A RESOLUTION awarding a twenty-four-month term and supply contract,
with two twelve-month options to extend, for the furnishing of office furniture
for use by various County departments, as a split award to Encompas
Corporation, Kansas City Office Design, LLC, K&M Office Products dba
Office Products Alliance, Color Art Integrated Interiors of Kansas City, LLC,
dba Scott Rice Office Works, all of Kansas City, MO and Rangle Distributing
of Kansas City, KS, under the terms and conditions of Invitation to Bid No.
(Finance and Audit Committee - 3rd. Meeting)
A RESOLUTION transferring $36,300.00 within the 2025 Park Fund to
purchase supplies at Lowe’s Home Improvement for use by the Parks + Rec
(Finance and Audit Committee - 3rd. Meeting)
A RESOLUTION awarding a five-year contract for the furnishing of ortho and
oblique aerial imagery for use by various County departments to Nearmap
U.S., Inc., of Lehi, Utah, at an actual cost to the County of $100,000.00, as a
sole source purchase.
(Finance and Audit Committee - 3rd. Meeting)
A RESOLUTION awarding a twenty-four-month term and supply contract,
with one twelve-month option to extend, for the furnishing of miscellaneous
pipes and plumbing supplies for use by various County departments to
Reeves-Wiedeman Company of Kansas City, Missouri, under the terms and
conditions of Invitation to Bid No. 24-088.
(Finance and Audit Committee - 3rd. Meeting)
A RESOLUTION authorizing the County Executive to execute an
Intergovernmental Cooperative Agreement with the City of Independence,
Missouri, for the use of certain County property for a civic event, at no cost to
the County.
(Inter-Governmental Affairs Committee - 2nd. Meeting)
A RESOLUTION declaring certain real property as surplus real property and
authorizing the Administration to solicit bids for selling the surplus parcels.
(Budget Committee - 2nd. Meeting)
A RESOLUTION authorizing the County Executive to execute a
Programmatic Agreement with the US Army Corp of Engineers and the
Missouri State Historic Preservation Office related to the disposition of
certain properties located at Longview Lake.
(Land Use Committee - 1st. Meeting )
A RESOLUTION authorizing the County Executive to execute a contract with
the Jackson County Board of Services for the Developmentally Disabled to
provide for partial funding of various Parks + Rec Department's Special
Population Services Division programs.
(Land Use Committee - 1st. Meeting )