No: 3 - Megan L. Marshall, Charlie Franklin and Jeanie Lauer
Absent: 2 - Jalen Anderson and Sean E. Smith
A RESOLUTION authorizing the Jackson County Sheriff to execute a
contract for services with the Family Court Division of the 16th Circuit Court
of Missouri to provide deputies to assist with the Family Court’s
Connections supervised visitation program.
(Justice and Law Enforcement Committee - 1st. Meeting )
A RESOLUTION awarding a month-to-month contract extension for the
furnishing of food service at the Jackson County Detention Center to Trinity
Services Group of Oldsmar, Florida, under the terms and conditions of
Invitation to Bid No. 27-21.
(Justice and Law Enforcement Committee - 1st. Meeting )
A RESOLUTION awarding a twenty-four-month term and supply contract,
with two twelve-month options to extend, for the furnishing of calcium
chloride pellets and rock salt supplies for use by various County
departments, to Nu-Life Labs, Inc. of Kansas City, Missouri and Humana
Chemicals, Inc. of Potomac, Maryland, under the terms and conditions of
Invitation to Bid No. 24-087.
(Budget Committee - 1st. Meeting )
A RESOLUTION awarding a twelve-month term and supply contract, with
three twelve-month options to extend, for the furnishing of electrical supplies
for use by various County departments to Graybar Electric Company of St.
Louis, MO, under the terms and conditions of the City of Kansas City,
Missouri contract No. EV2370, an existing competitively bid government
(Budget Committee - 1st. Meeting )
A RESOLUTION awarding a twelve-month term and supply contract, with
two twelve-month options to extend, for the furnishing of softball umpire
services for use by the Parks + Rec Department to Eastern Jackson County
USSSA Umpire Association of Independence, MO, as a sole source
(Land Use Committee - 1st. Meeting )
A RESOLUTION awarding a twenty-four-month term and supply contract,
with two twelve-month options to extend, for the furnishing of trash removal
service for use by various County departments to Waste Management of
Kansas, Inc., under the terms and conditions of Invitation to Bid 24-096.
(Public Works Committee - 1st. Meeting )
A RESOLUTION awarding a twelve-month term and supply contract, with
three twelve-month options to extend, for the furnishing of body
transportation services for use by the Medical Examiner’s Office to First Call
of Kansas City, MO, under the terms and conditions of Invitation to Bid No.