AN ORDINANCE renewing the tax of 3.50% of the tariff rate for each local telephone access line, not to exceed 100 lines per person or per location, for emergency telephone service utilizing a single three-digit number "911."
ORDINANCE NO. 4769, September 14, 2015
INTRODUCED BY Scott Burnett, County Legislator
WHEREAS, sections 190.300 et seq., RSMo, as amended, authorized the County Legislature to establish a tax, upon a vote of the people, to finance an emergency telephone service, in an amount not to exceed two percent of the tariff rate, in those areas of the County where emergency 911 telephone service has been contracted for; and,
WHEREAS, pursuant to Ordinance 940, dated January 11, 1982, the proposal was submitted to the voters of Jackson County on August 6, 1982, for their approval of such service and tax, in accordance with section 190.320, RSMo, and a majority of the votes cast on the proposal were in favor thereof; and,
WHEREAS, pursuant to Ordinance 3771, dated May 22, 2006, a proposal was submitted to the voters of the County on August 8, 2006, for their approval of an increased maximum rate of such tax up to seven percent of the tariff rate, and, again, a majority of the votes cast on the proposal were in favor thereof; and,
WHEREAS, area telephone service companies provide 911 emergency telephone service to Jackson County, and collect a tax of 3.50% of the tariff rate for this service, pursuant to Ordinance 4653, date August 14, 2014; and,
WHEREAS, in view of estimated operating costs and plans of the regional E-911 system presented by the Mid-America Regional Council, it is appropriate that the tax be renewed County-wide at a rate of 3.50% of the tariff rate; and,
WHEREAS, the tax rate proposed does not exceed the rate authorized by the voters at the election of August 8, 2006; and,
WHEREAS, the Legislature has determined that, for ...
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