Jackson County Courthouse  
415 E.12th Street, 2nd floor  
Kansas City, Missouri 64106  
Jackson County Missouri  
County Legislature  
Jeanie Lauer (5th) Chairman,  
Megan L. Marshall (3rd AL) Vice Chairman,  
Office of  
Mary Jo Spino  
Jalen Anderson (1st AL), Donna Peyton (2nd AL), Manuel Abarca IV (1st),  
Venessa Huskey (2nd), Charlie Franklin (3rd), DaRon McGee (4th),  
Sean E. Smith (6th)  
Clerk of the County Legislature  
Monday, August 19, 2024  
3:00 PM  
Thirty-first Regular Meeting  
K.C. Legislative Assembly Area, Kansas City, Missouri  
Jeanie Lauer, Chairman, called the meeting of the Jackson County Legislature to order.  
Present 9 - Jeanie Lauer, Megan L. Marshall, Jalen Anderson, Donna  
Peyton, Manuel Abarca IV, Venessa Huskey, Charlie Franklin,  
DaRon McGee and Sean E. Smith  
Jeanie Lauer, County Legislator, said at last week's meeting there was a  
disagreement as to how Resolution #21694 should be handled and we  
will agree to disagree and deal with it at a later time. She said for now we  
will move forward and introduce the substitute that has been prepared  
and approved by the County Counselor's office toward the end of the  
A motion was made by Megan L. Marshall, seconded by Charlie Franklin,  
to approve the journal of the previous meeting held on August 12, 2024.  
The motion passed by a roll call vote:  
Yes: 7 - Jalen Anderson, Donna Peyton, Manuel Abarca IV, Venessa  
Huskey, Charlie Franklin, DaRon McGee and Sean E. Smith  
No: 2 - Jeanie Lauer and Megan L. Marshall  
Frank White Jr., County Executive, was not present. Sylvya Stevenson,  
Chief Administrative Officer, said there were no reports.  
Manuel Abarca IV, County Legislator, said there have been inquiries  
made regarding paid under protest subsequent to the State Tax  
Commission's (STC) ruling. He asked for an explanation of what happens  
to those accounts that have been paid under protest.  
Whitney Miller, Chief Deputy County Counselor, said in any year if paying  
under protest the taxpayer must pay timely and file a letter or notice  
explaining what they believe is the value of their property or what they are  
protesting. If these requirements are met, the money is moved into a  
protest account giving them 90 days to file litigation. If litigation is not  
filed, then the monies are released to the taxing jurisdiction at that time.  
The litigation would need to be specific to the parcel in question. Any  
reduction in value will result in a refund of the difference. She said the  
monies are released unless they are in an active STC appeal or active  
Manuel Abarca IV asked about the term and supply contract for general  
contractor consultant and asked why it is now necessary. He also asked  
why the bid documents specify $50 million directed from ARPA.  
Troy Schulte, County Administrator, said what they are pursuing is a  
construction manager at risk because there are several projects that have  
been fully designed; the exterior of the downtown courthouse for ADA  
accessibility, relocation of the jury room, ground floor separation to  
provide dedicated entrance for detention center transportation and county  
employees and 1300 Washington. The approach the Administration  
intended was for ARPA funds to be made available for them. A  
solicitation was sent out for a construction manager at risk which is a term  
and supply subject to the approval by the Legislature. There would be an  
exception if there was decision made to move forward with the projects  
with an ARPA allocation, then the project could be given to the contractor  
and a contract could be signed before the end of the year with legislative  
approval. The next step is proposals will be evaluated with price and a  
recommendation will be presented for the Legislature's approval and  
subject to an appropriation of funds. The county would then use the firm  
for the construction projects. This only works if something is fully  
designed and it is targeted towards facilities. It is another tool to indicate  
there is a finite amount of money and we need construction by a certain  
date and use your ability to work with the designer to modify the project  
and get it timely delivered. It is a new tool to accelerate construction.  
Manuel Abarca IV said it would be helpful for legislators to know these  
things in advance before the process begins.  
Manuel Abarca IV said a report indicated available ARPA funds in the  
amount of $82,484,000.00 in total with an encumbrance of $10 million.  
Troy Schulte responded they will get a letter to the County Legislature  
and he believes the amount is $70.4 million as indicated in a report  
received from the Finance Department today. Mr. Abarca asked what  
happens to the interest earned from ARPA funds. Troy Schulte  
responded that interest earned flows to the General Fund since they are  
not earmarked and unrestricted dollars. He believes there was $8 million  
earned in 2023.  
