Jackson County Missouri  
Jackson County Courthouse  
415 E.12th Street, 2nd floor  
Kansas City, Missouri 64106  
County Legislature  
Jeanie Lauer (5th) Chairman,  
Office of  
Megan L. Marshall (3rd AL) Vice Chairman,  
Mary Jo Spino  
Jalen Anderson (1st AL), Donna Peyton (2nd AL), Manuel Abarca IV (1st),  
Venessa Huskey (2nd), Charlie Franklin (3rd), DaRon McGee (4th),  
Sean E. Smith (6th)  
Clerk of the County Legislature  
Monday, May 13, 2024  
3:00 PM  
Seventeenth Regular Meeting  
K.C. Legislative Assembly Area, Kansas City, Missouri  
Jeanie Lauer, Chairman, called the meeting of the Jackson County Legislature to order.  
Present 9 -  
Jeanie Lauer, Megan L. Marshall, Jalen Anderson, Donna Peyton,  
Manuel Abarca IV, Venessa Huskey, Charlie Franklin, DaRon  
McGee and Sean E. Smith  
A motion was made by Jalen Anderson, seconded by Megan L. Marshall to  
approve the journal of the previous meeting held on May 06, 2024. The  
motion passed by a voice vote.  
Presentation by JCDC Partners LLC and J.E. Dunn-Axiom regarding the  
Detention Center Project.  
Dan Wehmuller, JCDC Partners, LLC, and Jeff Jenkins, J.E. Dunn, were  
present to give an update on the Detention Center Project. A copy of the  
JCDC Partners report is available under the Meeting Details for the May 13,  
2024 Legislative Meeting located at  
Jeanie Lauer, County Legislator, asked for an explanation of the mechanical  
locker shown in the handout. Dan Wehmuller said behind each module is a  
two-story rear chase so anyone working on the mechanical systems can  
access the system without entering a secure area.  
Manuel Abarca IV, County Legislator, asked about workers who were laid  
off and their checks from Axiom bounced. Jeff Jenkins said this is the first  
time he has heard about this issue, and he will follow up. Mr. Abarca asked  
about a worker not being paid prevailing wage. Mr. Jenkins said this was a  
miscommunication issue. Mr. Jenkins said he is in conversation with  
Colleen White, the compliance contractor, about any prevailing wage issues.  
Jalen Anderson, County Legislator, asked Mr. Jenkins to report back to the  
County Legislature by the end of the week or at the latest by May 24th. Mr.  
Jenkins agreed.  
Frank White, Jr., County Executive, was present. He had no report.  
Manuel Abarca IV asked if there would be a formalized update or report  
regarding the ransomware attack in Jackson County. Mr. White referred the  
question to Troy Schulte, County Administrator, who has been working with  
the Information Technology Department. Mr. Schulte said they will send an  
updated report on the expenses for legal services and identity theft  
mitigation related to the ransomware attack. They may need a closed  
session for in-depth issues. They will be introducing recommendations to  
strengthen the County’s response. They learned that the current cyber vault  
needs to be updated to provide faster restoration and it will be addressed in  
the 2025 budget.  
Mr. Abarca asked about the Workday plug ins. Mr. Schulte said the County  
is still on a learning curve on the new system. He expects it to take about a  
year to work through issues. He said bills and employees are getting paid.  
Project X is the second phase they will be implementing. This phase will  
include talent acquisition, streamlining the on-boarding process and the  
budget module.  
Mr. Abarca asked about the connectivity with Assessment. Mr. Schulte said  
it is tied to the ransomware attack. The VPN connection was turned off  
which affected Grandview and Lee’s Summit car registration systems.  
Mr. Abarca asked about the audit. Mr. Schulte said there is a struggle to get  
the audit complete within 180 days of the end of the fiscal year. He asked  
the Finance Department to deliver but it may be delayed due to staffing  
issues. They do not want to be late on any credit bond issue, so Finance is  
trying to find a balance.  
Mr. Abarca asked if there was a response from the sports teams. Mr. White  
said a letter was sent to the teams a couple of weeks ago. A response  
came from the Chiefs but nothing yet from the Royals. He said his office will  
review the Chief's response and share it with the County Legislature next  
Sean E. Smith, County Legislator, asked for an update on the SB190  
application process. Scott Lakin, Director of Collections, said they were  
waiting for the state legislature to adjourn to see if there were any changes  
to the SB190 requirements. The legislature will adjourn on Friday, May 17.  
Any bill that is passed will go into effect at the end of August. Taxpayers  
have until December 31st to apply. The Collections Department wanted to  
avoid putting taxpayers through additional effort in case the requirements  
change. New employees are being cross trained on Collections tasks.  
Applications will be verified September through December.  
Mr. Smith asked about additional staff to assist taxpayers who need to file  
appeals. Mr. Schulte said they are in conversation with the new Board of  
Equalization chair.  
Mr. Abarca asked if there is a verification that applicants receive when they  
file for the SB190 application. Mr. Lakin recommends that taxpayers apply  
online for a verification that the application is received. They do not have  
enough staff to handle paper applications. Mr. Lakin said they have received  
over 4,000 applications so far. As they go through the applications, an  
acceptance notification will be sent. Collection Departments are not typically  
set up for an electronic verification system.  
Mr. Abarca asked the County Administrator about the bid process for the  
health benefits broker. Mr. Schulte said applicants are being interviewed  
and he needs to follow up to find out where they are in the process.  
Justice and Law Enforcement Committee moved to perfect. Consent  
Finance and Audit Committee moved to adopt.  
Manuel Abarca IV objected to the Consent Agenda.  
