attached ordinance, Ordinance No. 5863 introduced on July 1, 2024, was duly passed on July 16, 2024 by the Jackson County Legislature. The votes thereon were as follows:
Yeas ______7_________ Nays ______0________
Abstaining _____0______ Absent _____2________
This Ordinance is hereby transmitted to the County Executive for his signature.
____________________ ________________________________
Date Mary Jo Spino, Clerk of Legislature
I hereby approve the attached Ordinance No. 5863.
____________________ ________________________________
Date Frank White, Jr., County Executive
Fiscal Note
Funds sufficient for this appropriation are available from the source indicated below
ACCOUNT NUMBER: 001G 9999 32810
Undesignated Fund Balance
NOT TO EXCEED: $3,532.00
There is a balance otherwise unencumbered to the credit of the appropriation to which the expenditure is chargeable and there is a cash balance otherwise unencumbered in the treasury to the credit of the fund from which payment is to be made each sufficient to provide for the obligation herein authorized.
ACCOUNT NUMBER: 001G 4202 58115
ACCOUNT TITLE: General Fund- Grants
Sheriff’s Traffic Unit
Sheriff Vehicle Equipment
NOT TO EXCEED: $1,400.00
ACCOUNT NUMBER: 001G 4202 58120
ACCOUNT TITLE: General Fund- Grants
Sheriff’s Traffic Unit
NOT TO EXCEED: $2,132.00
_________________ ________________________________
Date Chief Administrative Officer