Meeting Name: County Legislature Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 7/31/2006 2:30 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: K.C. Legislative Assembly Area, Kansas City, Missouri
Thirtieth Regular
Published agenda: Not available Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
3784 0 RezoningOrdinanceAN ORDINANCE amending the zoning districts established pursuant to the Unified Development Code by changing from District A (Agricultural) to District RR (Residential Ranchette) a certain 5± acre tract.Consent Agenda  Action details Not available
3784 0 RezoningOrdinanceAN ORDINANCE amending the zoning districts established pursuant to the Unified Development Code by changing from District A (Agricultural) to District RR (Residential Ranchette) a certain 5± acre tract.perfectPass Action details Not available
3784 0 RezoningOrdinanceAN ORDINANCE amending the zoning districts established pursuant to the Unified Development Code by changing from District A (Agricultural) to District RR (Residential Ranchette) a certain 5± acre tract.suspend the rules to consider final passagePass Action details Not available
3785 0 Rezoning (Van Voorst)OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE amending the zoning districts established pursuant to the Unified Development Code by changing from District A (Agricultural) to District RR (Residential Ranchette) a certain 5± acre tract.Consent Agenda  Action details Not available
3785 0 Rezoning (Van Voorst)OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE amending the zoning districts established pursuant to the Unified Development Code by changing from District A (Agricultural) to District RR (Residential Ranchette) a certain 5± acre tract.perfectPass Action details Not available
3785 0 Rezoning (Van Voorst)OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE amending the zoning districts established pursuant to the Unified Development Code by changing from District A (Agricultural) to District RR (Residential Ranchette) a certain 5± acre tract.suspend the rules to consider final passagePass Action details Not available
3786 0 Rezoning (Nolte)OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE amending the zoning districts established pursuant to the Unified Development Code by changing from District A (Agricultural) to District A-p (Agricultural-Planned Development), a certain 200 ± acre tract.Consent Agenda  Action details Not available
3786 0 Rezoning (Nolte)OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE amending the zoning districts established pursuant to the Unified Development Code by changing from District A (Agricultural) to District A-p (Agricultural-Planned Development), a certain 200 ± acre tract.perfectPass Action details Not available
3786 0 Rezoning (Nolte)OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE amending the zoning districts established pursuant to the Unified Development Code by changing from District A (Agricultural) to District A-p (Agricultural-Planned Development), a certain 200 ± acre tract.suspend the rules to consider final passagePass Action details Not available
3787 0 Use permit for Blue Hills Rest Home Inc. Use permit for Blue HillsOrdinanceAN ORDINANCE granting a conditional use permit (CUP) in District A (Agricultural) for a period of twenty-five (25) years to continue operating a residential care facility (nursing home) as to a 2 ± acre tract.Consent Agenda  Action details Not available
3787 0 Use permit for Blue Hills Rest Home Inc. Use permit for Blue HillsOrdinanceAN ORDINANCE granting a conditional use permit (CUP) in District A (Agricultural) for a period of twenty-five (25) years to continue operating a residential care facility (nursing home) as to a 2 ± acre tract.perfectPass Action details Not available
3787 0 Use permit for Blue Hills Rest Home Inc. Use permit for Blue HillsOrdinanceAN ORDINANCE granting a conditional use permit (CUP) in District A (Agricultural) for a period of twenty-five (25) years to continue operating a residential care facility (nursing home) as to a 2 ± acre tract.suspend the rules to consider final passagePass Action details Not available
3788 0 Enacting section 1542., Jackson County Code, 1984OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE enacting a new section 1524., Jackson County Code, 1984, relating to the mandatory distributions from the Employees' Pension Plan.Consent Agenda  Action details Not available
3788 1 Enacting section 1542., Jackson County Code, 1984OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE enacting a new section 1524., Jackson County Code, 1984, relating to the mandatory distributions from the Employees' Pension Plan.perfectPass Action details Not available
3788 1 Enacting section 1542., Jackson County Code, 1984OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE enacting a new section 1524., Jackson County Code, 1984, relating to the mandatory distributions from the Employees' Pension Plan.suspend the rules to consider final passagePass Action details Not available
