Jackson County Missouri  
Jackson County Courthouse  
415 E.12th Street, 2nd floor  
Kansas City, Missouri 64106  
County Legislature  
Jeanie Lauer (5th) Chairman,  
Office of  
Megan L. Marshall (3rd AL) Vice Chairman,  
Mary Jo Spino  
Jalen Anderson (1st AL), Donna Peyton (2nd AL), Manuel Abarca IV (1st),  
Venessa Huskey (2nd), Charlie Franklin (3rd), DaRon McGee (4th),  
Sean E. Smith (6th)  
Clerk of the County Legislature  
Monday, October 14, 2024  
3:00 PM  
Thirty-ninth Regular Meeting  
Eastern Jackson County Courthouse, 308 W. Kansas, Independence, Missouri, Ground  
Floor, Legislative Chambers  
Jeanie Lauer, Chairman, called the meeting of the Jackson County Legislature to order.  
Present 9 -  
Jeanie Lauer, Megan L. Marshall, Jalen Anderson, Donna Peyton,  
Manuel Abarca IV, Venessa Huskey, Charlie Franklin, DaRon  
McGee and Sean E. Smith  
Jeanie Lauer welcomed three students from Rockhurst High School who  
were present to observe County government for their Honors American  
government class. She asked Patrick Sanders, Pete Mandacina and  
Michael Redlich to lead the Pledge of Allegiance.  
A motion was made by Megan L. Marshall, seconded by Jalen Anderson to  
approve the journal of the previous meeting held on October 07, 2024. The  
motion passed by a voice vote.  
The County Executive was not present. Sylvya Stevenson, Chief  
Administrative Officer, said there were no reports.  
Manuel Abarca IV, County Legislator, asked about the Fidlar contract  
approval process without direct compliance. Caleb Clifford, Chief of Staff,  
said Troy Schulte, County Administrator, has information regarding the  
process and contract but he is not available today. Mr. Clifford said the  
County Administrator and the County Counselor will get back to the County  
Legislature on the process.  
Manuel Abarca IV asked who the authorized officers are for Jackson County  
who can sign contracts. Caleb Clifford said it depends and he would need  
more specificity on the question and the County Counselor can get an  
answer to his question. Bryan Covinsky, County Counselor, said he will pull  
up the County Code but he believes it is the County Executive and the Chief  
Finance Officer. Mr. Covinsky said he will look into the contract with Fidlar,  
as discussed during the committee meeting today.  
Manuel Abarca IV asked the Administration why their intent was to use  
ARPA monies over General Fund monies in the Undesignated Fund  
balance to repair certain county infrastructure issues. Caleb Clifford said he  
does not know if it was the intent of the Administration. The Director of  
Public Works in his testimony said it was necessary to fill in the blanks to  
complete the form. However, as discussed it would need the County  
Legislature's approval. So no funding will be used unless it is specifically  
approved by the County Legislature. They were trying to move these projects  
along so they would be shovel ready when approved by the Legislature.  
Mr. Abarca said the Administration has spoken to several legislators about  
using ARPA funds instead of General Funds for repairing the courthouse  
stairs, 1300 Washington and the 1st floor of the Kansas City Courthouse.  
Caleb Clifford responded to the question of why the Administration has a  
preference to use ARPA dollars over Undesignated Fund balance for  
infrastructure repairs. He said last week there were financial opinions  
shared from Moody's, S & P and others regarding the county's financial  
situation. They noted two major factors that are consistent. One is the large  
debt burden held by the County which is a downward impact on the County's  
financial standing. However, the undesignated fund balance, to the credit of  
the County Legislature, has grown over the past few years, is a positive  
impact. By keeping the fund balance at these levels, it will improve or  
maintain the county's financial standing to save tax dollars when debt  
issuances are done. In addition, the county can avoid using our insurance  
policy and/or to cover costs for unprecedented legal judgments. The  
undesignated fund balance provides the County flexibility without damaging  
our credit rating while also providing an option of not having to use insurance  
which would save tax dollars and allow us to do more with less in Jackson  
Manuel Abarca IV said there is $90 million credit balance but it is never  
used for deferred maintenance. He asked if there is an obligation bond in  
the near future since the Administration is concerned with good credit.  