Sean E. Smith, County Legislator, asked with regards to the at risk  
manager, is the County doing things that expose us to potential liability.  
Troy Schulte said the risk component is if there is a price overrun in the  
project they bear the risk under this contractual arrangement because  
they have a finite amount of money to construct the project. If they are  
unable to construct within the determined amount, they are responsible  
for anything over that amount.  
Donna Peyton, County Legislator, asked about the responsible bidder  
ordinance as it pertains to these construction projects. Troy Schulte said  
part of the requirement is that any of the selected entities would need to  
comply with the current responsible bidder ordinance. Ms. Peyton said  
Whitney Miller had indicated that we were close to having some  
resolution with regards to the responsible bidder ordinance approximately  
a month ago. Whitney Miller said she presented a draft of some potential  
language and is waiting for a reply. The draft was sent to the legislative  
subcommittee which included Legislators Marshall, McGee and  
Anderson. She has not checked for a reply from them in the last week.  
Whitney Miller said she would hope to have it to the Legislature shortly.  
Manuel Abarca IV asked with regards to the responsible bidder ordinance  
(RBO), what is the status of the disparity study. Sylvya Stevenson, Chief  
Administrative Officer, replied that the Administration is waiting for the  
County Counselor's office to prepare the contract for Colleen Holt and  
Associates so work can begin. Ms. Holt is the attorney and her firm  
specializes in government contract compliance. Ms. Stevenson said they  
will be doing a construction availability study at an approximate cost of  
$49,000.00. Mr. Abarca asked if it will encompass both workforce and  
MBE/WBE. She responded it will not cover work force but will include  
Diversity Business Enterprise (DBE). Troy Schulte said the County does  
not have any requirements on workforce. He said we apply a workforce  
participation requirement on the detention center but there is a MBE/WBE  
goal setting and DBE/VBE process. Ms. Holt will be tasked with looking at  
the requirements either with an existing RBO or revised RBO as to the  
impact. Mr. Abarca restated that it is Mr. Schulte's opinion that the County  
should do a workforce ordinance first that would trigger studies about the  
workforce, to make sure it is being followed. Mr. Schulte said the County  
has usually adopted Kansas City, Missouri's workforce on larger projects.  
If the County wanted to consider a workforce participation ordinance it  
would be a good starting point. Mr. Abarca suggested this should be a  
priority. He asked when the contract would be drafted. Whitney Miller said  
she will do her best.  
Sean E. Smith said he submitted a Request for Legislative Action (RLA)  
to get 911 funding for the City of Independence that they had requested  
consistent with other actions done for similar municipalities, including  
Kansas City, Greenwood and Grandview. The RLA was submitted in April  
and after some discussions with the Administration, he received  
notification from the Administration on August 14, 2024 that it was  
disapproved. He asked if the Administration has the legal authority to stop  
legislation from being drafted. He asked why it took 4 months for a  
response and why it was disapproved. Sylvya Stevenson said it is  
Administration's understanding that Legislator Smith's office and the  
Administration were working on a process for determining qualified items  
that could be approved usage of the E911 tax funds. She said Caleb  
Clifford, Chief of Staff, indicated that he has been working with Legislator  
Smith's office and is awaiting a response on the process so it can be  
applied to the most recent request from the City of Independence. Mr.  
Smith said he is working on changing the process to make it more  
defined for entities for future years. He asked again about the legal  
authority of the Administration to reject RLA's. Troy Schulte said it was  
their intent to get the process done upfront so they could run everything  
through the process. He said they could advance his RLA since it is  
legislative intent and the money has been appropriated. Sean E. Smith  
said we are 8 months into the year, so introducing a new process now  
would mean denying one municipality when other municipalities just had  
to ask and it was legally compliant. Since there is no legal authority of the  
Administration, he asked the Clerk of the County Legislature to revise the  
legislative process so members of the Administration can not reject RLA's  
but can provide feedback or comments on a progressive basis. He said  
the duration for approvals should also be tightened so this does not  
happen again. He asked the County Clerk to modify the process in  
accordance with the rules.  
Resolutions #21700, #21701, #21702, and #21703 were adopted at this  
time. See page 12 for details.  
Manuel Abarca IV explained the floor amendment for Ordinance #5861.  
Charlie Franklin, County Legislator, said several members of the Jackson  
County Sports Authority and team representatives are not in favor of  
these changes.  
