A RESOLUTION authorizing the County Executive to execute a Second Addendum to the Agreement with Midwest Christian Counseling Center, extending the Agreement to March 31, 1996, at no additional cost to the County.
RESOLUTION #11159, February 12, 1996
INTRODUCED BY Dennis Waits, County Legislator
WHEREAS, the Jackson County Legislature, through Resolution #10594, dated December 12, 1994, approved a contract with Midwest Christian Counseling Center, in the amount of $25,000, to provide substance abuse treatment services; and,
WHEREAS, through Resolution #11015, dated November 13, 1995, a first Addendum to the Agreement in the amount of $2,083 was executed, extending the Agreement to December 31, 1995, to coincide with the completion of all other contracts with treatment agencies; and,
WHEREAS, the treatment review panel made recommendations for Midwest Christian Counseling Center in its review of the Center's 1995 contract; and,
WHEREAS, one of the recommendations by the treatment review panel was that Midwest Christian Counseling Center pursue and obtain state certification; and,
WHEREAS, Midwest Christian Counseling Center does not believe that a certification effort would be cost effective enough to warrant the continued provision of services; and,
WHEREAS, in negotiations with staff and Midwest Counseling Center, in the implementation of the treatment review panel's recommendations, both parties mutually agreed that COMBAT funding will be discontinued for Midwest Christian Counseling Center's substance abuse program in 1996; and,.
WHEREAS, Midwest Christian Counseling Center requests an extension of the original Agreement so that it can conclude their current substance abuse treatment program in a timely and efficient manner for current clients; and,
WHEREAS, sufficient funding remains encumbered under Midwest Christian Counseling Center's original ...
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