| 0 | | Appropriation carpet for Sheriff's Office | Ordinance | AN ORDINANCE appropriating $33,458.00 from the undesignated fund balance of the 2018 Sheriff’s Revolving Fund and awarding a contract for the furnishing and installation of carpet for use by the Sheriff’s Office to R.D. Mann of Kansas City, KS, under the terms and conditions of Bid No. 6-18. | Consent Agenda | |
Action details
| 0 | | Term and supply inmate transport | Resolution | A RESOLUTION awarding a twelve-month term and supply contract with two twelve-month options to extend for the furnishing of transport and security services for use by the Department of Corrections to Security Transport Services of Topeka, KS, under the terms and conditions of Request for Proposals No. 95-17. | Consent Agenda | |
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| 0 | | Computer software maintenance IT | Resolution | A RESOLUTION awarding a contract for the maintenance of computer software for use by the Information Technology Department to CivicPlus of Manhattan, KS, at an actual cost to the County not to exceed $35,726.00, as a sole source purchase. | Consent Agenda | |
Action details
| 0 | | Windstream Communications addendum | Resolution | A RESOLUTION authorizing the County Executive to execute an Addendum to the Agreement with Windstream Communications for wide-area network services for use by the Information Technology Department, at an annual additional cost to the County in the amount of $5,190.00. | Consent Agenda | |
Action details
| 0 | | Ad Hoc Group Against Crime Community Outreach | Resolution | A RESOLUTION authorizing the County Executive to execute an agreement with the Ad Hoc Group Against Crime of Kansas City, MO, for community outreach efforts, at an actual cost to the County not to exceed $3,777.00. | Consent Agenda | |
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| 0 | | Term and supply tree removal services | Resolution | A RESOLUTION awarding a fourteen month term and supply contract for the furnishing of tree removal services for use by various County departments to Safety Tree Service of Kansas City, MO, under the terms and conditions of United States GSA Contract No. EV1910, an existing government contract. | Consent Agenda | |
Action details
| 0 | | Appropriation carpet for Sheriff's Office | Ordinance | AN ORDINANCE appropriating $33,458.00 from the undesignated fund balance of the 2018 Sheriff’s Revolving Fund and awarding a contract for the furnishing and installation of carpet for use by the Sheriff’s Office to R.D. Mann of Kansas City, KS, under the terms and conditions of Bid No. 6-18. | adopt | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | Term and supply inmate transport | Resolution | A RESOLUTION awarding a twelve-month term and supply contract with two twelve-month options to extend for the furnishing of transport and security services for use by the Department of Corrections to Security Transport Services of Topeka, KS, under the terms and conditions of Request for Proposals No. 95-17. | adopt | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | Computer software maintenance IT | Resolution | A RESOLUTION awarding a contract for the maintenance of computer software for use by the Information Technology Department to CivicPlus of Manhattan, KS, at an actual cost to the County not to exceed $35,726.00, as a sole source purchase. | adopt | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | Windstream Communications addendum | Resolution | A RESOLUTION authorizing the County Executive to execute an Addendum to the Agreement with Windstream Communications for wide-area network services for use by the Information Technology Department, at an annual additional cost to the County in the amount of $5,190.00. | adopt | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | Ad Hoc Group Against Crime Community Outreach | Resolution | A RESOLUTION authorizing the County Executive to execute an agreement with the Ad Hoc Group Against Crime of Kansas City, MO, for community outreach efforts, at an actual cost to the County not to exceed $3,777.00. | adopt | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | Term and supply tree removal services | Resolution | A RESOLUTION awarding a fourteen month term and supply contract for the furnishing of tree removal services for use by various County departments to Safety Tree Service of Kansas City, MO, under the terms and conditions of United States GSA Contract No. EV1910, an existing government contract. | adopt | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | Appropriating Donation for Park Bench P+R | Ordinance | AN ORDINANCE appropriating $1,000.00 from the undesignated fund balance of the 2018 Park Fund in acceptance of a donation from the Burrus Family to the Parks + Rec Department, to be used for a new park bench at Fleming Park. | perfect | Pass |
Action details
| 0 | | Appropriating Donation for Park Bench P+R | Ordinance | AN ORDINANCE appropriating $1,000.00 from the undesignated fund balance of the 2018 Park Fund in acceptance of a donation from the Burrus Family to the Parks + Rec Department, to be used for a new park bench at Fleming Park. | adopt | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | Shawn & Trisha & Maxwell | Ordinance | AN ORDINANCE amending the zoning districts established pursuant to the Unified Development Code by rezoning a certain 2.08 ± acre tract from District AG (Agricultural) to District RE (Residential Estates). | assign to committee | |
Action details
| 0 | | Transfer Fort Osage Fire Restoration Project | Ordinance | AN ORDINANCE transferring $150,000.00 within and appropriating $330,681.00 from the undesignated fund balance of the 2018 Park Fund to cover the cost of the Fort Osage Fire Restoration Project. | assign to committee | |
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| 0 | | Closed meeting June 4, 2018. | Resolution | A RESOLUTION authorizing the Jackson County Legislature to hold a closed meeting on Monday, June 4, 2018, for the purpose of conducting privileged and confidential communications between itself and the Jackson County Counselor under section 610.021(1) of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, and closing all records prepared for discussion at said meeting. | withdrawn | |
