File #: 5825    Version: 0 Name: Chapter 10 Purchasing Code
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
File created: 12/27/2023 In control: Legislature As A Whole
On agenda: 12/29/2023 Final action: 1/8/2024
Title: AN ORDINANCE enacting sections 1074., 1075., 1076., 1077., 1078., and 1079., Jackson County Code, 1984, relating to County development incentives and responsible bidding on County projects.
Sponsors: Manuel Abarca IV, Venessa Huskey, Jalen Anderson, Donna Peyton
Attachments: 1. 5825 adopted (RETURNED UNSIGNED).pdf
Related files: 5971, 21766, 21765

AN ORDINANCE enacting sections 1074., 1075., 1076., 1077., 1078., and 1079., Jackson County Code, 1984, relating to County development incentives and responsible bidding on County projects.

ORDINANCE NO. 5825, December 29, 2023

INTRODUCED BY Manuel Abarca IV, Venessa Huskey, Jalen Anderson, and
Donna Peyton, County Legislators

WHEREAS, the County has numerous boards and entities incentivizing development and construction including but not limited to Tax Increment Financing ("TIF"), Community Improvement Districts ("CID"); Sales Tax Rebate and Development Agreements per RSMo Ch. 70; Transportation Development Districts ("TDD"); Special Business Districts ("SBD"); Neighborhood Improvement Districts ("NID"), Property Tax Abatement per RSMo Ch. 353; Property Tax Abatement per RSMo Ch. 100; Land Clearance Redevelopment Authorities ("LCRA"); Local Options Economic Development Sales Tax ("LOEDST"); and Brownfields found inside and outside of the Code of County; as well as all County procurement on any public works project, and other bonding, taxing, financing, granting, and incentivizing developments not through boards and entities (hereinafter all referred to as "incentivizing vehicles"; and,

WHEREAS, the County also has an interest in leveraging, to the greatest extent possible, the funds that it spends and foregoes, either by taxes or fees, by contracting with private firms or other public or quasi-public firms for services, infrastructure, and construction to and for the County's benefit, as well as to benefit its residents and business community; and,
WHEREAS, the County has a further interest in ensuring there are adequate skilled and trained individuals available to perform the work necessary in every aspect of the heavy, building and construction trades so that the County can meet its needs now and in the future with the most up-to-date and safe practices available; and,


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