AN ORDINANCE repealing section 1803., Jackson County Code, 1984, relating to the County Municipal Court, and enacting, in lieu thereof, one new section relating to the same subject.
ORDINANCE #4411, April 23, 2012
INTRODUCED BY Dennis Waits, County Legislator
WHEREAS, by Ordinance 4398, dated March 19, 2012, the Legislature did repeal section 1803., Jackson County Code, 1984, and enact one new section related to the compensation of the County Municipal Court judge; and,
WHEREAS, due to a miscommunication among staff, the amount of compensation for the Municipal Court judge was erroneously specified in that Ordinance; and,
WHEREAS, this error must be corrected; now therefore,
BE IT ORDAINED by the County Legislature of Jackson County, Missouri, as follows:
Section A. Enacting Clause. Section 1803., Jackson County Code, 1984, is hereby repealed, and one new section enacted in lieu thereof, to be known as section 1803., to read as follows:
1803. Judges.
1803.1 Appointment.
The County Executive may appoint one (1) judge of the County Municipal Court, subject to the disapproval of the County Legislature, according to such procedures as the County Executive may promulgate by Executive Order.
1803.2 Qualifications.
Any judge appointed to the County Municipal Court shall be licensed to practice law in the state of Missouri, shall be a resident of the County, and shall serve for a term of two (2) years but may be removed sooner, with or without cause, by the County Executive. The County Executive may appoint temporary or acting judges in order to handle the work of the court during the disability or absence of a County Municipal judge; said appointment may be made by the County Executive prior to any disability or absence of a County Municipal judge. No temporary or acting judge shall be appointed for a term longer than two (2) years but may be removed sooner, with or without cause, by the County Executive.
1803.3 Limitations.
A judge appointed as a County Municipal Court judge shall not accept or handle cases in his or her practice of law which are inconsistent with his or her duties as a County Municipal Court judge. A judge, upon authorization by the circuit court of the sixteenth judicial circuit, may act as a commissioner to hear in the first instance nonfelony violations of state law involving motor vehicles as provided by local rule.
1803.4. Compensation.
A judge appointed under this section shall not receive any of the benefits of a Jackson County employee. Compensation of a County Municipal Court judge shall be [thirty-four] thirty-eight thousand five hundred dollars ($[34,500.00] 38,500.00) per annum. Each County Municipal Court judge shall devote such time as is necessary to discharge his or her duties. The compensation for a temporary or acting judge shall be established by the County Executive but shall not exceed one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00) per diem.
Enacted and Approved
Effective Date: This Ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its signature by the County Executive.
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Chief Deputy County Counselor County Counselor
I hereby certify that the attached Ordinance, Ordinance #4411 introduced on April 30, 2012, was duly passed on May 14, 2012 by the Jackson County Legislature. In the votes thereon were as follows:
Yeas ________8______ Nays _______0_______
Abstaining ____0______ Absent ______1_______
This Ordinance is hereby transmitted to the County Executive for his signature.
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Date Mary Jo Spino, Clerk of Legislature
I hereby approve the attached Ordinance #4411.
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Date Michael D. Sanders, County Executive