Action details
| 0 | | Transfer for HSA Accounts | Resolution | A RESOLUTION transferring $13,500.00 within the 2018 Park Fund, $23,000.00 within the 2018 Special Road & Bridge Fund, and $10,500.00 within the 2018 Assessment Fund, relating to County contributions for County Associate Health Savings Accounts. | assign to committee | |
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| 0 | | Term and Supply Ammunition Contract | Resolution | A RESOLUTION awarding a three-month term and supply contract with one twelve-month option to extend for the furnishing of ammunition for use by various County departments to Gulf States Distributors of Montgomery, AL, under the terms and conditions of the State of Missouri Contract No. CC171389003. | assign to committee | |
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| 0 | | Transfer DARE | Resolution | A RESOLUTION transferring $56,141.00 within the 2018 Anti-Drug Sales Tax Fund to cover funding for the Sheriff's Office’s 2018 Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE) program. | assign to committee | |
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| 0 | | Tranfer for CORE 4 Initiative | Resolution | A RESOLUTION transferring $7,200.00 within the 2018 General Fund, $1,800.00 within the 2018 Health Fund, $1,800.00 within the 2018 Park Fund, $1,800.00 within the 2018 Special Road and Bridge Fund, and $1,800.00 within the 2018 Assessment Fund and authorizing the Department of Finance and Purchasing to issue a check in the amount of $14,400.00 to the Mid-America Regional Council, for the County’s portion of the costs related to the CORE4 initiative. | assign to committee | |
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| 0 | | Extension to ME Agreement | Resolution | A RESOLUTION authorizing the County Executive to execute an Extension to the Agreement for Medical Examiner services with the State of Missouri, for compensation payable to Jackson County. | adopt | Pass |
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| 0 | | Authorizing CE to execute Mutual Assistance Agreement | Resolution | A RESOLUTION authorizing the County Executive to execute a Mutual Assistance Agreement with the Raytown Police Department. | assign to committee | |
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| 0 | | LEPC Agreement with MARC | Resolution | A RESOLUTION authorizing the County Executive to execute an Agreement for Services with the Local Emergency Planning Committee and the Mid-America Regional Council, at no cost to the County. | assign to committee | |
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| 0 | | Courtesy Local 42 | Resolution | A RESOLUTION congratulating Local 42 of the International Association of Fire Fighters of Greater Kansas City, on the occasion of its 100th anniversary. | adopt | Pass |
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| 0 | | Transfer for Re-Ord within DOC | Resolution | A RESOLUTION transferring $42,105.00 within the 2018 General Fund to cover the reorganization of two part-time vacancies to one full-time position within the Department of Corrections. | assign to committee | |
Action details
| 0 | | Term & Supply for security Services within P+R | Resolution | A RESOLUTION awarding a twenty-four month term and supply contract, with two twelve-month options to extend, for the furnishing of security services for use by the Parks + Rec Department to Homeland Security Protective Service of Kansas City, MO, under the terms and conditions of Invitation to Bid No. 23-18. | assign to committee | |
Action details
| 0 | | Transfer COMBAT Anti-Violent Crime Programs | Resolution | A RESOLUTION transferring $242,000.00 within the 2018 Anti-Drug Sales Tax Fund and authorizing the County Executive to execute agreements with certain outside agencies funded by the County’s Anti-Drug Sales Tax Fund for the 2018 fiscal year, which are engaged in anti-violent crime activities and purposes, at an aggregate cost to the County not to exceed $242,000.00. | assign to committee | |
Action details
| 0 | | Partially rescinding 19843 COMBAT Treatment Blue Springs | Resolution | A RESOLUTION partially rescinding Resolution 19843, dated April 23, 2018, and awarding a contract to the Blue Springs School District for the furnishing of anti-drug and/or anti-violent crime treatment activities, at a cost to the County not to exceed $46,000.00. | adopt | Pass |
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| 0 | | Courtesy honoring Bill Richardson | Resolution | A RESOLUTION honoring the life and achievements of Bill R. Richardson, who passed away May 4, 2018. | adopt | Pass |
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| 0 | | Transfer for purchase of software and hardware support | Resolution | A RESOLUTION transferring $76,153.00 within the 2018 General Fund for the purchase of software and hardware support from a current County term and supply vendor. | assign to committee | |
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| 0 | | Courtesy Grand Jury related to jail | Resolution | A RESOLUTION recognizing the service of the grand jurors that were empaneled to examine the Jackson County Detention Center. | adopt | Pass |
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| 0 | | TV Air Time for P+R Charter Communications | Resolution | A RESOLUTION awarding a contract for television air time for use by the Parks + Rec Department to Charter Communication Holdings, LLC, dba Spectrum Reach, at an actual cost to the County not to exceed $15,000.00, as a sole source purchase. | assign to committee | |
Action details
| 0 | | | Executive Orders | Pursuant to the Code of Ordinances of the City of Blue Springs, Missouri, section 800.040, I hereby reappoint Jim Fairbanks to the Land Bank of Blue Springs, Missouri, for a term to expire on May 27, 2022. | | |
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