A RESOLUTION awarding a month-to-month contract extension for the furnishing of food service at the Jackson County Detention Center to Trinity Services Group of Oldsmar, Florida, under the terms and conditions of Invitation to Bid No. 27-21.
RESOLUTION NO. 21870, February 24, 2025
INTRODUCED BY Venessa Huskey, County Legislator
WHEREAS, the Jackson County Detention Center has a need for an experienced food vendor to provide food services to detainees at the Jackson County Detention Center; and,
WHEREAS, the current contract was awarded to Trinity Services Group of Oldsmar, Florida, under the terms and conditions of Invitation to Bid No. 27-21; and,
WHEREAS, to replace that contract, Invitation to Bid No. 24-072 was issued and is currently under evaluation; and,
WHEREAS, while waiting for Invitation to Bid No. 24-072 to conclude, it is necessary to continue such food services to detainees and this can be accomplished with the current provider on a month-to-month basis until new services are established under a new contract; and,
WHEREAS, pursuant to section 1054.6 of the Jackson County Code, the Director of Finance and Purchasing recommends the award of a month-to-month contract, for the furnishing of food services to Trinity Services Group of Oldsmar, FL; now therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED by the County Legislature of Jackson County, Missouri, that award be made as recommended by the Director of Finance and Purchasing, and that the Director be, and is hereby, authorized to execute for the County any documents necessary to the accomplishment of the award; and,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Director of Finance and Purchasing is authorized to make all payments, including final payment on the contract, to the extent that sufficient funds have been appropriated to the using spending agency in the then current Jackson County budget.
Enacted and Approved
Effective Date: This Resolu...
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