Health and Justice
Committee Amendment
July 12, 1999
A RESOLUTION authorizing the County Executive and the Sheriff to execute a recognition agreement with the Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge #50 of the Jackson County Sheriff's Department.
RESOLUTION #12795, June 28, 1999
INTRODUCED BY Terry Young, Legislator
WHEREAS, the Fraternal Order of Police/Jackson County Sheriff's Chapter 3, Lodge #50, represents certain employees of the Jackson County Sheriff's Department: and,
WHEREAS, the Sheriff and the County Executive are willing to meet with the Fraternal Order of the Police/Jackson County Sheriff's Chapter 3, Lodge #50, in order to discuss salaries, benefits, and general working conditions for all sworn deputies, sergeants, courthouse security officers, dispatchers and civilian merit employees: and,
WHEREAS, one of the first steps in the process of a work agreement with between the Sheriff and the FOP is to have the FOP recognized as the bargaining representative for the employees; and
WHEREAS, attached to this resolution, and incorporated herein by reference, is a copy of the recognition agreement necessary for the FOP to engage in negotiations concerning working conditions of its members; and
WHEREAS, the Legislature wants to express its support for the Fraternal Order of Police/ Sheriff's Department Chapter 3, Lodge #50, in its pursuit of employment conditions for their members: therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNTY LEGISLATURE OF JACKSON COUNTY MISSOURI, that the Sheriff and the County Executive are hereby authorized to execute a recognition agreement (a copy of which is attached hereto) recognizing the Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge #50 as the representative authorized to negotiate on behalf of its members;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the parties are to provide the Legislature with any negotiated agreement for its review and for whatev...
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