AN ORDINANCE repealing sections 1051., 1054., 1070., and 1071., Jackson County Code, 1984, relating to County purchasing, and enacting, in lieu thereof, two new sections relating to the same subject.
ORDINANCE NO. 5626, June 6, 2022
INTRODUCED BY Tony Miller, County Legislator
WHEREAS, with the implementation of the County's new Bonfire procurement portal, an amended to chapter 10 of the County Code is necessary to ensure that the County's new bid advertising and bid opening procedures are accurately reflected in the code; and,
WHEREAS, an amendment is also necessary to implement the recent transition of the bidding responsibility for construction projects in the Parks + Rec and Public Works Departments back to the Department of Finance and Purchasing; and,
BE IT ORDAINED by the Legislature of Jackson County, Missouri, as follows:
Section A. Enacting Clause
Sections 1051., 1054., 1070., and 1071., Jackson County Code, 1984, are hereby repealed, and two new sections enacted in lieu thereof, to be known as sections 1051. and 1054., to read as follows:
1051. Formal Competitive Bids, Notice Inviting.
Notice inviting bids shall be provided in the manner and utilizing such media as the Director of Finance and Purchasing or his or her designee deems most appropriate to the subject matter of the bid and the applicable time line available with the objective of encouraging fair and unbiased competition. The notice shall be designed to secure a reasonable distribution and a competitive bidding process and may include direct mail, electronic mail, on-line listing services, the County's online procurement portal at, newspaper advertisements, and/or such other means as the director may deem appropriate. In addition to any other solicitation, all purchases, leases, or sales shall also be advertised by notices posted on public bulletin boards in the courthouses in Kansas City and I...
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