A RESOLUTION expressing the intent of the Legislature to direct the Chief Lobbyist to advocate to the Missouri General Assembly in opposition to House Bills 2367, 2470, and 2523.
RESOLUTION NO. 21540, February 19, 2024
INTRODUCED BY Manuel Abarca IV, County Legislator
WHEREAS, by Resolution 20841, dated December 13, 2021, the Legislature awarded an eleven-month contract with two twelve-month options to extend Fred Dreiling, LLC, of Kansas City (Jackson County) MO, to serve as the Legislature's Chief Lobbyist; and,
WHEREAS, in this capacity, the Chief Lobbyist's responsibilities include assessing the current political climate in the State of Missouri, recommending appropriate strategies that would benefit the County, informing the Legislature on all pertinent legislative issues, and providing lobbying service as requested; and,
WHEREAS we recognize that our nation was built on voluntary and forced immigrant labor and that today, diversity is the core of our nation's strength; and,
WHEREAS immigration policies based on white supremacy and discrimination have tarnished our nation's history and continue to impede its growth; and,
WHEREAS the militarization of our immigration system is a disproportionate use of force against vulnerable populations; and,
WHEREAS, Jackson County is a welcoming County which is home to a large and vibrant immigrant community; and,
WHEREAS, Jackson County will take no part in the persecution of undocumented communities; and,
WHEREAS, the Legislature would like to express its opposition to House Bills 2367, 2470, and 2523, as these bills essentially criminalize being an undocumented person statewide on both public and private land; and,
WHEREAS, these House Bills would encourage the discrimination of our immigrant and undocumented communities in Jackson County; and,
WHEREAS, Jackson County Legislature opposes House Bills 2367, 2470 and 2523, as they...
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