3791 0 Appropriating surplus of the 2006 Anti-Drug Sales Tax Fund, Byrne Justice Assistance GrantOrdinanceAN ORDINANCE appropriating $569,958.00 from the unappropriated surplus of the 2006 Anti-Drug Sales Tax Fund in acceptance of the 2006 Byrne Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) from the U. S. Department of Justice and authorizing the County Executive to execute an Interlocal Agreement pursuant to the terms of the grant award with the Cities of Grandview, Independence, Kansas City, and the Board of Police Commissioners of Kansas City for the County’s distribution of the grant award proceeds, at a cost to the County not to exceed $381,872.00.Consent Agenda  Action details Not available
3791 0 Appropriating surplus of the 2006 Anti-Drug Sales Tax Fund, Byrne Justice Assistance GrantOrdinanceAN ORDINANCE appropriating $569,958.00 from the unappropriated surplus of the 2006 Anti-Drug Sales Tax Fund in acceptance of the 2006 Byrne Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) from the U. S. Department of Justice and authorizing the County Executive to execute an Interlocal Agreement pursuant to the terms of the grant award with the Cities of Grandview, Independence, Kansas City, and the Board of Police Commissioners of Kansas City for the County’s distribution of the grant award proceeds, at a cost to the County not to exceed $381,872.00.perfectPass Action details Not available
3791 0 Appropriating surplus of the 2006 Anti-Drug Sales Tax Fund, Byrne Justice Assistance GrantOrdinanceAN ORDINANCE appropriating $569,958.00 from the unappropriated surplus of the 2006 Anti-Drug Sales Tax Fund in acceptance of the 2006 Byrne Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) from the U. S. Department of Justice and authorizing the County Executive to execute an Interlocal Agreement pursuant to the terms of the grant award with the Cities of Grandview, Independence, Kansas City, and the Board of Police Commissioners of Kansas City for the County’s distribution of the grant award proceeds, at a cost to the County not to exceed $381,872.00.suspend the rules to consider final passagePass Action details Not available
3784 0 RezoningOrdinanceAN ORDINANCE amending the zoning districts established pursuant to the Unified Development Code by changing from District A (Agricultural) to District RR (Residential Ranchette) a certain 5± acre tract.Consent AgendaPass Action details Not available
3785 0 Rezoning (Van Voorst)OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE amending the zoning districts established pursuant to the Unified Development Code by changing from District A (Agricultural) to District RR (Residential Ranchette) a certain 5± acre tract.Consent AgendaPass Action details Not available
3786 0 Rezoning (Nolte)OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE amending the zoning districts established pursuant to the Unified Development Code by changing from District A (Agricultural) to District A-p (Agricultural-Planned Development), a certain 200 ± acre tract.Consent AgendaPass Action details Not available
3787 0 Use permit for Blue Hills Rest Home Inc. Use permit for Blue HillsOrdinanceAN ORDINANCE granting a conditional use permit (CUP) in District A (Agricultural) for a period of twenty-five (25) years to continue operating a residential care facility (nursing home) as to a 2 ± acre tract.Consent AgendaPass Action details Not available
3788 1 Enacting section 1542., Jackson County Code, 1984OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE enacting a new section 1524., Jackson County Code, 1984, relating to the mandatory distributions from the Employees' Pension Plan.Consent AgendaPass Action details Not available
3790 0 Juvenile Detention Alternative Initiative grantOrdinanceAN ORDINANCE appropriating $15,000.00 from the unappropriated surplus of the 2006 Grant Fund in acceptance of the Juvenile Detention Alternative Initiative grant. Consent AgendaPass Action details Not available
3791 0 Appropriating surplus of the 2006 Anti-Drug Sales Tax Fund, Byrne Justice Assistance GrantOrdinanceAN ORDINANCE appropriating $569,958.00 from the unappropriated surplus of the 2006 Anti-Drug Sales Tax Fund in acceptance of the 2006 Byrne Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) from the U. S. Department of Justice and authorizing the County Executive to execute an Interlocal Agreement pursuant to the terms of the grant award with the Cities of Grandview, Independence, Kansas City, and the Board of Police Commissioners of Kansas City for the County’s distribution of the grant award proceeds, at a cost to the County not to exceed $381,872.00.Consent AgendaPass Action details Not available
  0 nominating candidates for JaCo Sports Authority to fill expired term of Anthony J. RomanoResolutionA RESOLUTION nominating candidates for appointment to the Jackson County Sports Complex Authority.adoptPass Action details Not available
15970 0 Term and Supply Contract furnishing of remanufactured toner and ink cartridgesResolutionA RESOLUTION awarding a twelve (12) month term and supply contract, and approving three twelve-month options for extension, for the furnishing of remanufactured toner and ink cartridges for use by various departments to Pacific Northwest Business Products, Inc., of Seattle, WA, under the terms and conditions of the City of Kansas City, Missouri’s Contract No. EV00000062, an existing government contract. Consent AgendaPass Action details Not available