Mr. Clifford said there are numerous situations that it would be  
advantageous to the County. Moving forward if the Federal Reserve lowers  
interest rates, the additional funds in the undesignated fund balance will  
allow the County to get a lower rate on any refinancing. The County Capital  
Improvement Fund for the first time in several years will not be available next  
year to use for deferred maintenance because the funds will be used for  
debt service for the new jail.  
Mr . Abarca still does not understand the preference of the Administration,  
the justification is to have ample credit available.  
Sean E. Smith said during the committee meetings a couple of contracts  
were discussed: Fidlar and the construction manager at risk. It appears,  
subject to further investigation, that there were some areas pertaining to  
each contract that the County Code was not followed. He asked the  
Administration if there is a policy in place that specifies disciplinary action if  
money is spent without proper authorization.  
Mr. Clifford said it depends upon the circumstances. He said the Personnel  
Rules, County Code and State Statute all address the issue depending upon  
the facts and circumstances.  
Sean E. Smith asked the Administration to provide a summary of what  
current County policies and State Statute prescribe or if policies need to be  
drafted by the Legislature. Mr. Clifford said he is happy to work with Mr.  
Smith and provide the answers to his request.  
Resolution #21767 was adopted at this time. See page 10 for details.  
Whitney Miller, Chief Deputy County Counselor, explained the Floor  
Substitute dated October 14, 2024 for Ordinance #5865. She said it mirrors  
Missouri State Statute and the City of Kansas City, Missouri has similar  
language in their code.  
Jean Peters Baker, Prosecuting Attorney also spoke to the substitute and  
said it will apply to the unincorporated areas in Jackson County, Missouri.  
Sean E. Smith asked for a legal opinion on the revised version of this  
ordinance. Bryan Covinsky, County Counselor, said he will need to review it  
and get back to the Legislature.  
A motion was made by Manuel Abarca IV, seconded by DaRon McGee, to  
approve the Floor Substitute dated October 14, 2024 for Ordinance #5865,  
enacting section 5577., Jackson County Code, 1984, relating to possession  
of firearms and age restriction. The motion passed by a roll call vote:  
Yes: 5 -  
Jalen Anderson, Donna Peyton, Manuel Abarca IV, Charlie Franklin  
and DaRon McGee  
No: 2 - Jeanie Lauer and Megan L. Marshall  
Abstain: 1 - Sean E. Smith  
Absent: 1 - Venessa Huskey  
A motion was made by Sean E. Smith, seconded by Manuel Abarca IV, to  
hold Ordinance #5865. The motion passed by a roll call vote:  
Yes: 8 - Jeanie Lauer, Megan L. Marshall, Jalen Anderson, Donna Peyton,  
Manuel Abarca IV, Charlie Franklin, DaRon McGee and Sean E. Smith.  
Absent: 1 - Venessa Huskey  
AN ORDINANCE renewing a conditional use permit (CUP) in District AG  
(Agricultural) for a term of 50 years for the continuous operation of a  
125-foot radio transmission tower.  
(Land Use Committee - 1st. Perfection)  
AN ORDINANCE amending the zoning districts established pursuant to the  
Unified Development Code by rezoning a certain 3.89± acre tract from  
District AG (Agricultural) to District RE (Residential Estates).  
(Land Use Committee - 1st. Perfection)  
AN ORDINANCE amending the zoning districts established pursuant to the  
Unified Development Code by rezoning a certain 10.05± acre tract from  
District RE (Residential Estates) to District AG (Agricultural).  
(Land Use Committee - 1st. Perfection)  
AN ORDINANCE vacating of Lots 1 & 2, Major Meadows, a subdivision in  
Jackson County, and revert the zoning back to District AG (Agricultural) to  
create 10.05± acre tract.  
(Land Use Committee - 1st. Perfection)  
A motion was made by Charlie Franklin, seconded by Jalen Anderson to  
waive the reading of Ordinances #5885, #5886, #5887, #5888. The motion  
passed by a voice vote.  
The Land Use Committee will have a public hearing on the above mentioned  
Ordinances on Monday, October 21, 2024 at 1:30 p.m. in the Kansas City  
Legislative Assembly Area located at 415 E. 12th Street, 2nd Floor, Kansas  
City, Missouri.  
