A motion was made by Charlie Franklin, seconded by Manuel Abarca IV, to
approve the Consent Agenda. The motion passed by a roll call vote:
Yes: 6 -
Jeanie Lauer, Megan L. Marshall, Donna Peyton, Manuel Abarca IV,
Charlie Franklin and Sean E. Smith
Absent: 3 - Jalen Anderson, Venessa Huskey and DaRon McGee
Submitting to the qualified voters of Jackson County, Missouri, at a General
Election to be held on November 5, 2024, a question authorizing Jackson
County to impose a countywide capital improvement sales tax of
three-eighths of one percent for a period of forty years for the purpose of
retaining the Kansas City Chiefs sports team in Jackson County, Missouri.
(Assigned to the Finance and Audit Committee.)
Appropriating $89,990.00 from the undesignated fund balance of the 2024
Grant Fund in acceptance of the Violence Against Women Act Grant
awarded by the Missouri Department of Public Safety to the Prosecuting
Attorney’s Office for a program focused on prevention and prosecution of
sexual assaults.
(Assigned to the Justice and Law Enforcement Committee.)
Appropriating $3,532.00 from the undesignated fund balance of the 2024
General Fund in acceptance of the Sheriff’s Office’s DWI/Traffic Safety Unit
Salary Grant awarded by the Missouri Department of Transportation,
Highway Safety and Traffic Division, and authorizing the County Executive to
execute a contract for the acceptance and expenditure of grant funds.
(Assigned to the Justice and Law Enforcement Committee.)
Submitting to the qualified voters of Jackson County, Missouri, at the
general election to be held on November 5, 2024, a question to amend the
Jackson County Charter, with an effective date.
(Assigned to the Finance and Audit Committee.)
Manuel Abarca IV objected to the assignment of Ordinance #5864 to the
Finance and Audit Committee and requested it be sent to the Rules
Committee. Per Rule 16C, passage of a motion for reassignment requires a
two-thirds majority of those present and voting.
A motion was made by Manuel Abarca IV, seconded by Sean E. Smith to
reassign Ordinance #5864 to the Rules Committee. The motion failed by a
roll call vote:
Yes: 4 - Donna Peyton, Manuel Abarca IV, DaRon McGee, Sean E. Smith
No: 3 - Megan L. Marshall, Charlie Franklin, Jeanie Lauer
Absent: 2 - Jalen Anderson, Venessa Huskey