Floor Amendment
Legislature As a Whole
September 11, 1995
A RESOLUTION setting out the proposed budget for the proceeds of the Jackson County Anti-Drug Sales Tax.
RESOLUTION #10950, September 5, 1995
INTRODUCED BY Lisa White Hardwick, Fred Arbanas, John Patrick Burnett,
James D. Tindall, Dennis Waits, Victor E. Callahan,
Dan Tarwater, Dixie M. Flynn, and John C. Graham,
County Legislators
WHEREAS, the Jackson County Legislature is considering Ordinance 2448, introduced on September 5, 1995, which would submit to the qualified voters of Jackson County a question authorizing Jackson County to continue its countywide anti-drug sales tax (COMBAT) at the rate of one-quarter of one percent for a period of seven years solely for the purpose of investigation and prosecution of those accused of drug-related offenses, the prevention of such offenses, and the incarceration, rehabilitation, treatment, and judicial processing of adult and juvenile violators of drug-related offenses; and,
WHEREAS, the Jackson County Legislature intends that not less than three-quarters (3/4) of 1 percent of the proceeds of this tax to be used for an annual audit and evaluation of the programs supported by this tax beginning in 1997; and,
WHEREAS, the Jackson County Legislature intends the rest of the proceeds of this tax to be used in the amounts and for the purposes as set out in the attached schedule; now therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED by the County Legislature of Jackson County, Missouri, that it is the intent of the Legislature that not less than three-quarters (3/4) of 1 percent of the anti-drug sales tax (COMBAT) be expended for an annual audit and evaluation of the programs supported by this tax beginning in 1997 and that the rest of the proceeds of COMBAT be expended in conformanc...
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