| 0 | | exterior improvements to the JaCo Courthouse | Ordinance | AN ORDINANCE appropriating $5,597,855.00 from the undesignated fund balance of the 2023 County Improvement Fund and awarding a contract for construction services for exterior improvements to the Jackson County Courthouse to Gunter Construction Co., of Kansas City, KS, under the terms and conditions of Invitation to Bid No. 23-037. | perfect | Fail |
Action details
| 0 | | Assessment Appropriation | Ordinance | AN ORDINANCE appropriating $110,000.00 from the undesignated fund balance of the 2023 Assessment Fund to cover the cost of salaries and overtime for the remainder of the 2023 Board of Equalization (BOE) appeals docket. | | |
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| 0 | | Grant from HIDTA for overtime expenses for JaCo Drug Task Force overtime (detectives) | Ordinance | AN ORDINANCE appropriating $19,372.00 from the undesignated fund balance of the 2023 Grant Fund, in acceptance of a grant received from the United States Office of National Drug Control Policy, High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area program, for use by the Jackson County Drug Task Force for reimbursement of overtime expenses. | Consent Agenda | |
Action details
| 0 | | Grant from HIDTA for JaCo Drug Task Force overtime (detectives) | Ordinance | AN ORDINANCE appropriating $19,840.00 from the undesignated fund balance of the 2023 Grant Fund, in acceptance of a grant received from the United States Office of National Drug Control Policy, High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area program, for use by the Jackson County Drug Task Force for reimbursement of overtime expenses. | Consent Agenda | |
Action details
| 0 | | Cooperative Agreement with ArtsKC | Resolution | A RESOLUTION authorizing the County Executive to execute an Extension to the Cooperative Agreement with ArtsKC for the development of an arts strategic plan for Jackson County, at a cost to the County not to exceed $250,000.00. | adopt | Fail |
Action details
| 0 | | food and beverage for Fred Arbanas Golf Course | Resolution | A RESOLUTION transferring $21,000.00 within the 2023 Park Enterprise Fund for food and beverage items for resale at the Fred Arbanas Golf Course. | Consent Agenda | |
Action details
| 0 | | anti-discrimination agreement | Resolution | A RESOLUTION authorizing the County Counselor to execute an Addendum to the existing Legal Services Agreement with Husch Blackwell, LLP of Kansas City, MO, for county-wide anti-discrimination and anti-harassment training at an actual cost to the County in the amount of $20,000.00. | | |
Action details
| 0 | | Grant from HIDTA for overtime expenses for JaCo Drug Task Force overtime (detectives) | Ordinance | AN ORDINANCE appropriating $19,372.00 from the undesignated fund balance of the 2023 Grant Fund, in acceptance of a grant received from the United States Office of National Drug Control Policy, High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area program, for use by the Jackson County Drug Task Force for reimbursement of overtime expenses. | adopt | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | Grant from HIDTA for JaCo Drug Task Force overtime (detectives) | Ordinance | AN ORDINANCE appropriating $19,840.00 from the undesignated fund balance of the 2023 Grant Fund, in acceptance of a grant received from the United States Office of National Drug Control Policy, High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area program, for use by the Jackson County Drug Task Force for reimbursement of overtime expenses. | adopt | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | food and beverage for Fred Arbanas Golf Course | Resolution | A RESOLUTION transferring $21,000.00 within the 2023 Park Enterprise Fund for food and beverage items for resale at the Fred Arbanas Golf Course. | adopt | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | Chapter 9 JaCo Code - BOE | Ordinance | AN ORDINANCE repealing sections 9103. and 9104., Jackson County Code, 1984, relating to the Board of Equalization, and enacting, in lieu thereof, two new sections relating to the same subject. | assign to committee | |
Action details
| 0 | | Grant for "Operation Bad Cookie" | Ordinance | AN ORDINANCE appropriating $16,748.00 from the undesignated fund balance of the 2023 Grant Fund in acceptance of funding provided by the Organized Crime Enforcement Task Force for use by the Jackson County Drug Task Force for “Operation Bad Cookie.”
