Meeting Name: County Legislature Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 11/26/2001 3:30 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Independence Courthouse Annex, 308 W. Kansas, Ground Floor, Legislative Chambers
Forty-sixth Regular
Published agenda: Not available Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
3204 1 Special Obligation Bonds (Truman Medical Center Project)OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE authorizing and directing the issuance, sale, and delivery of not to exceed $39,500,000.00 principal amount of special obligation bonds (Truman Medical Center Project) Series 2001, of Jackson County, Missouri, and authorizing certain other documents and actions in connection therewith. Consent Agenda  Action details Not available
3204 1 Special Obligation Bonds (Truman Medical Center Project)OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE authorizing and directing the issuance, sale, and delivery of not to exceed $39,500,000.00 principal amount of special obligation bonds (Truman Medical Center Project) Series 2001, of Jackson County, Missouri, and authorizing certain other documents and actions in connection therewith. perfect substitutePass Action details Not available
3204 1 Special Obligation Bonds (Truman Medical Center Project)OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE authorizing and directing the issuance, sale, and delivery of not to exceed $39,500,000.00 principal amount of special obligation bonds (Truman Medical Center Project) Series 2001, of Jackson County, Missouri, and authorizing certain other documents and actions in connection therewith. adoptPass Action details Not available
3206 0 park fees and chargesOrdinanceAN ORDINANCE repealing Schedule I, Chapter 50, Jackson County Code, 1984, relating to park fees and charges, and enacting, in lieu thereof, a new schedule relating to the same subject.   Action details Not available
3209 0 JaCo tentative tax levyOrdinanceAN ORDINANCE setting the 2002 Jackson County, Missouri tentative tax levy.   Action details Not available
3210 0 2002 budgetOrdinanceAN ORDINANCE to adopt the annual budget and set forth appropriations for the various spending agencies and the principal subdivisions thereof, for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2002.   Action details Not available
3207 0 "Night Lights/Sentenced to the Arts"OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE transferring $95,040.00 within and appropriating $950,402.28 from the unappropriated surplus of the 2001 Anti-Drug Sales Tax Fund to cover a grant received from the Missouri Department of Public Safety for the "Night Lights/Sentenced to the Arts" programs and the transfer of matching funds, and authorizing the County Executive to execute Agreements with Pan Educational Institute and the Alternative School Network Association, at a cost to the County not to exceed $406,079.88 and $7,500.00, respectively.Consent AgendaPass Action details Not available
3208 0 communications equipment for Sheriff's Dept.OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE appropriating $5,796.00 from the unappropriated surplus of the 2001 Federal Forfeiture Fund and awarding a contract for the purchase of tactical head sets and other related communications equipment for use by the Sheriff's Department to New Eagle International of Silver Lake, Kansas, as a sole source purchase, in the actual amount of $5,796.00.Consent AgendaPass Action details Not available
13888 0 Guadalupe Center, Inc. - Americorps Westside Education.ResolutionA RESOLUTION authorizing the County Executive to execute an Agreement with Guadalupe Center, Inc., for its Americorps Westside Education Team program, in an amount not to exceed $29,998.00, as a local match to a federal grant.Consent AgendaPass Action details Not available
13902 0 portable and mobile radiosResolutionA RESOLUTION awarding a contract for the furnishing of portable and mobile radios for use by the Departments of Public Works and Corrections to Motorola Communications of Overland Park, KS, under a State of Missouri government contract, at the actual cost to the County of $32,667.80.Consent AgendaPass Action details Not available
13904 0 Missouri Valley AAU Night Hoops REBOUND program.ResolutionA RESOLUTION authorizing the County Executive to execute an agreement with the Missouri Valley AAU for its Night Hoops REBOUND program, to provide a local match to a city grant, in an amount not to exceed $49,000.00.Consent AgendaPass Action details Not available
13905 0 In-car video systems contract with McCoy's Law Line.ResolutionA RESOLUTION transferring $22,000.00 within the 2001 Special Road & Bridge Fund and awarding a contract for the purchase of in-car video systems for use by the Sheriff’s Department to McCoy’s Law Line of Jefferson City, Missouri, under a State of Missouri government contract, at an actual cost to the County of $22,000.00.Consent AgendaPass Action details Not available
