AN ORDINANCE appropriating $1,688,456.00 from the undesignated fund
balance of the General Fund, $293,956.00 from the undesignated fund
balance of the Health Fund, $708,172.00 from the undesignated fund
balance of the Anti-Crime Sales Tax Fund, and making the necessary
transfers within the General Fund, Health Fund, Anti-Crime Sales Tax Fund,
and the County Improvement Fund to provide the Circuit Court, Family Court,
and Family Court Facilities with their portion of the 2025 Recommended
(Budget Committee - 1st. Perfection)
AN ORDINANCE appropriating $71,751.00 from the undesignated fund
balance of the 2025 General Fund in acceptance of the Missouri Western
Interdiction and Narcotics Task Force grant awarded by the Missouri
Department of Public Safety.
A motion was made by Manuel Abarca IV, seconded by Sean E. Smith to
hold Ordinance #5959. The motion passed by a roll call vote:
Yes: 7 - DaRon McGee, Donna Peyton, Manuel Abarca IV, Venessa
Huskey, Charlie Franklin, Jeanie Lauer and Sean E. Smith
Absent: 2 - Jalen Anderson and Megan L. Marshall
A motion was made by Charlie Franklin, seconded by Venessa Huskey, to
waive the reading of Resolutions #21641, #21766, #21843, #21846,
#21850, #21851, #21852, #21853, #21854, #21855, #21856, #21857,
#21860, #21864, #21869, #21870, #21871, #21872, #21873, #21874,
#21875, #21876, #21877 and #21878. The motion passed by a roll call
Yes: 7 - DaRon McGee, Donna Peyton, Manuel Abarca IV, Venessa
Huskey, Charlie Franklin, Jeanie Lauer and Sean E. Smith
Absent: 2 - Jalen Anderson and Megan L. Marshall
A RESOLUTION authorizing the County Executive or the Chairman of the
Legislature to sell the County-owned property located at 1300 Washington
Street, Kansas City, MO 64105 via the competitive bidding process.
(Legislature As A Whole - 35th Meeting)