DaRon McGee, County Legislator, asked the number of years for the  
sunset. Manuel Abarca IV said it is 5 years. Mr. McGee asked if this  
amendment passes it would require another vote in 5 years. Mr. Abarca  
responded it is 5 years from the extension of the sales tax which would  
be 2036.  
Jeanie Lauer, Chairman, surrendered the Chair to Megan Marshall, Vice  
Chairman. Ms. Lauer asked if there is a commitment from the Chiefs to  
stay in Jackson County for a specified amount of time or are we putting  
the tax first and hoping they will stay.  
Manuel Abarca IV said the attorneys for the team expressed they would  
like to rehab the stadium instead of constructing a new stadium which is  
why the floor amendment reflects the adjustment. He said the Chiefs are  
still looking at other options. This legislation gives people the opportunity  
to vote in November.  
Jeanie Lauer resumed the Chair.  
A motion was made by Manuel Abarca IV, seconded by Venessa Huskey,  
to approve the Floor Amendment for Ordinance #5861 dated August 19,  
2024, to delete the words "three-eighths" and insert the words  
"one-fourths", to delete the word "forty" and insert the word "twenty", in  
the heading on page one; to delete the words "three-eighths" and insert  
the words "one-fourths" after the word "rate", to delete the figure "3/8%"  
and insert the figure "1/4%" after the word "percent", to delete the word  
"forty" and insert the word "twenty" all in the second paragraph on page  
two; to delete the number "40" and insert the word "twenty" before the  
word "years", to delete the words "now therefore" and insert the word  
"and" in the third paragraph on page two; to insert the paragraph  
"WHEREAS, should no NFL or MLB franchise occupy a lease agreement  
of the facilities; the tax shall sunset with a period of no more than five  
years; now therefore," at the top of page three; to delete the words and  
figures "three-eighths (3/8) of one cent (0.38%)," and insert "one-fourths  
(1/4) of one cent (0.25%)," in the Section 1. paragraph, to delete the  
figure "40" and insert the word "twenty", in the Section 2. paragraph, to  
delete the words "three-eighth" and insert the words "one-fourths" in the  
Section 3 paragraph, all on page three; to delete the words and figure  
"three-eighths (3/8)" and insert "one-fourths" (1/4), to delete the figure  
"40" and insert the word "twenty" before the word "years", to insert the  
phrase "to Truman Sports Complex consisting of but not limited to" after  
the word "improvements" all in the Section 4 paragraph on page four. The  
motion passed by a roll call vote:  
Yes: 5 - Donna Peyton, Manuel Abarca IV, Venessa Huskey, DaRon  
McGee and Sean E. Smith  
No: 4 - Jeanie Lauer, Megan L. Marshall, Jalen Anderson and Charlie  
After the floor amendment was approved, a motion was made by Sean E.  
Smith, seconded by Manuel Abarca IV, to hold Ordinance #5861. The  
motion passed by a roll call vote:  
Yes: 8 - Jeanie Lauer, Megan L. Marshall, Jalen Anderson, Donna  
Peyton, Manuel Abarca IV, Venessa Huskey, DaRon McGee, Sean E.  
No: 1 - Charlie Franklin  
AN ORDINANCE enacting section 5577., Jackson County Code, 1984,  
relating to possession of firearms and age restriction.  
(Rules Committee - 4th. Perfection)  
Justice and Law Enforcement Committee moved to perfect. Consent  
A motion was made by Charlie Franklin, seconded by DaRon McGee to  
perfect Ordinance #5870. The motion passed by a voice vote.  
A motion was made by Charlie Franklin, seconded by Megan L. Marshall,  
to adopt Ordinance #5870, amending the zoning districts established  
pursuant to the Unified Development Code by rezoning a certain 5.04±  
acre tract from District AG (Agricultural) to District RE (Residential  
Estates). The motion passed by a roll call vote:  
Yes: 9 - Jeanie Lauer, Megan L. Marshall, Jalen Anderson, Donna  
Peyton, Manuel Abarca IV, Venessa Huskey, Charlie Franklin,  
DaRon McGee and Sean E. Smith  
A motion was made by Charlie Franklin, seconded by DaRon McGee to  
perfect Ordinance #5871. The motion passed by a voice vote.  