A motion was made by Venessa Huskey, seconded by Manuel Abarca IV, to  
perfect Ordinance #5889, The motion passed by a roll call vote:  
Yes: 9 -  
Jeanie Lauer, Megan L. Marshall, Jalen Anderson, Donna Peyton,  
Manuel Abarca IV, Venessa Huskey, Charlie Franklin, DaRon  
McGee and Sean E. Smith  
A motion was made by Venessa Huskey, seconded by Manuel Abarca IV, to  
adopt Ordinance #5889, appropriating $90,000.00 from the undesignated  
fund balance of the 2024 Grant Fund, in acceptance of additional grant  
funds received by the Family Court Division from the State of Missouri  
Department of Social Services. The motion passed by a roll call vote:  
Yes: 9 -  
Jeanie Lauer, Megan L. Marshall, Jalen Anderson, Donna Peyton,  
Manuel Abarca IV, Venessa Huskey, Charlie Franklin, DaRon  
McGee and Sean E. Smith  
A motion was made by Megan L. Marshall, seconded by Jalen Anderson, to  
perfect Ordinance #5890, The motion passed by a roll call vote:  
Yes: 9 -  
Jeanie Lauer, Megan L. Marshall, Jalen Anderson, Donna Peyton,  
Manuel Abarca IV, Venessa Huskey, Charlie Franklin, DaRon  
McGee and Sean E. Smith  
A motion was made by Sean E. Smith, seconded by Jalen Anderson, to  
adopt Ordinance #5890, appropriating $69,345.00 from the undesignated  
fund balance of the 2024 Grant Fund, in acceptance of a three-month  
extension of the VOCA Grant awarded to the Jackson County Prosecutor’s  
Office by the Missouri Department of Social Services. The motion passed  
by a roll call vote:  
Yes: 9 -  
Jeanie Lauer, Megan L. Marshall, Jalen Anderson, Donna Peyton,  
Manuel Abarca IV, Venessa Huskey, Charlie Franklin, DaRon  
McGee and Sean E. Smith  
A RESOLUTION authorizing the County Executive or the Chairman of the  
Legislature to sell the County-owned property located at 1300 Washington  
Street, Kansas City, MO 64105 via the competitive bidding process.  
(Land Use Committee - 2nd Meeting)  
A motion was made by Sean E. Smith, seconded by Charlie Franklin, to  
hold Resolution #21641. The motion passed by a voice vote.  
A RESOLUTION implementing an allocation methodology for the eventual  
distribution of approximately $70.4 million in remaining Jackson County  
American Rescue Plan Act funds by the end of 2024.  
(Budget Committee - 3rd. Meeting)  
Megan L. Marshall assumed the Chair.  
Jeanie Lauer made comments regarding Resolution #21736.  
Jeanie Lauer resumed the Chair.  
Land Use Committee moved to adopt. Consent Agenda.  
Health and Environment Committee moved to adopt.  
Megan L. Marshall objected to the Consent Agenda. Discussion.  
A motion was made by Manuel Abarca IV, seconded by Jalen Anderson, to  
hold Resolution #21742 in Legislature As A Whole. The motion passed by  
a voice vote.  
Resolution #21742 is now before the Legislature As A Whole.  
A RESOLUTION authorizing the Chair of the County Legislature to execute a  
two-year lease agreement, with two-year options to extend, for lease of  
office space for use by the Jackson County Legislature and Jackson County  
Clerk’s Office with Lex, LLC, of Independence, MO, under the terms and  
conditions of Request for Proposals No. 24-019, at a monthly cost to the  
County of $5,309.50 and in the amount of $63,714.00 annually.  
(Finance and Audit Committee - 1st. Meeting )  
Finance and Audit Committee moved to adopt. Consent Agenda.  
Finance and Audit Committee moved to adopt.  
Megan L. Marshall objected to the Consent Agenda.  
