Jackson County Missouri  
Jackson County Courthouse  
415 E.12th Street, 2nd floor  
Kansas City, Missouri 64106  
County Legislature  
Jeanie Lauer (5th) Chairman,  
Office of  
Megan L. Marshall (3rd AL) Vice Chairman,  
Mary Jo Spino  
Jalen Anderson (1st AL), Donna Peyton (2nd AL), Manuel Abarca IV (1st),  
Venessa Huskey (2nd), Charlie Franklin (3rd), DaRon McGee (4th),  
Sean E. Smith (6th)  
Clerk of the County Legislature  
Monday, August 5, 2024  
3:00 PM  
Twenty-ninth Regular Meeting  
K.C. Legislative Assembly Area, Kansas City, Missouri  
Jeanie Lauer, Chairman, called the meeting of the Jackson County Legislature to order.  
Present 9 -  
Jeanie Lauer, Megan L. Marshall, Jalen Anderson, Donna Peyton,  
Manuel Abarca IV, Venessa Huskey, Charlie Franklin, DaRon  
McGee and Sean E. Smith  
A motion was made by Manuel Abarca IV, seconded by Sean E. Smith to  
approve the journal of the previous meeting held on July 29, 2024. The  
motion passed by a voice vote.  
Frank White Jr., County Executive, was not present. Caleb Clifford, Chief of  
Staff, said there was no report.  
Manuel Abarca IV, County Legislator, said he noticed an add-on Resolution  
for American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds and a letter from the County  
Executive. Caleb Clifford said the County Executive sent a letter to the  
Legislature with his recommendation in hopes of working with the  
Legislature to move forward expeditiously. Mr. Abarca said he sees  
categories but not specifics on ARPA funding within those categories. He  
asked about the County Executive’s priority for renovations to the 1300  
Washington building. He expressed concern about the location of this  
building. Mr. Clifford said the Downtown Courthouse has significant capital  
improvement needs that have not been addressed. The Courthouse is not  
accessible for the disabled, it has safety and security issues, and is  
overused. An assessment of the building by consultants found that it is being  
used beyond its capacity, which has created a stress on the structure.  
Efforts were made to find an alternative location for the Administrative  
functions of the County. Few other counties co-locate their court functions in  
the same location as their administrative functions. The previous Legislature  
approved the purchase of the 1300 Washington location and the use of  
ARPA funds for upgrades to that building and the Downtown Courthouse.  
Solicitations for the work was conducted through a reliable process. This is  
work that needs to be done. The procurement process is not for a specific  
amount. The bidders state what the cost would be for the work.  
Mr. Abarca said the estimates he saw were for a $50 million cost for  
improvements to 1300 Washington and the downtown courthouse with a  
greater focus on 1300 Washington. He believes the 1300 Washington  
building should be sold. Mr. Clifford said federal rules require federal  
approval before selling an asset that was purchased with ARPA funds. If the  
building is sold, the County will have to give the funds to the federal  
government and be out the cost paid for the property. This could be over a  
$10 million loss to the County. Mr. Abarca disputed that characterization,  
stating that he has a letter from the Department of Treasury stating the  
building can be sold. Mr. Clifford said he has not seen that information and  
would like to review Mr. Abarca’s documentation. Mr. Abarca said the letter  
came from the White House on Friday. Mr. Abarca said he feels the  
Administration’s position is creating a chaotic situation. He said the letter  
also states that the County was to give specific goals for the use of the funds  
by July. Mr. Clifford said he believes the County has complied all  
requirements of the federal government related to the federal funds.  
A motion was made by Manuel Abarca IV, seconded by Sean E. Smith, to  
hold Ordinance #5861. The motion passed by a voice vote.  
AN ORDINANCE submitting to the qualified voters of Jackson County,  
Missouri, at a General Election to be held on November 5, 2024, a question  
authorizing Jackson County to impose a countywide capital improvement  
sales tax of three-eighths of one percent for a period of forty years for the  
purpose of retaining the Kansas City Chiefs sports team in Jackson County,  
(Legislature As A Whole - 2nd. Perfection)  
AN ORDINANCE submitting to the qualified voters of Jackson County,  
Missouri, at the general election to be held on November 5, 2024, a  
question to amend the Jackson County Charter, with an effective date.  
(Legislature As A Whole - 2nd. Perfection)  
Sean E. Smith, County Legislator, explained the Proposed Substitute for  
Ordinance #5864, dated August 5, 2024. He said these changes make the  
charter amendment consistent with state law, so the assessor election is on  
the correct cycle. State law says that elected assessors take office in  
September after their November election, so they assume office after the  
reassessment cycle is complete. It also provides for procedures for filling a  
possible vacancy within the assessor’s office. Manuel Abarca IV, the original  
sponsor of the ordinance said he considers these revisions to be friendly  
and he supports them.  
