A RESOLUTION awarding a sixty-month contract for the furnishing of conducted electrical weapons (Tasers) for use by the Sheriff's Office to Axon Enterprise, Inc., of Scottsdale, AZ, at an actual cost to the County in the amount of $52,200.00 for 2022 and a total five-year cost of $418,500.00, as a sole source purchase.
RESOLUTION NO. 20907, March 28, 2022
INTRODUCED BY Theresa Cass Galvin and Dan Tarwater III, County Legislators
WHEREAS, the Sheriff's Office desires to purchase new conducted electrical weapons (Tasers) to replace its aging supply of such weapons; and,
WHEREAS, the Director of Finance and Purchasing recommends the award of a sixty-month contract for the furnishing of these weapons to Axon Enterprise, Inc., of Scottsdale, AZ, at an actual cost to the County in the amount of $52,200.00 for 2022 and a total five-year cost of $418,500.00, as a sole source purchase; and,
WHEREAS, section 1030.1, Jackson County Code, 1984, eliminates the requirement for competitive bidding when items to be purchased can be obtained from only one source; and,
WHEREAS, the Director further recommends that he not take competitive bids for these weapons for the reason that Axon Enterprise, Inc., is the only provider of the conducted electrical source weapons suitable for use by law enforcement; now therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED by the County Legislature of Jackson County, Missouri, that award be made as recommended by the Director of Finance and Purchasing, and that the Director be and hereby is authorized to execute for the County any documents, necessary for the accomplishment of the award; and,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Director of the Department of Finance is authorized to make all payments, including final payment on the contract, to the extent that sufficient appropriations to the using spending agency are contained in the then current Jackson County budget.
Enacted and Approve...
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