Awarding a twelve-month term and supply contract with one twelve-month
option to extend for the furnishing of temporary janitorial services for use of
the Public Works Department at the Criminal Justice Center to MC Janitorial
of Olathe, Kansas, under terms and conditions of Invitation to Bid No. 16-22.
(Assigned to the Public Works Committee.)
Awarding a twelve-month term and supply contract with one twelve-month
option to extend, for the furnishing of drug and alcohol testing for use by the
Human Resources, Public Works, and Parks + Rec Departments and the
Sheriff’s Office, to Test Smartly Labs of Overland Park, KS, and Emergent
Care Plus, LLC, dba NextCare Urgent Care of Meza, AZ, under the terms
and conditions of Request for Proposals No. 22-22.
(Assigned to the Health and Environment Committee.)
Partially rescinding Resolution 20867, dated February 14, 2022, transferring
$75,000 within the 2022 Health Fund, and authorizing the County Executive
to execute Cooperative Agreements with certain outside agencies that
provide public health-related and other public services to the citizens of
Jackson County, at an aggregate cost to the County not to exceed
(Assigned to the Health and Environment Committee.)
Transferring $3,200,000.00 within the 2022 American Rescue Plan Fund to
support the Jackson County Health Department, allow the continued
employment of contact tracers, increase vaccination efforts and availability,
and pay other costs necessary in connection with the fight against the
ongoing Coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic through the end of 2022.
(Assigned to the Finance and Audit Committee.)
A motion was made by Tony Miller, seconded by Theresa Cass Galvin, to
adopt Resolution #20987, transferring $15,000.00 within the 2022 General
Fund and authorizing the County Executive to execute a Cooperative
Agreement and Addendum A to the Agreement among the Kansas City
Sports Commission, the City of Kansas City, the Unified Government of
WyCo/KCK, Visit KC, and Sporting KC, for the furnishing of strategic
planning services relating to the 2026 FIFA World Cup, at a cost to the
County in the actual amount of $15,000.00. The motion passed by a roll call
Yes: 9 -
Charlie Franklin, Theresa Cass Galvin, Jalen Anderson, Crystal
Williams, Tony Miller, Scott Burnett, Ronald E. Finley, Dan Tarwater
III and Jeanie Lauer
Caleb Clifford, Chief of Staff, said FIFA will announce the World Cup
locations on June 16, 2022.
A motion was made by Jalen Anderson, seconded by Dan Tarwater III, to
adopt Resolution #20988, honoring Barbara J. Casamento for her