A motion was made by Sean E. Smith, seconded by Venessa Huskey to  
approve the floor substitute to Ordinance #5864. The motion passed by a  
voice vote.  
A motion was made by Megan L. Marshall, seconded by Charlie Franklin, to  
hold Ordinance #5864.  
Megan L. Marshall, County Legislator, stated that because the Legislature  
just received this amendment, she would like time to review this document,  
the corresponding state statutes, and the constitution. Mr. Smith stated that  
time is of the essence since a potential veto of the ordinance will cause  
delay and require another vote to make the August 27, 2024, deadline for  
the November ballot.  
The motion to hold passed by a roll call vote:  
Yes: 7 - Jeanie Lauer, Megan L. Marshall, Jalen Anderson, Donna Peyton,  
Manuel Abarca IV, Charlie Franklin, and DaRon McGee  
No: 1 - Sean E. Smith  
Abstain: 1 - Venessa Huskey  
AN ORDINANCE enacting section 5577., Jackson County Code, 1984,  
relating to possession of firearms and age restriction.  
(Rules Committee - 2nd. Perfection)  
A motion was made by Manuel Abarca IV, seconded by Venessa Huskey, to  
adopt Ordinance #5866, enacting section 2066., Jackson County Code,  
1984, relating to the Senior Property Tax Credit. The motion passed by a roll  
call vote:  
Yes: 9 -  
Jeanie Lauer, Megan L. Marshall, Jalen Anderson, Donna Peyton,  
Manuel Abarca IV, Venessa Huskey, Charlie Franklin, DaRon  
McGee and Sean E. Smith  
A motion was made by Manuel Abarca IV, seconded by Sean E. Smith, to  
hold Resolution #21641. The motion passed by a voice vote:  
Yes: 9 - Jeanie Lauer, Megan L. Marshall, Jalen Anderson, Donna Peyton,  
Manuel Abarca IV, Venessa Huskey, Charlie Franklin, DaRon McGee and  
Sean E. Smith  
A RESOLUTION authorizing the County Executive or the Chairman of the  
Legislature to sell the County-owned property located at 1300 Washington  
Street, Kansas City, MO 64105 via the competitive bidding process.  
(Legislature As A Whole - 1st. Meeting )  
A RESOLUTION amending Rules 16 and 19 of the Rules of the Jackson  
County Legislature relating to the transfer of legislation between  
(Rules Committee - 5th. Meeting)  
A RESOLUTION expressing the support of the Jackson County Legislature  
for the creation of a Jackson County Office of Gun Violence Prevention.  
(Budget Committee - 4th. Meeting)  
Public Works Committee moved to adopt. Consent Agenda.  
Public Works Committee moved to adopt. Consent Agenda.  
Manuel Abarca IV objected to the Consent Agenda.  
Mr. Abarca asked if the responsible bidder ordinance pertains to this  
legislation. Troy Schulte explained this legislation deals with supplies only.  
Manuel Abarca IV withdrew his objection to the Consent Agenda.  
Justice and Law Enforcement Committee moved to adopt. Consent  
Finance and Audit Committee moved to adopt. Consent Agenda.  
A motion was made by Manuel Abarca IV, seconded by Donna Peyton, to  
hold Resolution #21684.  
Manuel Abarca IV requested a detail report regarding why the cyber attack  
happened and what lessons were learned after the attack. He requested  
clarity and specifics about the steps they are asked to approve with this  
The motion to hold failed by a roll call vote:  
Yes: 3 - Manuel Abarca IV, Venessa Huskey and DaRon McGee  
No: 6 - Jeanie Lauer, Megan L. Marshall, Jalen Anderson, Donna Peyton,  
Charlie Franklin and Sean E. Smith  
Manuel Abarca IV objected to the Consent Agenda.  
A motion was made by Jalen Anderson, seconded by Sean E. Smith, to  
adopt Resolution #21684, transferring $778,483.00 within the 2024 General  
Fund and $59,772.00 within the E-911 System Fund for the furnishing of  
advanced cybersecurity solutions from existing term and supply contract  
vendors. The motion passed by a roll call vote:  
Yes: 5 -  
Jeanie Lauer, Megan L. Marshall, Jalen Anderson, Charlie Franklin  
and Sean E. Smith  
No: 4 -  
Donna Peyton, Manuel Abarca IV, Venessa Huskey and DaRon  
Finance and Audit Committee moved to adopt. Consent Agenda.  
Land Use Committee moved to adopt. Consent Agenda.  
A RESOLUTION awarding a twenty-four-month term and supply contract,  
with one twelve-month option to extend, for the furnishing of glazing services  
for use by the Public Works Department to Binswanger Glass of  
Independence, Missouri, under the terms and conditions of Invitation to Bid  
No. 23-026.  
