Administration will work with the County Administrator, Collector and
Assessor to get the information requested by Mr. Smith.
Manuel Abarca IV, County Legislator, asked why the Chief of Staff is
responding to questions when it is the responsibility of the County
Executive to understand and know all operations of Jackson County.
Lack of a simple answer regarding kiosks on the last day of the year
when taxpayers are trying to pay their taxes is unacceptable. He said the
Chief of Staff is not accountable to the citizens, it is the elected County
Executive. The County Legislature should be able to understand why it
has taken over a year to solve a problem that was known over two years
ago. He believes the Legislature needs to hold the County Executive
more accountable. Mr. Abarca asked the County Executive why the City
of Lee's Summit does not have the ability to continue a payment program
but the City of Grandview has the ability. Frank White Jr. responded the
City of Lee's Summit did not work out a plan with the County. He said the
City of Grandview worked with the Administration and the Assessment
department. He said Lee's Summit was online and he is not sure why
they are no longer online. He said the County Administrator with the
Assessment Department has been working to get entities online for this
process. Mr. White told Mr. Abarca to see him with any issues. Mr.
Abarca said the reality is politics in Jackson County continue to disallow
constituents to receive the best benefit. The County Legislature owes it to
their constituents to hold people accountable for their actions. The Mayor
of Lee's Summit sent a letter stating that because they sued about the
property taxes, the County Administration is retaliating. He said this is
ridiculous and he also thinks it is ridiculous to allow the County
Counselor's office to perpetuate these lawsuits when we know we are not
conforming with State law with regards to property tax rates. He said the
2025 Assessment Plan has not been accepted by the State of Missouri
which has cost Jackson County over $1 million dollars. He said not
challenging the County Executive to do something about all this is
detrimental to the County Legislature as well.
Frank White Jr., County Executive, said running the County
Administration is a big task and that is why he has staff to delegate tasks.
He said he has an issue with challenging someone's effectiveness in
open session. He said this is his 10th year in the job and he knows his
job. He said they have always done the right thing for the taxpayers. The
County Counselor's office has won 10 out of 10 lawsuits, to save
taxpayers money. He said his job is to stand between taxpayers and bad
law, to protect taxpayers. He thanked Chairman Lauer for giving him time
to respond.
DaRon McGee, County Legislator, asked what system the County
Executive was referencing when he said Grandview was online but Lee's
Summit was offline. Frank White Jr. said he is referencing the Collections
department. He said it is Jackson County's software and the County pays
taxing entities to collect the funding. The taxing entities must have an
agreement with Jackson County's IT department. Mr. McGee asked why