A RESOLUTION commending Michael P. Shanahan, Officer in Charge of the Jackson County Drug Enforcement Task Force and wishing him well upon his retirement.
RESOLUTION # 14130, April 15, 2002
INTRODUCED BY Victor E. Callahan, County Legislator
WHEREAS, Michael P. Shanahan is retiring after five years of dedicated service as Officer
in Charge of the Jackson County Drug Enforcement Task Force; and,
WHEREAS, Michael was admitted to the Nebraska State Bar and U. S. District Court in 1969 after receiving his undergraduate and Juris Doctorate degrees from Creighton University, Omaha, Nebraska; and,
WHEREAS, he entered on duty at the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in June 1969 and during his carrier was stationed at the San Antonio, Los Angeles, and Kansas City Divisions of the FBI; and,
WHEREAS, his assignments while employed by the FBI included undercover operations, general investigation, and supervisory responsibilities for Organized Crime and Drugs Programs; and,
WHEREAS his educational accomplishments include FBI (Los Angeles) certified legal instructor, FBI (Los Angeles) general police instructor, FBI (Kansas City) legal instructor - advanced training, FBI (U.S. Department of Defense) polygraph examiner, FBI certified foreign police instructor - FBI Academy, organized crime, and drugs (international training); and,
WHEREAS, in September 1996, Michael retired from the FBI and in October 1996, he accepted an appointment as the Officer in Charge for the Jackson County Drug Enforcement Task Force; and,
WHEREAS, the Jackson County Task Force is comprised of twenty-five personnel representing fourteen municipalities and law enforcement agencies located in Eastern Jackson County, Missouri, and is responsible for drug investigations occurring in this jurisdiction; and,
WHEREAS, Michael’s final assignment at the FBI was to supervise the inve...
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