15971 0 Term and supply contract culver pipe and fittingsResolutionA RESOLUTION awarding a twelve (12) month term and supply contract for the furnishing of galvanized and aluminized culvert pipe and fittings for use by the Parks and Recreation and Public Works Departments to Kansas City Winwater Works Co. of Kansas City, MO, under the terms and conditions of the City of Kansas City, Missouri's Contract No. PA4470, an existing government contract.Consent AgendaPass Action details Not available
15972 0 Term and supply contract ready mix concreteResolutionA RESOLUTION awarding a twenty-four (24) month term and supply contract, and approving one twelve-month option for extension, on Electronic Solicitation No. BB200627 for the furnishing of ready mix concrete and flowable fill for use by the Parks and Recreation and Public Works Departments to Penny's Concrete, Inc., of Shawnee Mission, KS, to provide for departmental needs.Consent AgendaPass Action details Not available
15973 0 Transferring within 2006 Anti-Drug Sales Tax cover costs of Family Court operationsResolutionA RESOLUTION transferring $164,046.00 within the 2006 Anti-Drug Sales Tax Fund to cover the costs of Family Court operations.Consent AgendaPass Action details Not available
15974 0 Agreement with Blue Springs School District No. 4ResolutionA RESOLUTION authorizing the payment of $14,000.00 to the Blue Springs School District No. 4 from within the 2006 Special Road and Bridge Fund as the County’s share of costs pursuant to an Intergovernmental Cooperative Agreement with the City of Blue Springs, MO, and Blue Springs School District No. 4 in conjunction with improvements to North-South Liggett Road, Project No. 3053, previously authorized by Resolution 15816. Consent AgendaPass Action details Not available
15976 0 Term and supply contract pay phone Evercom Systems, Inc. Department of CorrectionsResolutionA RESOLUTION awarding a thirty-six (36) month term and supply contract with two (2) twelve (12) month options to extend to Evercom Systems, Inc., of Dallas, TX, under the terms and conditions of Request for Proposal No. 10-06, for the furnishing of an inmate pay telephone system and services for use by the Corrections Department at no cost to the County. Consent AgendaPass Action details Not available
3784 0 RezoningOrdinanceAN ORDINANCE amending the zoning districts established pursuant to the Unified Development Code by changing from District A (Agricultural) to District RR (Residential Ranchette) a certain 5± acre tract.adoptPass Action details Not available
3785 0 Rezoning (Van Voorst)OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE amending the zoning districts established pursuant to the Unified Development Code by changing from District A (Agricultural) to District RR (Residential Ranchette) a certain 5± acre tract.adoptPass Action details Not available
3786 0 Rezoning (Nolte)OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE amending the zoning districts established pursuant to the Unified Development Code by changing from District A (Agricultural) to District A-p (Agricultural-Planned Development), a certain 200 ± acre tract.adoptPass Action details Not available
3787 0 Use permit for Blue Hills Rest Home Inc. Use permit for Blue HillsOrdinanceAN ORDINANCE granting a conditional use permit (CUP) in District A (Agricultural) for a period of twenty-five (25) years to continue operating a residential care facility (nursing home) as to a 2 ± acre tract.adoptPass Action details Not available
3788 1 Enacting section 1542., Jackson County Code, 1984OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE enacting a new section 1524., Jackson County Code, 1984, relating to the mandatory distributions from the Employees' Pension Plan.adoptPass Action details Not available
3790 0 Juvenile Detention Alternative Initiative grantOrdinanceAN ORDINANCE appropriating $15,000.00 from the unappropriated surplus of the 2006 Grant Fund in acceptance of the Juvenile Detention Alternative Initiative grant. adoptPass Action details Not available
3791 0 Appropriating surplus of the 2006 Anti-Drug Sales Tax Fund, Byrne Justice Assistance GrantOrdinanceAN ORDINANCE appropriating $569,958.00 from the unappropriated surplus of the 2006 Anti-Drug Sales Tax Fund in acceptance of the 2006 Byrne Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) from the U. S. Department of Justice and authorizing the County Executive to execute an Interlocal Agreement pursuant to the terms of the grant award with the Cities of Grandview, Independence, Kansas City, and the Board of Police Commissioners of Kansas City for the County’s distribution of the grant award proceeds, at a cost to the County not to exceed $381,872.00.adoptPass Action details Not available
15970 0 Term and Supply Contract furnishing of remanufactured toner and ink cartridgesResolutionA RESOLUTION awarding a twelve (12) month term and supply contract, and approving three twelve-month options for extension, for the furnishing of remanufactured toner and ink cartridges for use by various departments to Pacific Northwest Business Products, Inc., of Seattle, WA, under the terms and conditions of the City of Kansas City, Missouri’s Contract No. EV00000062, an existing government contract. adoptPass Action details Not available
15971 0 Term and supply contract culver pipe and fittingsResolutionA RESOLUTION awarding a twelve (12) month term and supply contract for the furnishing of galvanized and aluminized culvert pipe and fittings for use by the Parks and Recreation and Public Works Departments to Kansas City Winwater Works Co. of Kansas City, MO, under the terms and conditions of the City of Kansas City, Missouri's Contract No. PA4470, an existing government contract.adoptPass Action details Not available