A motion was made by Charlie Franklin, seconded by DaRon McGee, to  
adopt Ordinance #5871, renewing a conditional use permit (CUP) in  
District HI (Heavy Industrial) for continuous operation of a 147-foot  
monopole of wireless communications, subject to specified conditions, as  
to a 2,500 square foot tract. The motion passed by a roll call vote:  
Yes: 9 - Jeanie Lauer, Megan L. Marshall, Jalen Anderson, Donna  
Peyton, Manuel Abarca IV, Venessa Huskey, Charlie Franklin,  
DaRon McGee and Sean E. Smith  
A motion was made by Charlie Franklin, seconded by DaRon McGee to  
perfect Ordinance #5872. The motion passed by a voice vote.  
A motion was made by Charlie Franklin, seconded by DaRon McGee, to  
adopt Ordinance #5872, amending the zoning districts established  
pursuant to the Unified Development Code by rezoning a certain 5.00±  
acre tract from District AG (Agricultural) to District RE (Residential  
Estates). The motion passed by a roll call vote:  
Yes: 9 - Jeanie Lauer, Megan L. Marshall, Jalen Anderson, Donna  
Peyton, Manuel Abarca IV, Venessa Huskey, Charlie Franklin,  
DaRon McGee and Sean E. Smith  
AN ORDINANCE amending the zoning districts established pursuant to  
the Unified Development Code by rezoning a certain 1.01± acre tract  
from District LB (Local Business) to District GB (General Business).  
(Land Use Committee - 1st. Perfection)  
A motion was made by Charlie Franklin, seconded by DaRon McGee to  
perfect Ordinance #5874. The motion passed by a voice vote.  
A motion was made by Charlie Franklin, seconded by DaRon McGee, to  
adopt Ordinance #5874, amending the zoning districts established  
pursuant to the Unified Development Code by rezoning a certain 9.43±  
acre tract within District LI-p (Light Industrial-Planned). The motion  
passed by a roll call vote:  
Yes: 9 - Jeanie Lauer, Megan L. Marshall, Jalen Anderson, Donna  
Peyton, Manuel Abarca IV, Venessa Huskey, Charlie Franklin,  
DaRon McGee and Sean E. Smith  
AN ORDINANCE appropriating $2,500,000.00 from the undesignated  
fund balance of the 2024 County Improvement Fund, transferring  
$2,500,000.00 within the 2024 New Detention Center C/P Fund, and  
authorizing the County Executive to execute an amendment to the  
contract with J.E. Dunn-Axiom of Kansas City, MO, for the construction of  
the new Jackson County Detention Center to cover Component  
Packages 3 and 4 related to the final design, construction, and furnishing  
costs of the new Detention Center Project, at a cost to the County not to  
exceed $19,698,551.00.  
(Budget Committee - 1st. Perfection)  
A motion was made by Manuel Abarca IV, seconded by DaRon McGee,  
to adopt Ordinance #5864, submitting to the qualified voters of Jackson  
County, Missouri, at the general election to be held on November 5,  
2024, a question to amend the Jackson County Charter, with an effective  
date. The motion passed by a roll call vote:  
Yes: 5 - Donna Peyton, Manuel Abarca IV, Venessa Huskey, DaRon  
McGee and Sean E. Smith  
No: 4 - Jeanie Lauer, Megan L. Marshall, Jalen Anderson and Charlie  
A motion was made by DaRon McGee, seconded by Manuel Abarca IV,  
to adopt Ordinance #5868, appropriating $40,600.00 from the  
undesignated fund balance of the 2024 General Fund in receipt of  
extradition reimbursement from the State of Missouri to cover  
unanticipated transportation budgetary shortfalls within the Sheriff’s  
Office. The motion passed by a roll call vote:  
Yes: 8 - Jeanie Lauer, Megan L. Marshall, Jalen Anderson, Donna  
Peyton, Manuel Abarca IV, Venessa Huskey, DaRon McGee and  
Sean E. Smith  
Absent: 1 - Charlie Franklin  
A motion was made by Megan L. Marshall, seconded by Jalen Anderson,  
to hold Resolution #21641. The motion passed by a roll call vote:  
Yes: 5 - Jeanie Lauer, Megan L. Marshall, Jalen Anderson, Donna  
Peyton, and DaRon McGee  
No: 3 - Manuel Abarca IV, Venessa Huskey and Sean E. Smith  
Absent: 1 - Charlie Franklin  
A RESOLUTION authorizing the County Executive or the Chairman of the  
Legislature to sell the County-owned property located at 1300  
Washington Street, Kansas City, MO 64105 via the competitive bidding  
(Legislature As A Whole - 3rd. Meeting)  
A RESOLUTION amending Rules 16 and 19 of the Rules of the Jackson  
County Legislature relating to the transfer of legislation between  
(Rules Committee - 7th. Meeting)  
A RESOLUTION expressing the support of the Jackson County  
Legislature for the creation of a Jackson County Office of Gun Violence  
(Budget Committee - 6th. Meeting)  
A motion was made by Megan L. Marshall, seconded by Jalen Anderson,  
to hold Resolution #21691. The motion passed by a roll call vote:  
Yes: 8 - Jeanie Lauer, Megan L. Marshall, Jalen Anderson, Donna  
Peyton, Manuel Abarca IV, Venessa Huskey, DaRon McGee and Sean E.  
