A RESOLUTION adopting the Hispanic Heritage Flag created by Missouri artist José Garza as a symbol of Hispanic Heritage Month.
RESOLUTION NO. 21394, September 11, 2023
INTRODUCED BY Manual Abarca IV, County Legislator
WHEREAS, the Hispanic Festival, Inc. of St. Louis, MO, in collaboration with the Regional Arts Commission and the Latinx Arts Network, has unveiled the creation of the Hispanic Heritage Flag for the first time to the local Hispanic community members at the Missouri History Museum; and,
WHEREAS, the creation of the Hispanic Heritage Flag was undertaken to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month, which spans from September 15th to October 15th, and is a period that commemorates the independence of numerous Latin American countries; and,
WHEREAS, the creation of this flag was entrusted to St. Louis, Missouri, artist, José Garza, who, through meticulous work and collaboration with a dedicated committee, imbued the flag with purposeful colors and symbols, reflecting values such as perseverance, sacrifice, family, courage, prosperity, and justice; and,
WHEREAS, the Hispanic Heritage Flag includes an eight-pointed star, symbolizing the light that shines the way and the number of symbols in the flag itself, and a geometric design that embodies the chain of mountains stretching through North and South America connecting Hispanic people; and,
WHEREAS, the colors of the flag include light blue, symbolizing water and justice for everyone; brown, representing Hispanic people of color; dark blue, symbolizing the sky above us all and perseverance; light orange, representing the sacrifices of those who came before us; red, representing Hispanic family bonds and courage; orange, representing the energy of Hispanic communities; and green, representing the earth and prosperity for all; now therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED by the County Legislature of Jackson County, Missouri, that the Legislature hereby recognizes José Garza for his outstanding contribution in crafting the Hispanic Heritage Flag, which will serve as a unifying symbol of our diverse and vibrant community during Hispanic Heritage Month and requests that the Hispanic Heritage Flag be flown at the downtown Jackson County Courthouse in Kansas City and Truman Historic Courthouse in Independence.
Enacted and Approved
Effective Date: This Resolution shall be effective immediately upon its passage by a majority of the Legislature.
County Counselor
Certificate of Passage
I hereby certify that the attached resolution, Resolution No. 21394 of September 11, 2023, was duly passed on September 11, 2023 by the Jackson County Legislature. The votes thereon were as follows:
Yeas ______9_________ Nays ______0________
Abstaining ____0_____ Absent _____0_______
________________________ ____________________________
Date Mary Jo Spino, Clerk of Legislature