A RESOLUTION awarding a twelve-month term and supply contract, with  
one twelve-month option to extend, for the furnishing of asphaltic concrete for  
use by the Public Works Department to Vance Brothers, Inc., of Kansas  
City, MO, under the terms and conditions of Invitation to Bid No. 24-007.  
A RESOLUTION awarding a twelve-month term and supply contract, with  
one twelve-month option to extend, for the furnishing of electronic monitoring  
equipment for use by the Jackson County Sheriff’s Population Control  
Office, to BI Incorporated of Boulder, CO, under the terms and conditions of  
OMNIA Partners - City of Mesa, Arizona Contract No. 2022118, an existing  
competitively bid government contract.  
A RESOLUTION awarding a twenty-four-month term and supply contract,  
with one twelve-month option to extend, for the furnishing of livestock feed,  
animal food, and agricultural supplies and equipment for use by various  
County departments to Feldman’s Farm and Home of Liberty, MO, under the  
terms and conditions of Invitation to Bid No. 24-038.  
A RESOLUTION transferring $127,500.00 within the 2024 General Fund to  
replace a pedestrian bridge along the Little Blue Trace Trail damaged by a  
severe storm, utilizing an existing term and supply contract.  
Resolutions #21681, #21682, #21683, #21685 and #21686 were moved to  
the Consent Agenda for adoption.  
A motion was made by Jalen Anderson, seconded by Megan L. Marshall, to  
approve the Consent Agenda. The motion passed by a roll call vote:  
Yes: 9 -  
Jeanie Lauer, Megan L. Marshall, Jalen Anderson, Donna Peyton,  
Manuel Abarca IV, Venessa Huskey, Charlie Franklin, DaRon  
McGee and Sean E. Smith  
Appropriating $40,600.00 from the undesignated fund balance of the 2024  
General Fund in receipt of extradition reimbursement from the State of  
Missouri to cover unanticipated transportation budgetary shortfalls within the  
Sheriff’s Office.  
(Assigned to the Justice and Law Enforcement Committee.)  
A motion was made by DaRon McGee, seconded by Manuel Abarca IV, to  
adopt Resolution #21689, authorizing the County Counselor to execute an  
addendum to the Legal Services Agreement with Hardwick Law Firm of  
Kansas City, MO, at an additional cost to the County not to exceed  
$495,454.00. The motion passed by a roll call vote:  
Yes: 5 -  
Donna Peyton, Manuel Abarca IV, Venessa Huskey, Charlie  
Franklin and DaRon McGee  
No: 4 -  
Jeanie Lauer, Megan L. Marshall, Jalen Anderson and Sean E.  
Authorizing the County Counselor to execute Addendums to existing Legal  
Services Agreements with certain lawyers and law firms at an aggregate  
cost to the County not to exceed $57,000.00.  
(Assigned to the Finance and Audit Committee.)  
No objection to the consideration of Resolution #21691 - not on the printed  
Expressing the intent of the Legislature to work with the County Executive to  
develop a plan to commit federal American Rescue Plan (ARPA) funds and  
begin the required procurement process to ensure funds are under contract  
by the end of 2024.  
(Assigned to the Legislature As A Whole.)  
Manuel Abarca IV inquired as to the difference between this resolution and a  
previous resolution offered by Legislator Donna Peyton for  
recommendations regarding the ARPA funds. He sees that the resolution  
presented, fixes the allocation to certain categories. Is this a  
recommendation to consider funding in these certain areas? Bryan  
Covinsky, County Counselor, said he believes the resolution speaks for  
itself. It is the legislative intent. Mr. Abarca said, when looking at the  
difference between a resolution or an ordinance, how would the Legislature  
have budgeted the money differently? It seems inconsistent by presenting  
this as a resolution instead of an ordinance. Whitney Miller, Chief Deputy  
County Counselor, said this will require further authorization to move forward  
with the recommendations. This is the Legislature sharing its intent with the  
County Executive with a plan to move forward. Jeanie Lauer, County  
Legislator, asked Troy Schulte, County Administrator, for an explanation on  
the procurement process to move forward. Mr. Schulte said if consensus is  
reached, then the Administration will move forward with a procurement  
process to encumber ARPA funds on contracts. He agrees with Mr. Abarca  
that there will be another step to approve an ordinance appropriating the  
funds. This resolution will start the procurement process. Mr. Abarca said his  
fear is that the Legislature is locking itself into a preconceived acceptance  
of disproportional funding. The Legislature had hearings last year that  
everyone participated in that looked at a $30 million appropriation to  
community funding. Now they are looking at $25 million for community  
investment. The Our Healthy Jackson County is still included, which reduces  
the community investment to $15 or $20 million. There does not appear to  
be enough information to move forward. It seems like an attempt to lock the  
Legislature into a preconceived allocation. He is not in favor of the  
Venessa Huskey, County Legislator, said she thought the County had more  
than $65 million available. Mr. Schulte said last week the independent  
auditor indicated that the amount of $80 million is the available. This figure  
includes contracts that were unspent. The Our Healthy Jackson County and  
some other resources are under contract and according to federal  
regulations that is acceptable. When you take the available funds, $65  
million is remaining.  
