AN ORDINANCE repealing Ordinance 2549, dated June 17, 1996, authorizing the exemption of the positions of pretrial clerk, pretrial officer, and pretrial unit supervisor, all within the Office of the County Counselor, from the provisions of the Merit System, and amending Schedule V to Chapter 2, Jackson County Code, 1984, relating to the salaries of non-merit employees.
ORDINANCE 2628, January 29, 1997
INTRODUCED BY Victor E. Callahan, County Legislator
WHEREAS, a key feature of the County's plan to reduce crowding in the Jackson County Detention Center, approved by the United States District Court in Hall v. Jackson County Department of Corrections, Case No. 84-1200-CV-W-1, is the implementation of an enhanced pretrial services program; and,
WHEREAS, this program will allow the county to more closely supervise more criminal defendants awaiting trial, defendants who otherwise might have to be confined in the detention center; and,
WHEREAS, it was originally anticipated that the Missouri Division of Probation and Parole would operate this program for the county, which arrangement was approved by the Legislature pursuant to Ordinance 2549, dated June 17, 1996; and,
WHEREAS, it now appears that the County and Division will be unable to formalize a contract for the program, due to certain legal and budgetary restrictions upon the state; and,
WHEREAS, it remains incumbent on the County to move forward with the program to remain in compliance with the federal court order; and,
WHEREAS, the required new positions best fit into the County's organizational structure in the office of the County Counselor, where they will be supervised by the County's Population Control Administrator; and,
WHEREAS, due to the close involvement these positions will have in the judicial process as well as their role in the County's litigation strategy in Hall v. Jackson County Department of Co...
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