File #: 2535    Version: 0 Name: Anti-Drug Sales Tax
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
File created: 5/6/1996 In control: Clerk of the County Legislature
On agenda: Final action: 5/6/1996
Title: AN ORDINANCE repealing 9308., Jackson County Code, 1984, relating to the Anti-Drug Sales Tax.
Sponsors: John Patrick Burnett, Victor E. Callahan, Dan Tarwater III
Attachments: 1. 2535adopt
IN THE COUNTY LEGISLATURE OF JACKSON COUNTY, MISSOURI Title AN ORDINANCE repealing 9308., Jackson County Code, 1984, relating to the Anti-Drug Sales Tax. Intro ORDINANCE 2535, May 6, 1996 INTRODUCED BY John Patrick Burnett, Victor E. Callahan, and Dan Tarwater, County Legislators Body BE IT ORDAINED by the County Legislature of Jackson County, Missouri, as follows: Section A. Enacting Clause. Section 9308., Jackson County Code, 1984, is hereby repealed. [9308. County Counselor to Serve as Coordinator of Drug Defense. The county counselor shall serve as the county's coordinator of matters relating to the appointment of attorneys to defend indigent persons charged with drug-related offenses. The duties of the county counselor in this regard shall include, but shall not be limited to, the following: 9308.1 Standards for Appointed Counsel. The county counselor shall develop standards and qualifications for attorneys which, if met, will evidence an attorney's ability to competently and professionally represent indigent persons charged with drug related offenses. 9308.2 Fee Schedule. The county counselor shall develop and publish a schedule of fees, which may be flat, hourly, or daily rates, or any combination thereof, and which are appropriate for the representation of indigent persons charged with drug related offenses. 9308.3 Listing of Qualified Attorneys. The county counselor shall ascertain from attorneys possessing the required qualifications and meeting the published standards their interest in representing indigent persons charged with drug related offenses and shall prepare and publish a listing of same. The listing shall be kept current and updated as necessary. 9308.4 Provide Listing to Circuit Court. The county counselor shall provide the listing of qualified attorneys to the circuit court for the court's consideration for appointment as defense counsel for indigent persons charged with drug related offenses. 9308.5 Approve Payment. Upon application for attorney's fees and expenses filed by an attorney who is included on the county counselor's listing, who has been appointed by the circuit court to represent an indigent person charged with a drug related offense, and whose representation of said indigent person in the circuit court has been completed, the county counselor shall approve for payment, out of funds appropriated for that purpose, a fee according to the established fee schedule. No fee application by any attorney not on the county counselor's listing shall be paid out of county anti- drug sales tax funds.] Attorney Effective Date: This Ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage by the County Executive. APPROVED AS TO FORM: ____________________________ ______________________________ County Counselor I hereby certify that the attached Ordinance, Ordinance #2535 introduced on May 6, 1996, was duly passed on _________May 6__________, 1996 by the Jackson County Legislature. The votes thereon were as follows: Yeas ______7________ Nays ______0_______ Abstaining ____0_____ Absent _____2______ This Ordinance is hereby transmitted to the County Executive for her signature. __________________ _____________________________________ Date Mary Jo Brogoto, Clerk of Legislature I hereby approve the attached Ordinance #2535. __________________ _____________________________________ Date Katheryn J. Shields, County Executive