Meeting Name: County Legislature Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 11/17/2003 12:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: K.C. Legislative Assembly Area, Kansas City, Missouri
Forty-fourth Regular
Published agenda: Not available Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
3426 0 Conditional use permit for an electric transmission line.OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE granting a conditional use permit (CUP) in District A (Agricultural) for a period of ninety-nine (99) years to construct an electric transmission line as to a 3.6 ± acre tract.   Action details Not available
3431 0 DART grant OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE transferring $93,813.00 within and appropriating $375,253.00 from the unappropriated surplus of the 2003 Anti-Drug Sales Tax Fund to cover the Drug Abatement Response Team (DART) grant for the Prosecuting Attorney's Office funded by the Missouri Department of Public Safety and the transfer of matching funds, accepting said grant from the Missouri Department of Public Safety, and authorizing the County Executive to execute a Memorandum of Understanding with the City of Kansas City, MO, and the Kansas City Board of Police Commissioners regarding the DART program at a cost to the County not to exceed $91,000.00.Consent Agenda  Action details Not available
3431 0 DART grant OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE transferring $93,813.00 within and appropriating $375,253.00 from the unappropriated surplus of the 2003 Anti-Drug Sales Tax Fund to cover the Drug Abatement Response Team (DART) grant for the Prosecuting Attorney's Office funded by the Missouri Department of Public Safety and the transfer of matching funds, accepting said grant from the Missouri Department of Public Safety, and authorizing the County Executive to execute a Memorandum of Understanding with the City of Kansas City, MO, and the Kansas City Board of Police Commissioners regarding the DART program at a cost to the County not to exceed $91,000.00.perfectPass Action details Not available
3431 0 DART grant OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE transferring $93,813.00 within and appropriating $375,253.00 from the unappropriated surplus of the 2003 Anti-Drug Sales Tax Fund to cover the Drug Abatement Response Team (DART) grant for the Prosecuting Attorney's Office funded by the Missouri Department of Public Safety and the transfer of matching funds, accepting said grant from the Missouri Department of Public Safety, and authorizing the County Executive to execute a Memorandum of Understanding with the City of Kansas City, MO, and the Kansas City Board of Police Commissioners regarding the DART program at a cost to the County not to exceed $91,000.00.suspend the rules to consider final passagePass Action details Not available
3434 0 Zoning Order - Windsor 5th Phase.OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE amending the districts established by the Jackson County Zoning Order by changing from A (Agricultural) to RE (Residential Estates), a certain 157.5 ± acre tract and approving the preliminary plat “Windsor 5th Phase,” creating a twenty-lot residential subdivision.   Action details Not available
3435 0 Zoning Order - 6.3 + acre tract.OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE amending the districts established by the Jackson County Zoning Order by changing from A (Agricultural) to RE (Residential Estates), a certain 6.3 ± acre tract.   Action details Not available
3436 0 Zoning Order - Osage Highlands.OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE amending the districts established by the Jackson County Zoning Order by changing from A (Agricultural) to RR (Residential Ranchette), a certain 36.5 ± acre tract, and approving the preliminary plat "Osage Highlands, Lots 8 thru 14," creating a seven-lot residential subdivision.   Action details Not available
3437 0 Conditional use permit - winery and vineyard.OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE granting a conditional use permit in District A (Agricultural) for a period of fifteen (15) years to continue operating a winery and vineyard as to a certain 20 ± acre tract.   Action details Not available
3438 0 KC Metropolitan Crime CommissionOrdinanceAN ORDINANCE transferring $19,255.00 within the 2003 General Fund, appropriating $129,255.00 from the unappropriated surplus of the 2003 Grant Fund and authorizing the County Executive to execute a Memorandum of Agreement with the Kansas City Metropolitan Crime Commission regarding the Prosecuting Attorney’s Project Safe Neighborhoods program.   Action details Not available