Absent: 1 - Charlie Franklin  
A RESOLUTION expressing the intent of the Legislature to work with the  
County Executive to develop a plan to commit federal American Rescue  
Plan (ARPA) funds and begin the required procurement process to  
ensure funds are under contract by the end of 2024.  
(Legislature As A Whole - 2nd. Meeting)  
Justice and Law Enforcement Committee moved to adopt. Consent  
A RESOLUTION expressing the support of the Jackson County  
Legislature for a contribution to the City of Raymore, Missouri to offset  
the cost of settling the dispute regarding a landfill to be built in south  
Kansas City.  
(Finance and Audit Committee - 1st. Meeting )  
A motion was made by Sean E. Smith, seconded by Venessa Huskey, to  
approve the Floor Substitute for Resolution #21694 dated August 19,  
2024. The motion passed by a voice vote.  
Sean E. Smith said the explicit requirements were removed since the  
County Counselor asked him to modify the resolution to avoid the conflict  
that occurred last week. The intent of the Legislature is to resolve things  
in a manner that is consistent with the STC order rather than to extend  
the appeals process.  
Jalen Anderson, County Legislator, asked if the substitute for  
Resolution#21694 directs the County Counselor to work with the State  
Tax Commission. Mr. Smith responded no, the idea is to ask the County  
Counselor to work with the Legislature in a manner consistent with the  
STC order rather than introducing a court appeal. Manuel Abarca IV said  
he supports the substitute.  
A motion was made by Megan L. Marshall, seconded by Manuel Abarca  
IV, to adopt Floor Substitute for Resolution #21694 dated August 19,  
2024, expressing the intent of the Legislature to strenuously request that  
the County Counselor not appeal the Missouri State Tax Commission  
Order issued on August 6, 2024. The motion passed by a roll call vote:  
Yes: 5 - Donna Peyton, Manuel Abarca IV, Venessa Huskey, DaRon  
McGee and Sean E. Smith  
No: 2 - Jeanie Lauer and Jalen Anderson  
Abstain: 1 - Megan L. Marshall  
Absent: 1 - Charlie Franklin  
AN ORDINANCE appropriating $185,600.00 from the undesignated fund  
balance of the 2024 Grant Fund, in acceptance of the Family Court  
Division's Juvenile Court Diversion Program grant received from the State  
of Missouri, Division of Youth Services.  
A RESOLUTION authorizing the County Executive to execute a Letter of  
Agreement with the Communications Workers of America, Local 6360,  
regarding the terms and conditions of the employment of members of its  
bargaining unit.  
A motion was made by Megan L. Marshall, seconded by Manuel Abarca  
IV, to approve the Consent Agenda. The motion passed by a roll call  
Yes: 8 - Jeanie Lauer, Megan L. Marshall, Jalen Anderson, Donna  
Peyton, Manuel Abarca IV, Venessa Huskey, DaRon McGee and  
Sean E. Smith  
Absent: 1 - Charlie Franklin  
Ordinance #5869 was moved to the Consent Agenda for perfection.  
Resolution #21692 was moved to the Consent Agenda for adoption.  
Submitting to the qualified voters of Jackson County, Missouri at the  
general election to be held on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, a question  
authorizing Jackson County to levy a countywide tax at the rate of five  
cents per each one hundred dollars of assessed valuation, for the  
purpose of providing services to persons sixty years of age or older, with  
an effective date.  
(Assigned to the Finance and Audit Committee.)  
Awarding a contract for the purchase of three Towmaster trailers for use  
by the Parks + Rec Department to K.C. Bobcat of Blue Springs, MO  
under the terms and conditions of Sourcewell Contract No. 092922-MNR,  
an existing, competitively bid government contract, at an actual cost to  
the County in the amount of $51,080.00.  
