File #: 5961    Version: 0 Name: Zoning - Brookson Capital LLC
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
File created: 1/29/2025 In control: Land Use Committee
On agenda: 2/19/2025 Final action: 2/24/2025
Title: AN ORDINANCE amending the zoning districts established pursuant to the Unified Development Code by rezoning a certain 10.00? acre tract from District AG (Agricultural) to District RE (Residential Estates).
Sponsors: Megan L. Marshall
Attachments: 1. 5961 adopted, 2. RLA, 3. RZ-2025-688 Zoning Support Documentation




AN ORDINANCE amending the zoning districts established pursuant to the Unified Development Code by rezoning a certain 10.00± acre tract from District AG (Agricultural) to District RE (Residential Estates).



ORDINANCE NO. 5961, February 19, 2025




 BE IT ORDAINED by the County Legislature of Jackson County, Missouri as follows:


Section 1. The Zoning Order of Jackson County, Missouri, and the official maps which are a part thereof, are amended by changing the boundaries of the "AG" (Agricultural) and “RE” (Residential Estates) Districts, so that there will be transferred from District AG to District RE a 10.00± tract of land located at 3021 S. Buckner Tarsney Road in Jackson County, MO, legally described as follows:


Description: The South half of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of

Section 14, Township 49, Range 30, Jackson County, Missouri, except that part

described as follows:


Beginning at the Southeast corner of the Northwest Quarter of said

Section 14, Township 49, Range 30; thence North 88 degrees West 32 minutes 44

seconds West, a distance of 1263.00 feet, to the East right-of-way of Buckner Tarsney

Road (State Route BB), thence along said right-of-way, North 01 degrees 39 minutes 19

seconds East, a distance of 61.79 feet; thence leaving said right-of-way, South 88

degrees 36 minutes 09 East, a distance of 669.35 feet, thence North 01 degrees 58

minutes 41 seconds East, a distance of 600.03 feet, to the North line of said South half

of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter; thence along said North line, South

88 degrees 36 minutes 12 seconds East, a distance of 593.76 feet; thence South 01

degrees 57 minutes 25 seconds West, a distance of 663.08 feet, to the point of





Section 2. The Legislature, pursuant to the application of Brookson Capital, LLC, (RZ-2025-688), requesting the amendment embodied in this Ordinance and with notice that the Jackson County Plan Commission voted 7 to 0 to recommend APPROVAL of this application after a public hearing on January 16, 2025, does hereby adopt this Ordinance pursuant to the Jackson County Charter authorizing the Legislature to exercise legislative power pertaining to planning and zoning.

































Enacted and Approved

Effective Date: This Ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its signature by the County Executive.







County Counselor



                     I hereby certify that the attached ordinance, Ordinance No. 5961 introduced on February 19, 2025, was duly passed on February 24, 2025 by the Jackson County Legislature. The votes thereon were as follows:



                                          Yeas ______9_________                                          Nays ______0________



                                          Abstaining ____0_______                                          Absent _____0_______



This Ordinance is hereby transmitted to the County Executive for his signature.




_____________________________                                          ________________________________

Date                                                                                                                                                   Mary Jo Spino, Clerk of Legislature



I hereby approve the attached Ordinance No. 5961.




_______________________                                                               ________________________________

Date                                                                                                                                                   Frank White, Jr., County Executive