13906 0 Lee Wayne Company DARE specialty items.ResolutionA RESOLUTION awarding a contract for the purchase of DARE specialty items for use by the Sheriff’s Department to Lee Wayne Company of Sterling, IL, in the amount of $6,892.00, as a sole source purchase.Consent AgendaPass Action details Not available
13907 0 Land records, indexing, receipting, and imaging system.ResolutionA RESOLUTION awarding a 5-year lease/purchase contract on Request for Proposal No. 41-01 for the furnishing, installation, and financing of a land records, indexing, receipting, and imaging system for use by the Records Department to Hart InterCivic, Inc., of Austin, TX, and Government Capital Corporation of Southlake, TX, in the actual amount of $591,697.45, inclusive of interest at a rate of 5.21%, and authorizing the County Executive to approve additional expenditures under this contract at a cost not to exceed $25,000.00, for a total amount not to exceed $616,697.45.   Action details Not available
3207 0 "Night Lights/Sentenced to the Arts"OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE transferring $95,040.00 within and appropriating $950,402.28 from the unappropriated surplus of the 2001 Anti-Drug Sales Tax Fund to cover a grant received from the Missouri Department of Public Safety for the "Night Lights/Sentenced to the Arts" programs and the transfer of matching funds, and authorizing the County Executive to execute Agreements with Pan Educational Institute and the Alternative School Network Association, at a cost to the County not to exceed $406,079.88 and $7,500.00, respectively.adoptPass Action details Not available
3208 0 communications equipment for Sheriff's Dept.OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE appropriating $5,796.00 from the unappropriated surplus of the 2001 Federal Forfeiture Fund and awarding a contract for the purchase of tactical head sets and other related communications equipment for use by the Sheriff's Department to New Eagle International of Silver Lake, Kansas, as a sole source purchase, in the actual amount of $5,796.00.adoptPass Action details Not available
13888 0 Guadalupe Center, Inc. - Americorps Westside Education.ResolutionA RESOLUTION authorizing the County Executive to execute an Agreement with Guadalupe Center, Inc., for its Americorps Westside Education Team program, in an amount not to exceed $29,998.00, as a local match to a federal grant.adoptPass Action details Not available
13902 0 portable and mobile radiosResolutionA RESOLUTION awarding a contract for the furnishing of portable and mobile radios for use by the Departments of Public Works and Corrections to Motorola Communications of Overland Park, KS, under a State of Missouri government contract, at the actual cost to the County of $32,667.80.adoptPass Action details Not available
13904 0 Missouri Valley AAU Night Hoops REBOUND program.ResolutionA RESOLUTION authorizing the County Executive to execute an agreement with the Missouri Valley AAU for its Night Hoops REBOUND program, to provide a local match to a city grant, in an amount not to exceed $49,000.00.adoptPass Action details Not available
13905 0 In-car video systems contract with McCoy's Law Line.ResolutionA RESOLUTION transferring $22,000.00 within the 2001 Special Road & Bridge Fund and awarding a contract for the purchase of in-car video systems for use by the Sheriff’s Department to McCoy’s Law Line of Jefferson City, Missouri, under a State of Missouri government contract, at an actual cost to the County of $22,000.00.adoptPass Action details Not available
13906 0 Lee Wayne Company DARE specialty items.ResolutionA RESOLUTION awarding a contract for the purchase of DARE specialty items for use by the Sheriff’s Department to Lee Wayne Company of Sterling, IL, in the amount of $6,892.00, as a sole source purchase.adoptPass Action details Not available
13908 0 automotive lubricants/fluidsResolutionA RESOLUTION approving a ten-month term and supply contract for the purchase of automotive lubricants and fluids for use by the Parks and Recreation and Public Works Departments, under an existing government contract of the City of Kansas City, MO, Contract No. PA3992, from MFA Oil Co. of Columbia, MO, in the estimated amount of $24,000.00.assign to committee  Action details Not available
13909 0 Rachel Reed courtesy resolution.ResolutionA RESOLUTION congratulating Rachel Reed upon receiving a special medal of honor for her outstanding performance on the 2001 National German Exam.adoptPass Action details Not available
13910 0 Miscellaneous boat repairs and services contract.ResolutionA RESOLUTION awarding a contract for the furnishing of miscellaneous boat repairs and services for use by the Parks and Recreation Department to Werner A. Schafer dba Schafer’s Pontoon Services of Holden, Missouri, in the actual amount of $5,100.00.assign to committee  Action details Not available
01-15 0 December 24, 2001 - paid holiday for employees.Executive OrdersPursuant to the Constitutional Home Rule Charter of Jackson County, I hereby supplement Personnel Rule 9.1, relating to holidays, by establishing December 24, 2001, as a paid holiday for all Jackson County Employees.   Action details Not available