A RESOLUTION authorizing the Trustees of the Land Trust of Jackson County to convey three parcels of real property located in Kansas City, Missouri, to Palestine Neighborhood Development Corporation of Kansas City, MO, for the rehabilitation and redevelopment of the urban core in accordance with section 141.750.2, RSMo 2000.
RESOLUTION #17591, May 10, 2011
INTRODUCED BY Scott Burnett, County Legislator
WHEREAS, section 141.750.2, RSMo 2000, authorizes the Trustees of the Land Trust of Jackson County to convey title in fee simple for consideration less than two-thirds of the appraised value of a property, only after the consent of at least two of the Trustees' appointing authorities; and,
WHEREAS, the City of Kansas City, Missouri, by its Resolution 110072, approved February 10, 2011, has delegated the authority to its Director of Neighborhood and Community Services Department to approve the transfer of blighted properties held by Land Trust of Jackson County to neighborhood-based non-profit corporations for rehabilitation; and,
WHEREAS, by Resolution 17509, dated February 14, 2011, the Legislature did express its support for these efforts of the City Council and staff of the City of Kansas City to reduce blight in the city's urban core; and,
WHEREAS, the City of Kansas City, Missouri Director Neighborhood and Community Services Department has recommended that the properties located at 3335 College Avenue, 3337 College Avenue, and 3438 Indiana, all located in Kansas City, MO, legally described in the attached Exhibit A, be conveyed to Palestine Neighborhood Development Corporation of Kansas City (Jackson County), MO, a Missouri non-profit corporation, to cultivate into a community garden and outdoor classroom in an effort to curb blight within the urban core; now therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED by the County Legislature of Jackson County, Missouri, that the Land Trust Trustees be allowed to convey the property listed on Exhibit A, for an amount of less than two-thirds market value, to Palestine Neighborhood Development Corporation, a Missouri non-profit corporation, for the purpose of better maintaining this property and revitalizing the area in which it is located; and,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Legislature of Jackson County, Missouri, encourages the Land Trust Trustees to include and enforce reversionary clauses in the conveyances regarding redevelopment of the properties within a prescribed time frame; and,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Land Trust Trustees are hereby authorized to execute any and all necessary documents to convey the above-described property for less than two-thirds market value.
Enacted and Approved
Effective Date: This Resolution shall be effective immediately upon its passage by a majority of the Legislature.
____________________________ ______________________________
Chief Deputy County Counselor County Counselor
Certificate of Passage
I hereby certify that the attached resolution, Resolution #17591 of May 10, 2011, was duly passed on May 10, 2011 by the Jackson County Legislature. The votes thereon were as follows:
Yeas _______7________ Nays ______0________
Abstaining ______0_____ Absent ______2______
________________________ ______________________________
Date Mary Jo Spino, Clerk of Legislature
Address Parcel Number Legal Description
3335 College Ave. 28930241600000000 Brougham Park subdivision
Kansas City, MO South 19' of Lot 40 and
North 11' of Lot 41
3337 College Ave. 28930241700000000 Brougham Park subdivision
Kansas City, MO South 24' of Lot 41 and North 6' of Lot 42
3438 Indiana 28930252800000000 Brougham Park subdivision
Kansas City, MO North 11.48' of Lot 66 and
South 21.52' of Lot 67