AN ORDINANCE repealing subsections 2066.6., 2066.7., and 2066.8.,
Jackson County Code, 1984, relating to a senior tax credit, and enacting, in
lieu thereof, four new subsections relating to the same subject.
(Finance and Audit Committee - 2nd. Perfection)
AN ORDINANCE appropriating $1,688,456.00 from the undesignated fund
balance of the General Fund, $293,956.00 from the undesignated fund
balance of the Health Fund, $708,172.00 from the undesignated fund
balance of the Anti-Crime Sales Tax Fund, and making the necessary
transfers within the General Fund, Health Fund, Anti-Crime Sales Tax Fund,
and the County Improvement Fund to provide the Circuit Court, Family Court,
and Family Court Facilities with their portion of the 2025 Recommended
(Budget Committee - 2nd. Perfection)
AN ORDINANCE repealing subsections 7401.2., 7405.4., and 7406.5.,
Jackson County Code, 1984, relating to protections against retaliation for
complaints, cooperating with complaint investigations, and amending the
discretionary authority to decline a complaint and enacting, in lieu thereof,
three new subsections relating to the same subject.
(Inter-Governmental Affairs Committee - 1st. Perfection)
AN ORDINANCE appropriating $71,751.00 from the undesignated fund
balance of the 2025 General Fund in acceptance of the Missouri Western
Interdiction and Narcotics Task Force grant awarded by the Missouri
Department of Public Safety.
A RESOLUTION authorizing the County Executive or the Chairman of the
Legislature to sell the County-owned property located at 1300 Washington
Street, Kansas City, MO 64105 via the competitive bidding process.
(Legislature As A Whole - 36th Meeting)
A RESOLUTION transferring $49,500.00 within the 2024 General Fund and
authorizing a contract to cover the cost of consultation and proposal services
to Colette Holt & Associates Law Firm of San Antonio, TX, at a cost to the
County not to exceed $49,500.00.
(Legislature As A Whole - 23rd Meeting)
A RESOLUTION requiring the Jackson County property cards provided by
the Assessment Department to include photographs of the property
inspection and related property comparable sales that were used to
determine the Fair Market Value (FMV) and property classification.
(Inter-Governmental Affairs Committee - 7th. Meeting)