A motion was made by Megan L. Marshall, seconded by Sean E. Smith, to  
adopt Resolution #21748, awarding a twelve-month term and supply  
contract, with two twelve-month options to extend, for the furnishing of  
security officer services for use by various County Departments to Metro  
Public Safety of Gladstone, MO under the terms and conditions of Invitation  
to Bid No. 24-057. The motion passed by a roll call vote:  
Yes: 5 -  
Jeanie Lauer, Megan L. Marshall, Jalen Anderson, Donna Peyton  
and Charlie Franklin  
No: 4 -  
Manuel Abarca IV, Venessa Huskey, DaRon McGee and Sean E.  
Megan L. Marshall assumed the Chair.  
Land Use Committee moved to adopt. Consent Agenda.  
Finance and Audit Committee moved to adopt. Consent Agenda.  
Finance and Audit Committee moved to adopt. Consent Agenda.  
A RESOLUTION awarding a twelve-month term and supply contract, with  
one twelve-month option to extend, for the furnishing of construction  
management at risk services for use by various County Departments to  
McCown Gordon, of Kansas City, MO, under the terms and conditions of  
Request for Qualifications No. 24-051.  
(Public Works Committee - 1st. Meeting )  
Land Use Committee moved to adopt. Consent Agenda.  
Land Use Committee moved to adopt. Consent Agenda.  
A RESOLUTION transferring $97,000.00 within the 2024 Rock Island  
Railroad C/P Fund and authorizing payment to certain property owners for  
right-of-way easements, permanent trail easements, and temporary  
construction easements in connection with the Rock Island Greenwood  
Connector Phase I Project, Federal Project No. TAP 3301 (525), at an  
actual aggregate cost to the County in the amount of $97,000.00.  
A RESOLUTION awarding a split contract for a twenty-four-month term and  
supply contract with one twelve-month option to extend for the furnishing of  
locksmith services for use by various County departments to Kenton  
Brothers of Kansas City, MO, and Greg’s Lock and Key Service, Inc., of  
Independence, MO, under the terms and conditions of Invitation to Bid No.  
A RESOLUTION authorizing the County Executive to execute a permanent  
utility easement in favor of the Raytown Water Company across a portion of  
the Rock Island Corridor, for a fee payable to the County.  
A RESOLUTION awarding a twelve-month term and supply contract, with  
two twelve-month options to extend, for the furnishing of live bait for use by  
the Parks + Rec Department to Creel Outdoors Wholesale of Lavaca, AR,  
under the terms and conditions of Invitation to Bid No. 24-045.  
A RESOLUTION authorizing the Director of Finance and Purchasing to  
issue a check in the amount of $3,222.00 to Superior Moving Service of  
Kansas City, MO for moving services rendered.  
A RESOLUTION transferring $122,000.00 within the 2024 Park Fund and  
awarding a contract to purchase a grapple truck to Key Equipment & Supply  
of Kansas City, KS under the terms and conditions of Sourcewell Contract  
040621-PII, an existing competitively bid government contract for use by the  
Parks + Rec Department for a total purchase amount of $221,204.98.  
A RESOLUTION with the intent to support the City of Greenwood, MO  
seeking multijurisdictional funding for the 2023-2024 fiscal year through the  
Community Development Block Grant Program for the Allendale Lake Road  
Improvement Project.  
Resolutions #21741, #21747, #21749, #21750, #21751, #21753 and  
#21760 were moved to the Consent Agenda for adoption.  
A motion was made by Jalen Anderson, seconded by Sean E. Smith, to  
approve the Consent Agenda. The motion passed by a roll call vote:  
Yes: 9 -  
Jeanie Lauer, Megan L. Marshall, Jalen Anderson, Donna Peyton,  
Manuel Abarca IV, Venessa Huskey, Charlie Franklin, DaRon  
McGee and Sean E. Smith  
Appropriating $26,000.00 from the undesignated fund balance of the 2024  
General Fund in acceptance of the Sheriff’s Office Hazard Moving Violation  
Enforcement Grant awarded by the Missouri Department of Transportation,  
Highway Safety and Traffic Division, and authorizing the County Executive to  
execute a contract for the acceptance and expenditure of such grant funds.  
(Assigned to the Justice and Law Enforcement Committee.)  
