AN ORDINANCE establishing the "CARES Act Fund" as a separate special revenue fund of the County, transferring $3,613,603.00 within the 2020 General Fund, $4,900,000.00 within the 2020 Health Fund, and $181,203.00 within the 2020 Anti-Crime Sales Tax Fund, and appropriating $8,694,806.00 from the undesignated fund balance of the 2020 CARES Act Fund.
ORDINANCE NO. 5333, May 4, 2020
INTRODUCED BY Crystal Williams, County Legislator
WHEREAS, by the recent Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security ("CARES") Act, the U.S. Congress has made funds available, through a federal Coronavirus Relief Fund, to state and local governments, including Jackson County, to assist them in navigating the impact of the current and ongoing Coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic; and,
WHEREAS, the CARES Act requires that monies from the federal fund may be used only to cover expenses that are necessarily incurred due to the current coronavirus/COVID-19 public health emergency, were not included in a governmental unit's most recent annual budget as of March 27,2020, and were or are to be incurred or committed during the period from March 1 through December 31, 2020; and,
WHEREAS, the County has recently received its allocation of CARES Act funds from the U.S Treasury in the amount of $122,669,998.30; and,
WHEREAS, in view of the restrictions placed on the use of these CARES Act funds, it is appropriate that these funds be maintained in a separate County special revenue fund, to be designated the "CARES Act Fund," and not commingled with the general or other special revenue funds of the County; and,
WHEREAS, previous actions of the Legislature, specifically Ordinance 5322, dated March 30, 2020, Ordinance 5326, dated April 6, 2020, Ordinance 5329, dated April 27, 2020, and Resolution 20415, dated April 20, 2020, have allocated other County funds for Coronavirus/COVID-19 relief purposes, with the expectation th...
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