15972 0 Term and supply contract ready mix concreteResolutionA RESOLUTION awarding a twenty-four (24) month term and supply contract, and approving one twelve-month option for extension, on Electronic Solicitation No. BB200627 for the furnishing of ready mix concrete and flowable fill for use by the Parks and Recreation and Public Works Departments to Penny's Concrete, Inc., of Shawnee Mission, KS, to provide for departmental needs.adoptPass Action details Not available
15973 0 Transferring within 2006 Anti-Drug Sales Tax cover costs of Family Court operationsResolutionA RESOLUTION transferring $164,046.00 within the 2006 Anti-Drug Sales Tax Fund to cover the costs of Family Court operations.adoptPass Action details Not available
15974 0 Agreement with Blue Springs School District No. 4ResolutionA RESOLUTION authorizing the payment of $14,000.00 to the Blue Springs School District No. 4 from within the 2006 Special Road and Bridge Fund as the County’s share of costs pursuant to an Intergovernmental Cooperative Agreement with the City of Blue Springs, MO, and Blue Springs School District No. 4 in conjunction with improvements to North-South Liggett Road, Project No. 3053, previously authorized by Resolution 15816. adoptPass Action details Not available
15976 0 Term and supply contract pay phone Evercom Systems, Inc. Department of CorrectionsResolutionA RESOLUTION awarding a thirty-six (36) month term and supply contract with two (2) twelve (12) month options to extend to Evercom Systems, Inc., of Dallas, TX, under the terms and conditions of Request for Proposal No. 10-06, for the furnishing of an inmate pay telephone system and services for use by the Corrections Department at no cost to the County. adoptPass Action details Not available
3792 0 Rezoning - Bill BanksOrdinanceAN ORDINANCE amending the zoning districts established pursuant to the Unified Development Code by changing a certain 14.1± acre tract from District A (Agricultural) to District RR (Residential Ranchette) for a two-lot residential subdivision.assign to committee  Action details Not available
15977 0 Greenwood's road maintenance programResolutionA RESOLUTION authorizing the payment of $58,390.39 to the City of Greenwood from the Greenwood CURS account to cover costs of the City’s road maintenance program.adoptPass Action details Not available
15978 0 printing and mailing of tax bills, receipts and envelopesResolutionA RESOLUTION authorizing the Director of Finance and Purchasing to exercise two (2) twelve (12) month extension options of an existing term and supply contract for the printing and mailing of joint governmental tax bills, paid tax receipts, and envelopes for use by the Collection Department awarded to Strahm Automation of Kansas City, MO.assign to committee  Action details Not available
15979 0 roof replacement and repair servicesResolutionA RESOLUTION authorizing the Director of Finance and Purchasing to exercise an option for a twelve (12) month extension of an existing term and supply contract for roof replacement and roofing repair services for use by various departments countywide awarded to Great Plains Roofing & Sheet Metal, Inc., of Kansas City, KS, to provide for departmental needs for the upcoming one-year period. assign to committee  Action details Not available
15980 0 Intergovernmental agreement with the City of Blue Springs re: Liggett Road ImprovementsResolutionA RESOLUTION authorizing the County Executive to execute an Intergovernmental Cooperative Agreement with the City of Blue Springs, MO, for the relocation of water lines in connection with Liggett Road Improvements, Project No. 2449. adoptPass Action details Not available
15981 0 debt service for use of County Urban Road System moniesResolutionA RESOLUTION designating priorities recommended by the City of Kansas City, Missouri for $10,000,000.00 with debt service for the use of County Urban Road System monies on projects within the City of Kansas City, Missouri.adoptPass Action details Not available
15982 0 dump bodies, hydraulics and snow plows for Public Works Dept.ResolutionA RESOLUTION awarding a contract under the terms and conditions of Electronic Solicitation No. BB200625 for the furnishing of dump bodies, hydraulics, and snow plows for use by the Public Works Department to American Equipment Company of Kansas City, KS, at a cost to the County not to exceed $133,716.00.assign to committee  Action details Not available
15983 0 Jackson County's tax for E-911 emergency telephoneResolutionA RESOLUTION expressing the intent of the Legislature to cap Jackson County’s tax for E-911 emergency telephone service at the rate of 3% of the local tariff rate through calendar year 2009.adoptPass Action details Not available
15984 0 installation and operation of an ATM machine at the Fred Arbanas Golf CourseResolutionA RESOLUTION awarding a twelve-month term and supply contract with an option to extend for an additional 12 months for the installation and operation of an ATM machine at the Fred Arbanas Golf Course at Longview Lake to United Equipment Leasing of Claycomo, MO, at no cost to the County.adoptPass Action details Not available