AN ORDINANCE setting the 2015 Jackson County, Missouri, tax levy.
ORDINANCE NO. 4776, September 21, 2015
INTRODUCED BY Scott Burnett, County Legislator
WHEREAS, section 540.00 of the Jackson County Code, requires the County Legislature to adopt a tax levy sufficient to provide for appropriations in the County budget; and,
WHEREAS, sections 137.073 and 137.115, RSMo, and Missouri Constitution, article X, section 22, require political subdivisions, including counties, to revise their tax levies as a result of general reassessment; and,
WHEREAS, the 2015 annual County budget would require the following tax levies on each one hundred dollars of assessed valuation for the fiscal year 2015 after calculation of the levy revision mandated by sections 137.073 and 137.115 and the Missouri Constitution:
General $0.2671
Health $0.2283
Park $0.1427
Special Road and Bridge $0.2014
TOTAL $0.8395
WHEREAS, pursuant to authorization granted in sections 67.500 et seq., RSMo, the qualified voters in Jackson County on November 6, 1979, approved Jackson County Proposition #1 which provided for a county-wide sales tax of one-half cent and a corresponding reduction of the County's total property tax levy annually by seventy percent of the total amount of sales tax revenue in the same tax year; and,
WHEREAS, section 67.505, RSMo, requires that after a county has determined its budget, the total property tax levy must be reduced in an amount sufficient to decrease the total property taxes it will collect by an amount equal to 70% of the sales tax revenue in the same tax year; and,
WHEREAS, this estimate is subject to revisions based upon actual sales tax revenues during the calendar year of 2015, and the permanent levy adopted in September 2016 will reflect an adjustment based on a...
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