AN ORDINANCE amending the zoning districts established pursuant to the Unified Development Code by changing from District A (Agricultural) to District RR (Residential Ranchette) a certain 5 ± acre tract, for a one-lot residential subdivision.
ORDINANCE #3990, May 5, 2008
BE IT ORDAINED by the County Legislature of Jackson County, Missouri as follows:
Section 1. The Zoning Order of Jackson County, Missouri, and the official maps which are a part thereof, are amended by changing the boundaries of the "A" (Agricultural) District and the "RR" (Residential Ranchette) District, so that there will be transferred from District A to District RR, a tract of land described as follows:
The 5 ± acres are approximately east of Dieckman Road on the south side of Old Lexington Road and north of U.S. Highway 24 and specifically described as a tract of land in the west half of the northwest quarter of Section 21, Township 50N, Range 29W, in Jackson County, Missouri, more particularly described as:
Description: Commencing at the northwest corner of said northwest quarter of Section 21; thence south, along the west line of said northwest quarter of Section 21, a distance of 1294.88 feet, to a point on the south right of way line of east Old Lexington Road, point being the true point of beginning; thence south 80?31'50" east, along said south right of way line, a distance of 215.34 feet; thence along a curve to the right with a chord bearing of south 85?32'50" east, a radius of 1519.40 feet, and an arc length of 265.96 feet; thence south, a distance of 199.87 feet; thence north 81?30'00" west, a distance of 148.35 feet; thence south, a distance of 408.22 feet, to a point on the north right of way line U.S. Highway 24; thence north 76?07'50" west, along said north right of way line, a distance of 340.42 feet, to a point on the west line of said northwest quarter of Se...
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