AN ORDINANCE establishing the New Detention Center Capital Project Fund as a dedicated special revenue fund within the County's financial system, appropriating $99,017,979.00 from the Undesignated Fund Balance of the 2023 New Detention Center Capital Project Fund, authorizing the County Executive to execute three contract amendments to the contract with J.E. Dunn-Axiom of Kansas City, MO, for the construction of the new Jackson County Detention Center to cover the guaranteed maximum price, Component 2 (Site Demolition, Site Development, and Earthwork), and Component 2a (Engineering, Detailing, Mockups, and Early Procurement) at an aggregate cost to the County not to exceed $99,017,979.00, and declaring the intent of the County to reimburse itself for this expense from future bond proceeds.
ORDINANCE NO. 5727, March 27, 2023
INTRODUCED BY Charlie Franklin, County Legislator
WHEREAS, after a two-phase nationwide procurement process for qualified design-build teams to design and construct a new Jackson County Detention Center, consisting of RFQ 70-21 distributed to 500 firms, with two firms responding, and RFP 7-22, which resulted in an evaluation of the two detailed proposals by a selection committee consisting of representatives designated by the County Executive, County Legislature, Prosecuting Attorney, Sheriff, and 16th Circuit Court, the joint-venture of J.E. Dunn-Axiom of Kansas City (Jackson County), MO, was recommended by the selection committee; and
WHEREAS, as authorized by Ordinance 5621, dated April 25, 2022, a multiple-phase Design/Build Agreement was approved to cover the entire project, as was a preliminary maximum budget for the design and construction of the entire project and the funding of Phase I of the project, Pre-design and Preliminary Construction Services, at a cost to the County not to exceed $2,871,621.00; and,
WHEREAS, in order to advance the project it is ...
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