out an announcement this afternoon and daily throughout the week on the
county's website, by press release, on social media and posting signs to
provide more details to the residents of Jackson County about what offices
are reopened and what services are available. The County is trying to
reopen in a responsible manner, to avoid overwhelming the departments but
at the same time improving customer service. There will be some limitations
because the IT Department is restoring a large system based on a criminal
attack on the County through a ransomware agent. He said they will reach
out directly to those customers who were in line when the attack happened
so they can come back to the office this week to conduct their business. Ms.
Peyton said she appreciated the effort to improve customer service.
Manuel Abarca IV, County Legislator, echoed Ms. Peyton’s sentiments. He
asked about residents that received citations for expired tags or those who
needed property tax receipts in order to file their taxes by the deadline
today. Caleb Clifford, Chief of Staff, said they will work with taxpayers but
are limited by the reality of the situation. They will prioritize taxpayers that
have deadline situations and work with the departments and the County
Counselor's office. Each situation will be handled on a case-by-case basis
and they will do everything they can to assist them. Mr. Abarca asked if
these inquiries should be referred to the Chief of Staff. Mr. Clifford
responded yes.
Mr. Abarca asked for an update on the health insurance bid. Sylvya
Stevenson, Chief Administrative Officer, said this bid will close in 2 weeks in
Bonfire. Troy Schulte, County Administrator, said there will be at least two
responses. He said there is a tight turn around with the procurement process
and open enrollment but it is workable. Mr. Abarca said he saw a response
from CBIZ regarding weight loss participation and asked if it will be
considered as a potential rider. Troy Schulte said it will be evaluated.
Mr. Abarca asked the County Executive about communication with the
sports teams. Mr. White said there has not been any communication to date.
Mr. White said he expects it will take some time for the owners and Jackson
County to determine next steps. He said there is still time to have a
conversation with the teams. He said his focus is on the ransomware issue
at the moment. Manny Abarca IV asked if there is an understanding from
municipalities regarding the economic impact of losing both sports teams.
Frank White Jr. said he does not have an understanding of this as an
organization. He said he heard from the City of Independence indicating a
$10 million annual impact. His focus is to do what is best for the County. Mr.
White said he will send letters to the teams.
Resolutions #21600, #21601, #21602 and #21603 were adopted at this
time. See page 7 for details.
Justice and Law Enforcement Committee moved to perfect. Consent