3439 0 2003 leasehold revenue bond proceedsOrdinanceAN ORDINANCE appropriating $21,989,373.00 from the unappropriated surplus of the 2003 Public Building Corporation Capital Projects Fund to cover a portion of the proceeds of the 2003 leasehold revenue bond issue.Consent Agenda  Action details Not available
3439 0 2003 leasehold revenue bond proceedsOrdinanceAN ORDINANCE appropriating $21,989,373.00 from the unappropriated surplus of the 2003 Public Building Corporation Capital Projects Fund to cover a portion of the proceeds of the 2003 leasehold revenue bond issue.perfectPass Action details Not available
3439 0 2003 leasehold revenue bond proceedsOrdinanceAN ORDINANCE appropriating $21,989,373.00 from the unappropriated surplus of the 2003 Public Building Corporation Capital Projects Fund to cover a portion of the proceeds of the 2003 leasehold revenue bond issue.suspend the rules to consider final passagePass Action details Not available
3441 0 Annual budget for 2004.OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE to adopt the annual budget and set forth appropriations for the various spending agencies and the principal subdivisions thereof, for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2004.   Action details Not available
3442 0 Jackson County, Missouri 2004 tentative tax levy. OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE setting the 2004 Jackson County, Missouri tentative tax levy.   Action details Not available
3443 0 Road & Bridge Fund appropriation.OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE appropriating $38,540.00 from the unappropriated surplus of the 2003 Special Road and Bridge Fund to cover building permit fees received in excess of those projected and appropriated in the County’s 2003 annual budget.Consent Agenda  Action details Not available
3443 0 Road & Bridge Fund appropriation.OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE appropriating $38,540.00 from the unappropriated surplus of the 2003 Special Road and Bridge Fund to cover building permit fees received in excess of those projected and appropriated in the County’s 2003 annual budget.perfectPass Action details Not available
3443 0 Road & Bridge Fund appropriation.OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE appropriating $38,540.00 from the unappropriated surplus of the 2003 Special Road and Bridge Fund to cover building permit fees received in excess of those projected and appropriated in the County’s 2003 annual budget.suspend the rules to consider final passagePass Action details Not available
3407 0 tariff rate for "911"OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE reimposing a tax of 2.0% of the tariff rate for each local telephone access line, not to exceed 100 lines per person or per location, for emergency telephone service utilizing a single three-digit number "911."Consent AgendaPass Action details Not available
3407 0 tariff rate for "911"OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE reimposing a tax of 2.0% of the tariff rate for each local telephone access line, not to exceed 100 lines per person or per location, for emergency telephone service utilizing a single three-digit number "911."adoptPass Action details Not available
3431 0 DART grant OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE transferring $93,813.00 within and appropriating $375,253.00 from the unappropriated surplus of the 2003 Anti-Drug Sales Tax Fund to cover the Drug Abatement Response Team (DART) grant for the Prosecuting Attorney's Office funded by the Missouri Department of Public Safety and the transfer of matching funds, accepting said grant from the Missouri Department of Public Safety, and authorizing the County Executive to execute a Memorandum of Understanding with the City of Kansas City, MO, and the Kansas City Board of Police Commissioners regarding the DART program at a cost to the County not to exceed $91,000.00.Consent AgendaPass Action details Not available
3439 0 2003 leasehold revenue bond proceedsOrdinanceAN ORDINANCE appropriating $21,989,373.00 from the unappropriated surplus of the 2003 Public Building Corporation Capital Projects Fund to cover a portion of the proceeds of the 2003 leasehold revenue bond issue.Consent AgendaPass Action details Not available