(Assigned to the Land Use Committee.)  
Awarding a contract for construction services for Buckner Tarsney Road  
Bridge Replacement over Fire Prairie Creek project to Phillips Hardy, Inc.  
of Columbia, MO, under the terms and conditions of Invitation to Bid No.  
24-037 at a cost to the County not to exceed $1,347,099.00.  
(Assigned to the Public Works Committee.)  
Awarding a contract for the furnishing of a high-density mobile shelving  
system for use by the Sheriff’s Office to Spacesaver Corporation c/o  
Southwest Solutions Group, Inc., of Lewisville, Texas, under the terms  
and conditions of State of Missouri Contract No. CC241766001, an  
existing competitively bid government contract, at an actual cost to the  
County in the amount of $96,291.00.  
(Assigned to the Justice and Law Enforcement Committee.)  
Transferring $100,000.00 within the 2024 Anti-Crime Sales Tax Fund and  
$50,000.00 within the 2024 General Fund to cover hygiene products,  
laundry, and kitchen supplies for use by the Jackson County Detention  
(Assigned to the Justice and Law Enforcement Committee.)  
A motion was made by Megan L. Marshall, seconded by Donna Peyton,  
to adopt Resolution #21700, recognizing Hillcrest Transitional Housing on  
the occasion of its 24th Anniversary Gala event to be held August 24,  
2024, at the Overland Park Convention Center. The motion passed by a  
roll call vote:  
Yes: 9 - Jeanie Lauer, Megan L. Marshall, Jalen Anderson, Donna  
Peyton, Manuel Abarca IV, Venessa Huskey, Charlie Franklin,  
DaRon McGee and Sean E. Smith  
A motion was made by Manuel Abarca IV, seconded by Venessa Huskey,  
to adopt Resolution #21701, celebrating the 10th Anniversary of Crows  
Coffee. The motion passed by a roll call vote:  
Yes: 9 - Jeanie Lauer, Megan L. Marshall, Jalen Anderson, Donna  
Peyton, Manuel Abarca IV, Venessa Huskey, Charlie Franklin,  
DaRon McGee and Sean E. Smith  
A motion was made by Manuel Abarca IV, seconded by Megan L.  
Marshall, to adopt Resolution #21702, recognizing Vickie Wolgast on the  
occasion of her retirement as the Executive Director of the South Kansas  
City Chamber of Commerce. The motion passed by a roll call vote:  
Yes: 9 - Jeanie Lauer, Megan L. Marshall, Jalen Anderson, Donna  
Peyton, Manuel Abarca IV, Venessa Huskey, Charlie Franklin,  
DaRon McGee and Sean E. Smith  
A motion was made by Manuel Abarca IV, seconded by Venessa Huskey,  
to adopt Resolution #21703, declaring August 26 through August 30,  
2024, as 2024 SMART Week in Jackson County and supporting efforts  
advocating for secure gun storage and effective measures to prevent  
children from accessing firearms. The motion passed by a roll call vote:  
Yes: 9 - Jeanie Lauer, Megan L. Marshall, Jalen Anderson, Donna  
Peyton, Manuel Abarca IV, Venessa Huskey, Charlie Franklin,  
DaRon McGee and Sean E. Smith  
No objection to the consideration of Resolution #21704 - not on printed  
Expressing the intent of the Legislature to develop a plan with County  
Administration, the County Counselor’s Office, and the Taxing  
Jurisdictions to address 2023 tax assessment concerns.  
(Assigned to the Finance and Audit Committee.)  
Donna Peyton objected to the assignment of Ordinance #5876 to the  
Finance and Audit Committee and asked it be assigned to the Budget  
Committee. Discussion.  
Megan L. Marshall asked that her vote on the approval of the journal be  
recorded as a "no". Mary Jo Spino, Clerk of the County Legislature said  
she has noted that Jeanie Lauer and Megan L. Marshall have voted "no"  
on the approval of the journal for August 12, 2024.  
Megan L. Marshall said she is introducing an add-on Resolution #21704.  
Whitney Miller distributed copies to the County Legislature and staff. The  
resolution was assigned to committee. See page 12 for details.  
A motion was made by Megan L. Marshall, seconded by Manuel Abarca  
IV, to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed by a voice vote.  
Meeting adjourned until Monday, August 26, 2024 at 3:00 P.M. at the  
Jackson County Courthouse, 415 E. 12th Street, Kansas City, Missouri,  
2nd Floor, Legislative Assembly Area.