File #: 4546    Version: 0 Name: MOU w/ Kansas Bureau of Investigation
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
File created: 7/29/2013 In control: County Legislature
On agenda: 7/29/2013 Final action: 7/29/2013
Title: AN ORDINANCE appropriating $47,786.00 from the fund balance of the 2013 Grant Fund in acceptance of a grant received from the United States Executive Office of the President's Midwest High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area Investigative Support Center Initiative for use by the Jackson County Sheriff's Office and authorizing the County Executive to execute a Memorandum of Understanding with the Kansas Bureau of Investigation.
Sponsors: James D. Tindall
Attachments: 1. 4546bu.pdf, 2. 4546adopt.pdf, 3. 4546MOU.pdf
Related files: 4772, 4627, 4736, 4771, 4811, 5013
AN ORDINANCE appropriating $47,786.00 from the fund balance of the 2013 Grant Fund in acceptance of a grant received from the United States Executive Office of the President's Midwest High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area Investigative Support Center Initiative for use by the Jackson County Sheriff's Office and authorizing the County Executive to execute a Memorandum of Understanding with the Kansas Bureau of Investigation.
ORDINANCE NO. 4546, July 29, 2013
INTRODUCED BY James D. Tindall, County Legislator
WHEREAS, the United States Executive Office of the President's Midwest High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) Investigative Support Center has allocated a total of $47,786.00, for an intelligence analyst to be hired by the Jackson County Sheriff's Office, for the period of January 1, 2013, to December 31, 2014; and,
WHEREAS, the attached Memorandum of Understanding with the Kansas Bureau of Investigation, which will serve as the Fiscal Agent for this grant, provides a suitable mechanism by which to implement this arrangement; and,
WHEREAS, an appropriation is necessary to place these grant funds in the appropriate spending accounts; now therefore,
BE IT ORDAINED by the County Legislature of Jackson County, Missouri, that the following appropriation be and hereby is made from the undesignated fund balance of the 2013 Grant Fund:
Grant Fund
HIDTA - High Intensity Drug                                                
Trafficking Area
010-4251                        45419 - Increase Revenue            $47,786
010-2810                        Undesignated Fund Balance                    $47,786
010-2810                        Undesignated Fund Balance      $47,786      
010-4251                        55010 - Regular Salaries                               $21,978
010-4251                        55030 - Overtime                                          $  6,857
010-4251                        55040 - FICA                                $  2,206
010-4251                        55060 - Insurance                                $  8,018
010-4251                        56630 - Rent - Auto Equipment                    $  5,280
010-4251                        56643 - Mobile Phone/Pager Rental              $     447
010-4251                        57110 - Gasoline                                $  3,000
BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the County Executive be and hereby is authorized to execute the attached Memorandum of Understanding with the Kansas Bureau of Investigation and any and all other documents necessary to give effect to this grant.
Enacted and Approved
Effective Date:  This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its signature by the County Executive.
______________________________              ____________________________
Chief Deputy County Counselor                  County Counselor
      I hereby certify that the attached Ordinance, Ordinance No. 4546 introduced on July 29, 2013, was duly passed on  July 29,2013 by the Jackson County Legislature.  The votes thereon were as follows:
            Yeas ________9_______                  Nays _______0______
            Abstaining ____0_______                  Absent ______0______
This Ordinance is hereby transmitted to the County Executive for his signature.
____________________                          ____________________________
Date                                                 Mary Jo Spino, Clerk of Legislature
I hereby approve the attached Ordinance No. 4546.
____________________                         _______________________________
Date                                          Michael D. Sanders, County Executive
Fiscal Note
Funds sufficient for this appropriation are available from the source indicated below.
ACCOUNT NUMBER:      010      2810       
ACCOUNT TITLE:          Grant Fund
                        Undesignated Fund Balance
NOT TO EXCEED:        $47,786.00
_________________________                  _____________________________
Date                                          Director of Finance and Purchasing