3443 0 Road & Bridge Fund appropriation.OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE appropriating $38,540.00 from the unappropriated surplus of the 2003 Special Road and Bridge Fund to cover building permit fees received in excess of those projected and appropriated in the County’s 2003 annual budget.Consent AgendaPass Action details Not available
14773 0 Portable hand held radios for Sheriff's Department.ResolutionA RESOLUTION awarding a contract on Electronic Solicitation No. BB200373 for the furnishing of portable hand held radios for use by the Sheriff's Department to RTC, Inc., of El Paso, TX, in the actual amount of $60,240.00.   Action details Not available
14779 0 Videotaping and cable casting of the Legislative meetings.ResolutionA RESOLUTION authorizing the County Executive to execute an Intergovernmental Cooperative Agreement with the City of Kansas City, Missouri, to provide for the videotaping and cablecasting of the Legislature’s meetings at a cost to the County not to exceed $8,400.00 for the remainder of 2003.Consent Agenda  Action details Not available
14779 0 Videotaping and cable casting of the Legislative meetings.ResolutionA RESOLUTION authorizing the County Executive to execute an Intergovernmental Cooperative Agreement with the City of Kansas City, Missouri, to provide for the videotaping and cablecasting of the Legislature’s meetings at a cost to the County not to exceed $8,400.00 for the remainder of 2003.adoptPass Action details Not available
14781 0 Missouri General Assembly 2004 priorities.ResolutionA RESOLUTION establishing Jackson County's priorities for the 2004 regular session of the Missouri General Assembly.   Action details Not available
14782 1 Review of the pension plan prior to 2005 adoption of annual budget.ResolutionA RESOLUTION expressing the intent of the Legislature that benefits for the non-elected official members of the Jackson County, Missouri Employees’ Pension Plan be reviewed prior to the adoption of the County’s 2005 annual budget.amend  Action details Not available
14782 1 Review of the pension plan prior to 2005 adoption of annual budget.ResolutionA RESOLUTION expressing the intent of the Legislature that benefits for the non-elected official members of the Jackson County, Missouri Employees’ Pension Plan be reviewed prior to the adoption of the County’s 2005 annual budget.Consent AgendaPass Action details Not available
14784 0 surplus personal propertyResolutionA RESOLUTION declaring certain property as surplus personal property and authorizing its disposal.Consent AgendaPass Action details Not available
14785 0 petroleum productsResolutionA RESOLUTION awarding a term and supply contract for the furnishing of petroleum products for use by the Public Works and Parks and Recreation Departments and Sheriff’s Office to Heathwood Oil Co., Inc., of Kansas City, KS ($37,258.78), and Champion Brands, LLC, of Clinton, MO ($8,325.20), under an existing government contract of the Mid-America Regional Council, to provide for departmental needs for the upcoming one-year period, in the estimated aggregate amount of $45,583.98.Consent AgendaPass Action details Not available
14786 0 steel siding for Audubon Library @ Fleming ParkResolutionA RESOLUTION awarding a contract on Bid No. 44-03 for the furnishing and installation of galvanized steel siding at the Audubon Library in Fleming Park, for use by the Parks and Recreation Department to Ted Shoush Company, Inc., of Independence, MO, at a cost to the County not to exceed $13,500.00.Consent AgendaPass Action details Not available
14787 0 Guadalupe Center - El Otro Camino programResolutionA RESOLUTION authorizing the County Executive to execute an Agreement with Guadalupe Center, Inc., for its El Otro Camino adolescent outpatient substance abuse treatment program, in an amount not to exceed $18,574.00, as a match to a local grant.Consent AgendaPass Action details Not available
14789 0 Downtown Courthouse Building Improvements ProjectResolutionA RESOLUTION awarding a contract on Bid No. 39-03 for the Downtown Courthouse Building Improvements Project to Universal Construction Co., Inc., of Lenexa, KS, in the actual amount of $6,119,826.00, and authorizing the County Executive to approve change orders in an amount not to exceed $611,900.00, for a grand total contract authorization of $6,731,726.00.Consent Agenda  Action details Not available
14789 0 Downtown Courthouse Building Improvements ProjectResolutionA RESOLUTION awarding a contract on Bid No. 39-03 for the Downtown Courthouse Building Improvements Project to Universal Construction Co., Inc., of Lenexa, KS, in the actual amount of $6,119,826.00, and authorizing the County Executive to approve change orders in an amount not to exceed $611,900.00, for a grand total contract authorization of $6,731,726.00.adoptPass Action details Not available