A motion was made by Jalen Anderson, seconded by Megan L. Marshall, to  
adopt Resolution #21614, authorizing the Director of Finance and  
Purchasing to issue a check in the amount of $15,000.00 to the National  
WWI Museum and Memorial for a Premier Membership which will support  
free admission to the Museum and the associated events for veterans and  
active-duty military members during the 2024 Memorial Day Weekend and  
Veterans Day Celebrations, and half-price admission for other attendees at  
the events. The motion passed by a roll call vote:  
Yes: 6 -  
Jeanie Lauer, Megan L. Marshall, Jalen Anderson, Donna Peyton,  
Charlie Franklin and DaRon McGee  
No: 1 - Manuel Abarca IV  
Abstain: 1 - Venessa Huskey  
Absent: 1 - Sean E. Smith  
Land Use Committee moved to adopt. Consent Agenda.  
A motion was made by Donna Peyton, seconded by Manuel Abarca IV, to  
hold Resolution #21616, expressing the support of the Jackson County  
Legislature for the creation of a Jackson County Office of Veterans' Affairs..  
The motion failed by a roll call vote:  
Yes: 4 -  
Donna Peyton, Manuel Abarca IV, Venessa Huskey and DaRon  
No: 4 -  
Jeanie Lauer, Megan L. Marshall, Jalen Anderson and Charlie  
Absent: 1 - Sean E. Smith  
Finance and Audit Committee moved to adopt. Consent Agenda.  
A RESOLUTION authorizing the County Executive to execute Cooperative  
Agreements with certain outside agencies that provide public health-related  
and other public services to citizens of Jackson County, at an aggregate  
cost to the County not to exceed $2,985,000.00.  
(Budget Committee - 1st. Meeting)  
AN ORDINANCE repealing sections 5510., 5520., 5522., 5533., and 5548.,  
Jackson County Code, 1984, relating to petty offenses, and enacting, in lieu  
thereof, five new sections relating to the same subject.  
A RESOLUTION transferring $100,547.00 within the 2024 General Fund  
and authorizing payments to cover the cost of emergency replacement of  
three failed stormwater culverts for use by the Parks + Rec Department.  
A RESOLUTION expressing the support of the Jackson County Legislature  
for the creation of a Jackson County Office of Veterans' Affairs.  
Ordinance #5847 was moved to the Consent Agenda for perfection.  
Resolution s 21615 and 21616 were moved to the Consent Agenda for  
A motion was made by Megan L. Marshall, seconded by Jalen Anderson, to  
approve the Consent Agenda. The motion passed by a roll call vote:  
Yes: 5 -  
Jeanie Lauer, Megan L. Marshall, Jalen Anderson, Charlie Franklin  
and DaRon McGee  
Abstain: 3 - Donna Peyton, Manuel Abarca IV and Venessa Huskey  
Absent: 1 - Sean E. Smith  
Authorizing the County Executive to execute an agreement with the  
Independence Chamber of Commerce for use of the County’s parking lots  
and other property located in and around the Independence Square for the  
upcoming Santa-Cali-Gon Days Festival, at no cost to the County.  
(Assigned to the Land Use Committee.)  
Transferring $25,075.00 within the 2024 Grant Fund to cover the purchase  
of new tablets for use by the Jackson County Detention Center.  
(Assigned to the Justice and Law Enforcement Committee.)  
Transferring $12,000.00 within the 2024 E-911 System Fund and  
authorizing the Director of Finance and Purchasing to issue a check in the  
amount of $43,127.00 for the purchase of a new CAD system and  
integration to Jackson County’s CentralSquare software for use by the  
Greenwood Police Department.  
(Assigned to the 911 Oversight Committee.)  
Awarding a twelve-month term and supply contract, with one twelve-month  
option to extend, for the furnishing of parts and repair of dump trucks for use  
by the Public Works Department to American Equipment of Kansas City,  
MO, as a sole source purchase.  
(Assigned to the Public Works Committee.)  
Awarding a contract for annual maintenance of the Ascend computer  
software for use by the Collection and Assessment Departments to  
Aumentum Technologies of Chicago, IL, at an actual cost to the County in  
the amount of $413,631.00, as a sole source purchase.  
(Assigned to the Finance and Audit Committee.)  
Declaring certain County-owned land as surplus property and authorizing its  
disposal pursuant to Chapter 11 of the Jackson County Code, 1984.  
(Assigned to the Finance and Audit Committee.)  
Authorizing the County Executive to execute Supplemental Agreement No. 3  
to the Agreement with OWN formerly Anderson Engineering, Inc, of Kansas  
City, Missouri, to extend the project schedule to account for design delays  
associated with main water relocation as part of the Stoenner Road Bridge  
Replacement, Federal Project BRO-B048 (59), at an additional cost to the  
County not to exceed $5,038.00.  
(Assigned to the Public Works Committee.)  
I hereby appoint Justice Horn to the Plan Commission to fill a vacancy  
occasioned by the term expiration of Janet Mershon. His term will expire  
December 31, 2025. His resume is attached.  
Jalen Anderson, County Legislator, said there will be a Blue Summit  
neighborhood cleanup on May 18 and 19th from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m.  
Dumpsters will be available at the Inter-City Fire Protection District parking  
lot in Blue Summit.  
A motion was made by Megan L. Marshall, seconded by Jalen Anderson, to  
adjourn the meeting. The motion passed by a voice vote.  
Meeting adjourned until Wednesday, May 15, 2024 at 3:00 P.M. at the  
Jackson County Courthouse, 415 E. 12th Street, Kansas City, Missouri, 2nd  
Floor, Legislative Assembly Area.