Appropriating $44,600.00 from the undesignated fund balance of the 2024  
Grant Fund in acceptance of the Sheriff’s Office’s Impaired Driving  
Enforcement grant awarded by the Missouri Department of Transportation,  
Highway Safety and Traffic Division, and authorizing the County Executive to  
execute a contract with the Missouri Highway Safety Division for the  
expenditure of grant funds.  
(Assigned to the Justice and Law Enforcement Committee.)  
Appropriating $283,841.00 from the undesignated fund balance of the 2024  
General Fund in acceptance of the Sheriff’s Office’s DWI/Traffic Safety Unit  
Salary Grant awarded by the Missouri Department of Transportation,  
Highway Safety and Traffic Division, and authorizing the County Executive to  
execute a contract for the acceptance and expenditure of grant funds.  
(Assigned to the Justice and Law Enforcement Committee.)  
Awarding a contract for the furnishing of two international trucks for use by  
the Public Works Department to Viking-Cives Midwest of Morley, MO, under  
the terms and conditions set forth in Sourcewell Contract No. 062222-VCM,  
an existing, competitively bid government contract, at an actual cost to the  
County in the amount of $226,846.00  
(Assigned to the Public Works Committee.)  
Awarding a contract for the furnishing of ten Stalker DSR 2-Antenna dash  
mount radar units for use by the Sheriff’s Office to Applied Concepts, Inc. of  
Richardson, TX, under the terms and conditions of NASPO ValuePoint  
State of Washington Contract No. 24823, an existing competitively bid  
government contract, at an actual cost to the County in the total amount of  
(Assigned to the Justice and Law Enforcement Committee.)  
Implementing an allocation methodology for the eventual distribution of  
approximately $70.4 million in remaining Jackson County American Rescue  
Plan (ARPA) funds by the end of 2024.  
(Assigned to the Budget Committee.)  
A motion was made by Sean E. Smith, seconded by DaRon McGee to  
adopt Resolution #21764.  
A motion was made by Jalen Anderson, seconded by Venessa Huskey to  
hold Resolution #21764. The motion passed by a roll call vote:  
Yes: 5 - Megan L. Marshall, Jeanie Lauer, Jalen Anderson, Manuel Abarca  
IV and Venessa Huskey  
No: 3 - Donna Peyton, DaRon McGee and Sean E. Smith  
Abstain: 1 - Charlie Franklin  
Vernon Howard from the audience asked for clarity for the public regarding  
Resolution #21764. Megan Marshall, Chairman, responded.  
Authorizing an extension to the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office’s Innovative  
Prosecution for the Combating Violent Crimes grant, awarded by the U.S.  
Department of Justice, at no cost to the County.  
(Assigned to the Anti-Crime Committee.)  
Transferring $49,500.00 within the 2024 General Fund and authorizing a  
contract to cover the cost of consultation and proposal services to Colette  
Holt & Associates Law Firm of San Antonio, TX, at a cost to the County not  
to exceed $49,500.00.  
(Assigned to the Justice and Law Enforcement Committee.)  
A motion was made by Manuel Abarca IV, seconded by Venessa Huskey, to  
adopt Resolution #21767, recognizing Indigenous People’s Day and their  
significant contributions to society. The motion passed by a roll call vote:  
Yes: 9 -  
Jeanie Lauer, Megan L. Marshall, Jalen Anderson, Donna Peyton,  
Manuel Abarca IV, Venessa Huskey, Charlie Franklin, DaRon  
McGee and Sean E. Smith  
No objection to the consideration of Resolution #21767 - not on printed  
Authorizing a twelve-month extension to the 2021 Justice Assistance grant  
awarded by the United States Department of Justice, at no cost to the  
(Assigned to the Justice and Law Enforcement Committee.)  
Jalen Anderson, County Legislator, said his office will send an email to  
legislators to set up a meeting to discuss both ARPA Resolutions (#21736  
and #21764).  
A motion was made by Manuel Abarca IV, seconded by Jalen Anderson, to  
adjourn the meeting. The motion passed by a voice vote.  
Meeting adjourned until Monday, October 21, 2024 at 3:00 P.M. at the  
Jackson County Courthouse, 415 E. 12th Street, Kansas City, Missouri, 2nd  
Floor, Legislative Assembly Area.