14790 0 Johnson controls, Inc. increase to contract.ResolutionA RESOLUTION authorizing an increase to the contract with Johnson Controls, Inc., of Lenexa, KS, for the completion of a comprehensive analysis and the implementation of new energy savings measures at the County facilities on the Independence Square ($1,000,000.00) and an additional energy efficiency project at the Jackson County Courthouse in Kansas City ($250,000.00), at an aggregate additional cost to the County not to exceed $1,250,000.00, and a new total cost to the County not to exceed $5,840,333.00.Consent Agenda  Action details Not available
14790 0 Johnson controls, Inc. increase to contract.ResolutionA RESOLUTION authorizing an increase to the contract with Johnson Controls, Inc., of Lenexa, KS, for the completion of a comprehensive analysis and the implementation of new energy savings measures at the County facilities on the Independence Square ($1,000,000.00) and an additional energy efficiency project at the Jackson County Courthouse in Kansas City ($250,000.00), at an aggregate additional cost to the County not to exceed $1,250,000.00, and a new total cost to the County not to exceed $5,840,333.00.adoptPass Action details Not available
3431 0 DART grant OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE transferring $93,813.00 within and appropriating $375,253.00 from the unappropriated surplus of the 2003 Anti-Drug Sales Tax Fund to cover the Drug Abatement Response Team (DART) grant for the Prosecuting Attorney's Office funded by the Missouri Department of Public Safety and the transfer of matching funds, accepting said grant from the Missouri Department of Public Safety, and authorizing the County Executive to execute a Memorandum of Understanding with the City of Kansas City, MO, and the Kansas City Board of Police Commissioners regarding the DART program at a cost to the County not to exceed $91,000.00.adoptPass Action details Not available
3439 0 2003 leasehold revenue bond proceedsOrdinanceAN ORDINANCE appropriating $21,989,373.00 from the unappropriated surplus of the 2003 Public Building Corporation Capital Projects Fund to cover a portion of the proceeds of the 2003 leasehold revenue bond issue.adoptPass Action details Not available
3443 0 Road & Bridge Fund appropriation.OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE appropriating $38,540.00 from the unappropriated surplus of the 2003 Special Road and Bridge Fund to cover building permit fees received in excess of those projected and appropriated in the County’s 2003 annual budget.adoptPass Action details Not available
14782 1 Review of the pension plan prior to 2005 adoption of annual budget.ResolutionA RESOLUTION expressing the intent of the Legislature that benefits for the non-elected official members of the Jackson County, Missouri Employees’ Pension Plan be reviewed prior to the adoption of the County’s 2005 annual budget.adoptPass Action details Not available
14784 0 surplus personal propertyResolutionA RESOLUTION declaring certain property as surplus personal property and authorizing its disposal.adoptPass Action details Not available
14785 0 petroleum productsResolutionA RESOLUTION awarding a term and supply contract for the furnishing of petroleum products for use by the Public Works and Parks and Recreation Departments and Sheriff’s Office to Heathwood Oil Co., Inc., of Kansas City, KS ($37,258.78), and Champion Brands, LLC, of Clinton, MO ($8,325.20), under an existing government contract of the Mid-America Regional Council, to provide for departmental needs for the upcoming one-year period, in the estimated aggregate amount of $45,583.98.adoptPass Action details Not available
14786 0 steel siding for Audubon Library @ Fleming ParkResolutionA RESOLUTION awarding a contract on Bid No. 44-03 for the furnishing and installation of galvanized steel siding at the Audubon Library in Fleming Park, for use by the Parks and Recreation Department to Ted Shoush Company, Inc., of Independence, MO, at a cost to the County not to exceed $13,500.00.adoptPass Action details Not available
14787 0 Guadalupe Center - El Otro Camino programResolutionA RESOLUTION authorizing the County Executive to execute an Agreement with Guadalupe Center, Inc., for its El Otro Camino adolescent outpatient substance abuse treatment program, in an amount not to exceed $18,574.00, as a match to a local grant.adoptPass Action details Not available
