AN ORDINANCE granting a conditional use permit (CUP) in Agricultural-Planned (AG-p) for a period of five years to operate a wedding and event facility, subject to specified conditions, as to a 17.48? acre tract.
ORDINANCE NO. 5617, April 11, 2022
BE IT ORDAINED by the County Legislature of Jackson County, Missouri as follows:
Section 1. A conditional use permit (CUP) is hereby granted for a period of five years to operate a wedding and event facility, as to an approximate 17.48? acre tract of land in the Agricultural-Planned District, commonly known as 2521 S. Stillhouse Road, Jackson County, MO, legally described as follows:
All that part of Section 19, Township 48 North, Range 29 West of the Fifth Principal Meridian, in Jackson County, Missouri, being more particularly described as follows:
Beginning at the Northwest corner of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 19; thence South 01 degrees 36 minutes 56 seconds West along the West line of said Southeast Quarter a distance of 780.00 feet; thence South 88 degrees 23 minutes 04 seconds East a distance of 500.00 feet; thence North 01 degrees 36 minutes 56 seconds East a distance of 1300.00 feet; thence North 88 degrees 09 minutes 41 seconds West a distance of 1104.20 feet to the East right-of-way line of Stillhouse Road as now established; thence South 11 degrees 09 minutes 27 seconds East along said right-of-way line a distance of 93.64 feet; thence continuing along said right-of-way line along a curve to the right with a central angle of 08 degrees 05 minutes 13 seconds a radius of 723.05 feet and an arc length of 102.05 feet to the South line of the North 30 acres of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 19; thence South 88 degrees 09 minutes 41 seconds East along said South line a distance of 573.25 feet to the West line of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 19; thence South 02 degrees 32 minutes 06 ...
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