File #: 15889    Version: 0 Name: artist mentors for MyARTS program
Type: Resolution Status: Passed
File created: 5/9/2006 In control: (R)Anti-Drug Committee
On agenda: 5/9/2006 Final action: 5/15/2006
Title: A RESOLUTION authorizing the County Executive to execute agreements with Jason Needham of Kansas City, KS, Jennifer Osborne of Kansas City, KS, Elaina Wendt of Kansas City, MO, and Tiffany M. Lippincott of Albany, MO, to serve as artist mentors for the MyARTS program, at an actual aggregate cost to the County not to exceed $57,600.00.
Sponsors: Dan Tarwater III

A RESOLUTION authorizing the County Executive to execute agreements with Jason Needham of Kansas City, KS, Jennifer Osborne of Kansas City, KS, Elaina Wendt of Kansas City, MO, and Tiffany M. Lippincott of Albany, MO, to serve as artist mentors for the MyARTS program, at an actual aggregate cost to the County not to exceed $57,600.00.

RESOLUTION # 15889, May 9, 2006

INTRODUCED BY Dan Tarwater, County Legislator

WHEREAS, the Prosecuting Attorney recommends the execution of agreements with the following artists at the rates indicated below, as artist mentors for the MyARTS program, at an actual aggregate cost to the County not to exceed of $57,600.00;
Jason Needham $20/hour @ 25 hrs/week $16,000
Kansas City, KS

Jennifer Osborne $20/hour @ 25 hrs/week $16,000
Kansas City, KS

Elaina Wendt $20/hour @ 20 hrs/week $12,800
Kansas City, MO

Tiffany Lippincott $20/hour @ 20 hrs/week $12,800
Albany, MO

WHEREAS, the MyARTS program exposes high risk youth to a variety of possible work opportunities through a 72-hour apprenticeship, followed by a paid part-time entrepreneurship position; and,

WHEREAS, the artist mentors will provide training through the MyARTS apprenticeship program in the areas of entrepreneurship, business law, accounting, selling, promotions/marketing, and research as outlined in the budget and responsibilities documents attached hereto as Exhibit A; now therefore,

BE IT RESOLVED by the County Legislature of Jackson County, MO, that the County Executive be and hereby is authorized to execute agreements with Jason Needham of Kansas City, MO, Jennifer Osborne of Kansas City, MO, Elaina Wendt of Kansas City, MO, and Tiffany M. Lippincott of Albany, MO, at an actual aggregate cost to the County not to exceed $57,600.00, in a form to be approved by the County Counselor; and,

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Director of Finance and Purchasing be and he...

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