3444 0 grant for preservation/renovation of downtown courthouseOrdinanceAN ORDINANCE transferring $100,000.00 within the 2003 Public Building Corporation Fund, appropriating $200,000.00 from the unappropriated surplus of the 2003 Grant Fund, and authorizing the County Executive to execute a Grant Agreement with Landmarks Historic Trust Corporation in acceptance of a grant for the preservation and renovation of the downtown courthouse in the amount of $100,000.00.assign to committee  Action details Not available
14791 0 surplus personal propertyResolutionA RESOLUTION declaring certain property as surplus personal property and authorizing its disposal.adoptPass Action details Not available
14792 0 2003 Drug Task Force budgetResolutionA RESOLUTION transferring $49,820.00 within the 2003 Anti-Drug Sales Tax Fund to balance 2003 Drug Task Force budget accounts for the remainder of the year.adoptPass Action details Not available
14793 0 renewal/upgrade of County's internet data circuitResolutionA RESOLUTION awarding a contract for the renewal and upgrade of the County’s internet data circuit for use by the Management Information Systems Department to SBC Internet Services of Plano, TX, at a cost to the County not to exceed $8,388.00, as a sole source purchase.assign to committee  Action details Not available
14794 0 purchase recycled oil furnace for Parks Dept.ResolutionA RESOLUTION awarding a contract on Electronic Solicitation No. BB200377 for the purchase of one (1) recycled oil furnace for use by the Parks and Recreation Department to DSI Recycling Systems, Inc., of Keenes, IL, at an actual cost to the County of $7,600.00.assign to committee  Action details Not available
14795 0 closed meetingOrdinanceA RESOLUTION authorizing the Jackson County Legislature to hold a closed meeting on Monday, November 24, 2003, for the purpose of conducting privileged and confidential communications among itself and the Jackson County Sheriff and County Counselor pursuant to § 610.021 (9), RSMo, concerning preparation for negotiations with an employee group and closing all work product records related to those preparations.assign to committee  Action details Not available
14796 0 imprinted promotional items for Sheriff's Dept.ResolutionA RESOLUTION awarding a contract on Electronic Solicitation No. BB200374 for the furnishing of imprinted promotional items for use by the Sheriff’s Department to Jennco dba 21st Century Graphix of Lenexa, KS ($2,200.00), Absolute Advertising of Bates City, MO ($3,659.00), Design Center of Tyler, TX ($1,720.00), Atlas Pen of Hollywood, FL ($1,272.96) and Brian Pollmiller & Associates of Lenexa, KS ($5,616.93), in the actual aggregate amount of $14,468.89.assign to committee  Action details Not available
14797 0 Alert II law enforcement computer information servicesResolutionA RESOLUTION increasing the contract with the Kansas City Board of Police Commissioners for Alert II law enforcement computer information services, and authorizing the County Executive to enter into an Addendum to Agreement, at an additional cost to the County of $54,000.00.assign to committee  Action details Not available
14798 0 courtesy - Dave G. Ruf, Jr.ResolutionA RESOLUTION commending Dave G. Ruf, Jr., for 43 years of service to the firm of Burns & McDonnell and the community of Jackson County, and wishing him well upon his retirement.adoptPass Action details Not available
14799 0 Appraisal services for the Collection Department.ResolutionA RESOLUTION awarding a term and supply contract on Electronic Solicitation No. BB200371 for the furnishing of appraisal services for use by the Collection Department for the upcoming one-year period to Dobi-Ty Corp. of Kansas City, MO, in the estimated amount of $29,000.00.assign to committee  Action details Not available
03-30 0 Appointment to the Community Advisory Committee (CAC) of a Rising tide - The Greater Kansas City Health Care FoundationExecutive OrdersAt the request of the Attorney General of Missouri and pursuant to Articles 7 and 8 of the bylaws of A Rising Tide - The Greater Kansas City Health Care Foundation, I hereby appoint GEORGIA BUCHANAN to serve on the Community Advisory Committee and to represent Jackson County for a term to expire three years from the date of the inaugural meeting of the Community Advisory Committee, which is anticipated to take place in December 2003. A copy of Ms. Buchanan’s resume is attached.   Action details Not available