Donna Peyton, County Legislator, said it was the hope of the County  
Executive that we work expeditiously to get this done. She said she takes  
great offense to that, because it was the hope of this Legislature to have a  
plan by the end of April. She is offended to not be kept in the loop, not  
receive updates, or other information until now, but to now be told they must  
work expeditiously. She sees this resolution as a commitment that the  
Legislature will come together to have discussions. Not to have discussions  
on what to do with ARPA funding but to have discussions on what was given  
to them. This is a concern. She wants clarity on the expectations and how  
they will work to get this done. She said she never heard what was done to  
meet the qualifications required by July 1. Caleb Clifford said the County  
Executive hopes there is an open and honest discussion on the use of  
ARPA funds. He said the priorities identified in the Resolution have the  
County Executive’s support. The Chair and others involved in this discussion  
have factored in input from others on the Legislature. This is a step to  
update the Legislature and to make the process public. The County  
Executive is open to other input. Mr. White told Mr. Clifford he had  
productive conversations with Legislator Peyton specifically. As to the  
suggested July deadline, County staff have been assigned to making sure  
the County has met all of the deadlines and requirements from the federal  
government. The annual report has been submitted and was on time.  
Ms. Peyton said she has concerns. Her understanding is this resolution is a  
blueprint to guide their discussions. This is what is open for discussion. She  
wants clarification on how much leeway the Legislature has regarding ARPA  
funding. Is this proposal written in stone? Mr. Clifford said he hesitates in  
stepping into the legislative process. The Legislature always has the ability  
to amend a proposal. The County Executive is putting forward his  
recommendations to move forward. He is open to any better ideas to look  
for solutions. This is not a simple or easy decision on important matters. Any  
resolution may leave everyone feeling like they didn’t get exactly what they  
wanted, but that may be because of compromise to get the process  
Sean E. Smith, County Legislator, said he feels like he is in Groundhog Day  
because of the strategy by the Administration of waiting until things are  
urgent and then adopting a take it or leave it approach. He finds this  
repugnant as a representative democracy and as the legislative body  
responsible for the budget and funding of this County. This is a consistent,  
repetitive tactic by this Administration. It is embarrassing. He will offer within  
the next seven days the opportunity for work sessions with the County  
Executive and any Legislators without any third parties so something can be  
worked out. He wants to work collaboratively on this process so that  
everyone feels like they are working together.  
Manuel Abarca IV said the County Executive does not have a vote on the  
Legislature. The Executive is passing through his own wishes through a  
member of the Legislature. The Legislature makes this decision. The  
Administration executes what the Legislature enacts. There is a $10 million  
window on some of these funds. The reality is they keep hearing that the  
County Executive is open to meeting with all Legislators, but Mr. White has  
not responded to any of Mr. Abarca’s efforts to speak with him and has  
cancelled meetings. Mr. Abarca said it is frustrating to be lectured by  
someone who is not elected. In addition, it is embarrassing the way the  
Administration operates.  
Jeanie Lauer said upgrades to the Eastern Jackson County Courthouse are  
complete and the Legislature may begin scheduling meetings to be held in  
Independence in accordance with the Rules of the Legislature. Because the  
November meeting falls on Veteran's Day, that meeting will remain  
scheduled for the Downtown Courthouse.  
A motion was made by Sean E. Smith, seconded by Manuel Abarca IV, to  
change the location of the legislative meetings scheduled to be held on  
Monday, September 9, October 14, and December 9, 2024 to the  
Legislative Assembly Area located on the ground floor of the Eastern  
Jackson County Courthouse, 308 W. Kansas, Independence, Missouri. The  
motion passed by a roll call vote:  
Yes: 9 - Jeanie Lauer, Megan L. Marshall, Jalen Anderson, Donna Peyton,  
Manuel Abarca IV, Venessa Huskey, Charlie Franklin, DaRon McGee and  
Sean E. Smith  
A motion was made by Megan L. Marshall, seconded by Manuel Abarca IV,  
to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed by a voice vote.  
Meeting adjourned until Monday, August 12, 2024 at 3:00 P.M. at the  
Jackson County Courthouse, 415 E. 12th Street, Kansas City, Missouri, 2nd  
Floor, Legislative Assembly Area.