| assign to committee | |
Action details
| 0 | | MoDOT Sheriff DWI Grant | Ordinance | AN ORDINANCE transferring $242,374.00 within the 2023 Sheriff’s Office General Fund and appropriating $302,374.00 from the undesignated fund balance of the 2023 General Fund, in acceptance of the Sheriff’s Office’s DWI/Traffic Safety Unit Salary Grant awarded by the Missouri Department of Transportation, Traffic and Highway Safety Division, and authorizing the County Executive to execute a contract with the Missouri Highway Safety Division for the acceptance and expenditure of grant funds. | assign to committee | |
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| 0 | | Grant for Impaired Driving Enforcement MoDOT | Ordinance | AN ORDINANCE appropriating $34,600.00 from the undesignated fund balance of the 2023 Grant Fund in acceptance of the Sheriff’s Office’s Impaired Driving Enforcement grant awarded by the Missouri Department of Transportation, Highway Safety and Traffic Division, and authorizing the County Executive to execute a contract with the Missouri Highway Safety Division for the expenditure of grant funds. | assign to committee | |
Action details
| 0 | | Grant for Hazardous Moving Violation Enforcement MoDOT | Ordinance | AN ORDINANCE appropriating $40,425.00 from the undesignated fund balance of the 2023 Grant Fund, in acceptance of the Sheriff’s Office’s Hazardous Moving Violation Enforcement grant awarded by the Missouri Department of Transportation, Highway Safety and Traffic Division, and authorizing the County Executive to execute a contract with the Missouri Traffic and Highway Safety Division for the expenditure of grant funds. | assign to committee | |
Action details
| 0 | | Omnigo Software | Resolution | A RESOLUTION awarding a contract for the furnishing of annual software maintenance for use by the Sheriff’s Office to Omnigo Software of St. Louis, MO, as a sole source purchase, at an actual cost to the County in the amount of $89,090.00. | assign to committee | |
Action details
| 0 | | Lone Jack Police Dept - CAD System | Resolution | A RESOLUTION transferring $104,000.00 within the 2023 E-911 System Fund and authorizing the Director of Finance and Purchasing to issue a check in the amount of $104,000.00 for assisting in the purchase of a Unified Computer Aided Dispatch System for the Lone Jack Police Department. | assign to committee | |
Action details
| 0 | | t & s dry goods and food for Parks + Rec | Resolution | A RESOLUTION awarding a twenty-four-month term and supply contract for the furnishing of dry goods, refrigerated foods, and frozen foods for use by Parks + Rec Department to U.S. Foods of Lenexa, KS, under the terms and conditions of the U.S. Communities Contract No. 42356, an existing competitively bid government contract. | assign to committee | |
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| 0 | | Courtesy - Mary Tarwater | Resolution | A RESOLUTION honoring the life and achievements of Mary Margaret Tarwater. | adopt | Pass |
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| 0 | | t & s Environmental Services | Resolution | A RESOLUTION awarding a twelve-month term and supply contract, with two twelve-month options to extend, for the furnishing of Environmental Management Services for use by various County departments to EcoSafe Environmental Services of Kansas City, MO, under the terms and conditions of Invitation to Bid No. 23-027. | assign to committee | |
Action details
| 0 | | Courtesy - Hispanic Small Business | Resolution | A RESOLUTION celebrating the contributions of Hispanic small businesses to Jackson County. | adopt | Pass |
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| 0 | | Courtesy - Hispanic First Responders | Resolution | A RESOLUTION recognizing the valuable contributions of Hispanic first responders. | adopt | Pass |
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| 0 | | Courtesy - Greater KC Hispanic Development Fund | Resolution | A RESOLUTION celebrating the work of the Greater Kansas City Hispanic Development Fund to advance the Latino community for nearly four decades. | adopt | Pass |
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| 0 | | Appointing Chief Compliance Review Officer | Resolution | A RESOLUTION appointing Melinda Bolling to the position of Chief Compliance Review Officer pursuant to section 629.1 of the Jackson County Code. | adopt | Pass |
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