A RESOLUTION authorizing the County Executive to execute an agreement with the Mid-America Regional Council for the furnishing of the Kansas City Crisis Center, a substance abuse treatment program to be funded by the County's Anti-Drug Sales Tax Fund, at a cost to the County not to exceed $100,000.00.
RESOLUTION NO. 18925, September 14, 2015
INTRODUCED BY Dennis Waits, County Legislator
WHEREAS, the voters of Jackson County, Missouri, renewed the sales tax to provide funding for the fight against illegal drugs and violent crime in our community; and,
WHEREAS, the proceeds and interest generated from this tax are deposited in a special Jackson County Anti-Drug Sales Tax Trust Fund that is segregated and not commingled with the general fund or any other special funds of the County; and,
WHEREAS, Mid-America Regional Council (MARC) has submitted a proposal to the Jackson County Drug Commission for a two-year pilot project, titled "the Kansas City Crisis Center," to address the need for emergency sobering and stabilization services in our area; and,
WHEREAS, the Kansas City Crisis Center project will provide alternative resources for stabilization and referral for persons presenting with a psychiatric or substance abuse-induced crisis, with emphasis on avoiding the duplication of services already in place; and,
WHEREAS, in addition to funding from the Anti-Drug Sales Tax Fund, the Missouri Department of Mental Health, the Kansas City Metropolitan Healthcare Council, and at least five participating hospitals have committed to be funding partners; and,
WHEREAS, the Jackson County Drug Commission recommends an agreement with MARC for the furnishing of the Kansas City Crisis Center anti-drug treatment program, at a cost to the County not to exceed $100,000.00; and,
WHEREAS, the execution of an agreement for these services with MARC is in the best interests of...
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