AN ORDINANCE repealing subsections 2066.6., 2066.7., and 2066.8., Jackson County Code, 1984, relating to a senior tax credit, and enacting, in lieu thereof, four new subsections relating to the same subject.
ORDINANCE NO. 5965, March 6, 2025
INTRODUCED BY Megan L. Marshall, County Legislator
BE IT ORDAINED by the County Legislature of Jackson County, Missouri as follows:
Section A. Enacting Clause. Sections 2066.6., 2066.7., 2066.8., and 2066.9., Jackson County Code, 1984, are hereby repealed and four new subsections enacted in lieu thereof, to be known as section 2066.6., 2066.7., 2066.8., and 2066.9., to read as follows:
2066.6 Establishment Of Application Process By Director of Collection.
The Jackson County Director of Collection shall create an application process that will allow eligible taxpayers residing in Jackson County to request a tax credit beginning in tax year 2024.
a. An application form shall be designed in such a way that it is easily understood by members of the general public, and shall request, at a minimum, the following information:
1. Taxpayer name; and
2. Proof of age; and
3. Proof of residency at Homestead address; and
4. Written proof of ownership or legal or equitable interest in the homestead property; and
5. An affirmation that the eligible taxpayer is not knowingly providing false information in
support of the application.
b. Eligible taxpayers will be required to timely submit complete applications to the Department of Collection on or before June 30th of the year following their initial credit year.
c. The application form shall be made available to the public electronically on the Collector's website, as well as in paper format.
[2066.6] 2066.7 Implementation. The [County governing body] Director of Collection shall be authorized and empowered to adopt such rules and procedures as are necessary in order to carry out and implement the provisions of this ...
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